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Re: rant board

Post by ThunderDasher »

Ko9 wrote:You are right... It is just, when I rant I become a republican.
Political stance doesn't matter when throwing barbs at human stupidity overall.

Sadly, there's a LOT of people shallow like that; appearance is all. Like reed said, blowup dolls...

Of course, let's not be hypocrites here. Appearances matter, fact. It would be a lie if anyone would come and say that there aren't people, or aesthetic standards, that they find either beautiful or ugly as hell. The problem, of course, arises when the looks are the only defining factor for... well, whatever it may be.

Is it just me, or does this work the other way around too? This problem has gone on for so long that the current trend seems to be to not acknowledge appearances altogether, or to label everything as "not ugly because wah wah discrimination", in a bizarre form of counter-culture. I mean, sure, judging anyone by looks alone is dumb. But whenever the issue of appearance DOES pop up, it seems to be an arguement you simply cannot use, because if you have a subjective taste for aesthetics, you're a shallow mofo who judges only by your standards of beauty. You know, the kind of extremes the world seems to be diving deeper and deeper into. As we say here in Brazil, "8 or 80".

Ain't it beautiful, this age we live in? The peak of the time where you can get shot (figuratively speaking, and only figuratively, I hope) for having an opinion, whichever it may be. There's always a way to make the other person look like some sort of monster for thinking anything.

~le edit: I may or may not have flown well off the tangent of the current conversation. I'm sleepy. dont bulli me pls
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Re: rant board

Post by Empoeria »

ThunderDasher wrote:Is it just me, or does this work the other way around too? This problem has gone on for so long that the current trend seems to be to not acknowledge appearances altogether, or to label everything as "not ugly because wah wah discrimination", in a bizarre form of counter-culture.
Yeah, everyone has to tread lightly so as to not "hurt anyone's feelings". Barf. Yes, some things about what's attractive are highly subjective, but other things aren't. Like symmetry. Or proportions. But that doesn't mean that "not conventionally attractive" people are doomed to be rejected forever. A lot of it also depends on how you present and hold yourself. It's just more complex than "society is discriminating against me bla bla cri". I'm annoyed.

There's this writing course I'm in at uni and of course, the inevitable discussion about keeping language gender-neutral came up, because apparently nowadays anything that even alludes to males in language is harmful? Even if it's plural and therefore refering to people of both genders? And the only thing they really care about is the article because it's masculine? God, kill me. Postmodernism is ruining everything.
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Re: rant board

Post by ThunderDasher »

Empoeria wrote:There's this writing course I'm in at uni and of course, the inevitable discussion about keeping language gender-neutral came up, because apparently nowadays anything that even alludes to males in language is harmful? Even if it's plural and therefore refering to people of both genders? And the only thing they really care about is the article because it's masculine? God, kill me. Postmodernism is ruining everything.
I can only imagine...

Oh, no, wait, I can, because I have it worse. Portuguese (all variations, AFAIK) use gendered pronouns for everything. It's not like in English where objects are "it"; there is no "it" in the language, so words are given either masculine or feminine articles depending on some-rule-I-honestly-do-not-know, but perhaps it simply became that way over the centuries; so "chair" carries female articles ("a cadeira"), "fork" carries male articles ("o garfo"), and so on for every single noun in the language. And, of course, some words are altered depending on who you're talking about; "friend" can be "amigo" (male) or "amiga" (female), which has led to the kinds of discussion you see everywhere, just up to eleven.

Thankfully these heated debates - or should I say, exercises in futility - aren't really popular at all, usually the weird social justice warrior that stalk Facebook pages that only like-minded people read anyway, but the fact that this hasn't caused anything bigger kinda baffles me in a good way. Or maybe I give people less credit than they deserve, and folks over here really do not give a damn about this "issue" either, hence the very isolated cases despite the potential.
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Re: rant board

Post by Augustus »

OKAY, first of all (This isn't directed to anyone specific since the a person on the forum did the same).
So, if you are an artist great, absolutly. But I hate commisions. OKAY. I do. First of all I think an artist having a patreon is fine. So maybe when an artist could just post: Hey! If anyone likes my art just DM me I can send it to you in the mail. FINE. But stop labeling fucking names to when you make art. OKAY. You make art, sell it in DM's. And STOP spamming with I have commissions. Again, this is not a rant about a person on the forum. It is a rant about tumblr and deviant artist. I majorly suport just using DM's. And I am saving money to once have a piece of art from my faverout artists. Anyway, don't take this personal. Piece.
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Re: rant board

Post by Jatsko »

...not sure if I'm fully understanding you; is there a specific situation you could give as an example?
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Re: rant board

Post by reed »

So today I've been carrying paperwork to and fro again, and fuck, I'm tired of being a punching bag for every bureaucrat who just feels like randomly yelling anytime they can get away with it (spoiler -- always). I'm done.
no, you're not getting out of here. no way.

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Re: rant board

Post by Augustus »

That sucks ass reed...
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Re: rant board

Post by Jatsko »


Jesus Christ it can be really hard to know how to deal with you sometimes.

I don't know why following the rules in the fanart voting thread is so difficult for you, and how you managed to do basically everything backwards, but that's not as important as the fact that you clearly and blatantly will refuse to change it when other people ask you to. Do you not realize that the reason everyone does it the same way is to make it easier for people like Vortex to total up the points and get the results faster? You're making his job harder and disrespecting him by basically saying "fuck your guidelines, I'll do what I want".

And honestly, me recognizing all of this pissed me off, and I had no qualms of saying I was frustrated and how it felt like sometimes I'm "babysitting" you because you just won't commit to doing certain things. And of course you had the brilliant idea to respond in a very mature and ((((((adult)))))) manner with the baby video.

I don't know if you're just in a funk or whatever, but it's really, REALLY difficult to listen to how you're always saying you can't do anything right when you turn around and consciously, actively be a dick and not give a fuck about other people. So make a decision on whether you want to make crappy choices and deal with the fact that other people don't like when you do them, or fix them. Don't play both sides.

As for me, I'm just going to start tuning everything out you do that pulls me and others in both directions and make us feel conflicted because honestly I'm sick and tired of it and it's not worth my time and energy.

Have a swell day everyone
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Re: rant board

Post by Empoeria »

Apocrypha wrote:Do you not realize that the reason everyone does it the same way is to make it easier for people like Vortex to total up the points and get the results faster? You're making his job harder and disrespecting him by basically saying "fuck your guidelines, I'll do what I want".
This. Besides the fact I agree with everything Apoc said; this is the main reason I'm pissed as well. Vortex made it very clear he's busy working on his Master's thesis and he hasn't been around on Skype in like a month, but he's still making this contest happen for us. By acting childish and refusing to follow the rules you're basically saying "fuck you Vortex and deal with my whims". It's really ungrateful.

Ko9 you're not a bad person but God knows you love making it very difficult for people to like you and be nice to you by acting this way. If you want to be treated positively and like a mature person and member of this community I suggest you grow the fuck up. I'm tired of having to say stuff like this.
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Re: rant board

Post by Jatsko »

Ok, Vortex, I'm genuinely confused.

What's the proper format for voting in the fanart contest? So we line them up by when they were submitted as you did, or do we line them up in ascending order like you said?

(And also, when you make an example can you reorder them in something other than their submitted order, as I think that's confusing to some people?)
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