Political stance doesn't matter when throwing barbs at human stupidity overall.Ko9 wrote:You are right... It is just, when I rant I become a republican.
Sadly, there's a LOT of people shallow like that; appearance is all. Like reed said, blowup dolls...
Of course, let's not be hypocrites here. Appearances matter, fact. It would be a lie if anyone would come and say that there aren't people, or aesthetic standards, that they find either beautiful or ugly as hell. The problem, of course, arises when the looks are the only defining factor for... well, whatever it may be.
Is it just me, or does this work the other way around too? This problem has gone on for so long that the current trend seems to be to not acknowledge appearances altogether, or to label everything as "not ugly because wah wah discrimination", in a bizarre form of counter-culture. I mean, sure, judging anyone by looks alone is dumb. But whenever the issue of appearance DOES pop up, it seems to be an arguement you simply cannot use, because if you have a subjective taste for aesthetics, you're a shallow mofo who judges only by your standards of beauty. You know, the kind of extremes the world seems to be diving deeper and deeper into. As we say here in Brazil, "8 or 80".
Ain't it beautiful, this age we live in? The peak of the time where you can get shot (figuratively speaking, and only figuratively, I hope) for having an opinion, whichever it may be. There's always a way to make the other person look like some sort of monster for thinking anything.
~le edit: I may or may not have flown well off the tangent of the current conversation. I'm sleepy. dont bulli me pls