Sundex's Theories

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Re: Sundex's Theories

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(Theory Redacted)
Last edited by Sundex on 03 Nov 2017 03:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Scrapped ideas & New ideas

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Chryoyo and I have speculated the nature of the predecessor. Having knowledge that this would be a more relevant question then the previous one I had in mind, the 1st idea for my 6th theory will be scrapped. Therefore, instead of a semi-irrelevant theory coming out late November, a relevant theory on the nature of the predecessor (which will include details unexplained before) will be discussed, a rough draft will be posted on Pastel Forums in early December, and a final draft will be posted on the Wiki to celebrate the New Year. Until then, most of my speculations will be held on the discord.

EDIT: The nature of the predecessor hit a roadblock. So now I am attempting a much better explanation on Karmic Energy. Unlike the previous one, this theory enrichment will consist of 3 parts. Each one will be it's separate theory so you can vote on them as needed.

Part 1 will be on Karma portals. I know I risk a debunked theory (see theory #3) if I use this concept, but it's a way for me to to learn from past mistakes and help myself create something better. This will discuss on the 2 main colors that we see: Blue and Green. It will discuss their properties in a more sophisticated manner, along with a way to differentiate between the two apart from color.

Part 2 will be on Wisdom gems. It will discuss possible differences with each type we see in a literal perspective. Such examples include properties of glow, color and levitation.

Since this theory will be lengthy, even with the 2 part separation, you wouldexpect rough drafts not to come until early 2018, with final drafts probably not be posted until mid 2018. However, whoever knows me well knows that I am SANIC when it comes to theory crafting. So instead of it being as such, all rough drafts might be finished before late November and all final drafts might be finished by mid December. Perferably December 14th as a birthday present from the birthday guy to the people of this community.
Last edited by Sundex on 05 Nov 2017 05:17, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sundex's Theories

Post by Jatsko »

If you want each of the three parts to be its own theory then they should probably each be formatted as such.

But, there's really no need for you to have any details about the theory about the theory on the Wiki page at all at this time; you've put nothing down except for a few titles. There's nothing wrong with not posting absolutely anything until you're submitting a draft. It's just more clutter for us to sift through, should we care to. Do realize that the page is part of a Wiki; even though the theory pages are a bit different, they still should be looked after with formal presentation, and having a bare skeleton of a theory without any content is relatively unsightly.

Finally, who wants to place bets on how long you will last before he has the need to write something down for us to see? Not gonna last until 2018 XD
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Re: Sundex's Theories

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Apocrypha wrote:Finally, who wants to place bets on how long you will last before he has the need to write something down for us to see? Not gonna last until 2018 XD
Correct. I'll probably give updates on my progress every....week or so? Maybe monthly if Sundex could keep me from doing it weekly.
Last edited by Sundex on 04 Nov 2017 18:55, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sundex's Theories

Post by Jatsko »

Sundex wrote:Correct. I'll probably give updates on my progress every....week or so? Maybe monthly if Sundex could keep me from doing it weekly.
Okay, combined with your last edits I see you're doing the exact opposite of what I was recommending in the last post.

How to fix this?
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Enrichment on Karmic Energy Theory

Post by Sundex »


As you may know, I recently made a theory attempting to explain the nature of karmic energy. However, I ended up explaining whether this was infinite or finite. Before I got to the meaning, I decided to use the facts we already know about wisdom gems and karma portals to speculate the possibilities. I speculated correctly, but upon further reflection, I realized that the facts were off. This theory is meant to serve as an enrichment to those facts.


This theory is purposely split into two parts, as there is a lot to go over. Each part should be taken as its own separate theory, rather than the enrichment as a whole being one theory. Thank you for making this as such

Part 1 (The properties of Karma Portals): Rough Draft


Karma portals are first seen in the 7th game of the main series. They are not used in Submachine 8, used in Submachine 9 and 10, and heavily emphasized in Submachine Universe. There are 2 main colors that are deemed "Karma Portals". These being blue and green. There is two main questions this theory will attempt to answer: "What are the properties of each of these types of karma portals?", and "Apart from color, what makes them different?".

Blue Karma Portals:

Layer Changing:

It was previously speculated that these karma portals were not capable of letting the player shift layers. However, there is evidence that goes against this: The connection between the infernal basement and Submachine 1. These are speculated to be on different layers. For this to be dubbed true, blue karma portals would need to be able to let people layer shift. Therefore, blue karma portals are capable of layer changing.


It was previously thought that blue karma portals were meant to be unstable, as many of them have caused deterioration to their respective surroundings. This is true; however, these can be contained. This is seen in Submachine 10 and Submachine Universe. Both of these installments use solely blue karma portals. However, some portals are contained within karma portal stands. Therefore, unless contained via a karma portal stand, blue karma portals are unstable.


“Sundex, what the heck do you mean by death?” Karma portals can die. We see this mainly in Submachine 10. Some are “revivable.” This is what the karma stabilizer is for. Some are not “revivable.” An example of this is the one karma portal within the Winter Palace. In Submachine 7, we use this karma portal to retrieve a solenoid at the other side of the tree trunk. In Submachine 10, we can see where this portal used to be. However, it is unusable and unrevivable. Therefore, blue karma portals can die.

Green Karma Portals:

Layer Changing:

It has been speculated that these karma portal are capable of letting players shift layers. Personally, this is correct, but hasn’t been confirmed as there isn’t concrete evidence for it. However, there is some evidence that goes for this: the big green karma portal in Submachine 7. This was meant to take us to the knot and shift us over to layer 5 for Submachine 9, granted we didn’t take a detour through the “karmaception” that is Submachine 8.


These were thought to be more stable than blue karma portals. However, the only reason they are assumed more stable is that we see more examples of green karma portals contained than uncontained. The 2 examples for this are the portals in the Shiva section of Submachine 9 and Liz’s ship in Submachine 7. Both of these portals are not contained by usage of a karma portal stabilizer. That being said, they also caused deterioration to their respective surroundings showing that they are unstable. This means that, unless contained via brass, green portals are generally unstable.


Green karma portals can’t die. When they are contained, this is obviously true. However, even when they are not contained, there have been no signs of dead karma portals that were originally green. Therefore, green karma portals cannot die.


Blue and green karma portals have many similarities. These being the capability to layer-shift and stability unless contained. However, the one thing that can be used to differentiate between a blue and green karma portal, other than color, is that blue dies and green doesn’t.

Part 2 (The Properties of Wisdom Gems): Rough Draft


Wisdom gems are gems that store finite amounts of karmic energy. These items can be seen in Submachine 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and Universe. Throughout these games, wisdom gems have shown several different properties, such as color, self-replenishing energy, radiance, transparency, and the capability to levitate. There are two questions about Wisdom Gems that need to be answered: “How do we know that it is karmic energy and not light energy that Wisdom Gems use as power” and “How does each property of a Wisdom Gem generally affect said gem?”

Karmic Wisdom Gems:

To prove that Wisdom Gems are made out of karmic energy, we can look back to a significant moment in Subnet history: the invasion of the core. This was caused by the player shutting down the defense systems at the edge. During the invasion, the contributors continued their research on karma. At the sight of their research, we find an wisdom/energy gem locked in a box. The fact that they were using this gem for their research means that wisdom gems are made from karmic energy.

Wisdom Gem Properties:


There is one main color of wisdom gems that is seen within the Subnet: blue. Therefore, it is better to describe wisdom gems have or don’t have color. Color is not really the main decider of a specific wisdom gem’s function. However, it can act as an indicator for radiance and transparency. For example: in Submachine 9, there are 3 wisdom gems that we obtain from the disfigured mover. These are bright and colorful, but also cannot be seen through. Their blue internal and external hue causes lack of transparency and a bright radiant glow that surrounds the gem.

Self-sustaining properties:

Every source of energy has it’s ways to replenish energy. In Submachine 4, the energy coil can be charged at the basement section (529). In Submachine 5, the energy coil is charged at an old charging station at (0, 1) of the explorable Root (552). What about the Wisdom gems? Similarly to the Subnet’s karmic veins that self-sustain the generator described in a not in Submachine 10, the wisdom gems are also self-sustaining of their own power source. They can replenish a set amount of energy in a certain amount of time. How much time? Time is subjective, so we don’t know. This property can either be beneficial or do jack. This depends on the amount of energy a certain machine needs every certain time frame to function. If the wisdom gem is powering something at all. An example of this self sustaining property are the wisdom gems that power(ed) the mover in Submachine 5. When an intercept course was plotted by the defense system to shut down the mover, it succeeded. The mover shut off, causing the wisdom gems to not have a machine to power. From there, the self-sustaining property kicked in, and by the time we revisit the mover in Submachine 9, the three wisdom gems have a heightened sense of opacity and radiancy. Speaking of those properties, best we move on.


There are two types of transparency that are possible with wisdom gems which are very similar to real world possibilities: transparent and opaque. There is no translucent. Usually, if a wisdom gem is transparent, no color is visible, as opposed to those that are opaque. Transparency dictates the amount of karma within a wisdom gem compared to its maximum storage capacity. Although we don’t know what this maximum storage capacity is, it can still be safely inferred that there is a maximum capacity. Transparent wisdom gems have a minimum amount of energy stored within them, as their karma to volume ratio calls for a low karma concentration, in which sight through a wisdom gem is possible on a macroscopic scale. Opaque wisdom gems have a high amount of energy stored within them, as their karma to volume ratio calls for a high karma concentration , in which sight through a wisdom gem is impossible on a macroscopic scale. An example of a specific wisdom gem that goes through both opaque and transparent status is the wisdom gem originally from Submachine 1, which is also seen in Submachine 2, 5, and 9. In Submachine 2, we use this wisdom gem to power up a ladder. We leave this wisdom gem here and when we return to this location in Submachine 5, there is less opacity than before. What happened is that the machine used more energy than the set rate of self-replenishment could handle. The gem started to decrease in transparency. By the time we revisited it in Submachine 5, it is completely transparent.


There are three types of radiance that are possible with wisdom gems: No radiance, partial radiance, or maximum radiance. Usually, this property comes when a wisdom gem appears opaque, or a wisdom gem starts powering up a machine. Radiance can be interpreted as a depiction on energy emission. No radiance depicts that no energy is being emitted. These types of gems are mainly seen when they are transparent, or not powering up a machine. An example of a gem that upholds this criteria is the wisdom gem in Submachine 1. When it is obtained, it shows no radiance even when you hover your cursor over it within the inventory. Partial radiance depicts that a small amount of energy is being emitted. This amount of energy can be inferred to be comparable to a wisdom gem’s self-sustaining rate. This is mainly seen when a wisdom gem has exceeded its maximum limit of storage and needs to “shed” some energy. It can sometimes be seen when a wisdom gem is powering up a machine, depending on said machine’s karmic intake. Maximum radiance is when a wisdom gem starts emitting an amount of energy that exceeds its self-sustaining rate. This is mainly seen when a wisdom gem is powering a machine. An example of a wisdom gem that is seen in both states of partial and maximum radiance is the gem from Submachine 7. When we obtain it from its respective area, we can see that it is opaque and in a state of partial radiance. When we place it in it’s respective slot to power up the portal door within the Sanctuary, it immediately turns to a state of maximum radiance.


A wisdom gem can either levitate or be affected by gravity. When a wisdom gem levitates, it shows that it was recently manifested by the Subnet. When it is affected by gravity, it shows that its age is moreso compared to a recently created one. Many wisdom gems within the Subnet are “old”, such as the citric acid wisdom gem and the ancient section wisdom gem from Submachine 5, and the invasion wisdom gem from Submachine 7. The only wisdom gem that is seen being “premature” is the first one we see within the main series at Submachine 1.


A wisdom gem is a gem that contains karmic energy. It is typically blue and has properties of self-replenishment, transparency, radiancy, and levitation. Each property is unique in its description and its purpose. Self-replenishment keeps wisdom gems stable, transparency depicts how much karma a wisdom gem currently stores in respect to its maximum limit, radiancy depicts the emission of karmic energy from a wisdom gem, and levitation depicts whether a wisdom gem was made recently or not.

General Summary:

Karmic energy exists throughout the subnet mainly in the form of Karma portals and Wisdom Gems. Karma portals mainly come in blue and green; they are mostly similar apart from the fact that blue portals can die and green portals can’t. Wisdom gems are storage for karmic energy. Its properties of self-replenishment, transparency, radiancy, and levitation depict a certain gem’s age, current energy amount, energy emission, and energy replenishment.

(Any feedback is considered good feedback and will be used in the creation of the final draft)
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Re: Sundex's Theories

Post by Jatsko »

@Vortex Why do I keep getting new notifications for this thread when there's no new posts?
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Re: Sundex's Theories


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Sundex [IP REDACTED] Deleted post [REDACTED FOR SUNDEX'S PRIVACY] written by
» Sundex View topic | View logs 05 Nov 2017 12:16 
Sundex [IP REDACTED] Deleted post [REDACTED FOR SUNDEX'S PRIVACY] written by
» Sundex View topic | View logs 05 Nov 2017 12:16 
BTW, you hurt my feelings :´[
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Re: Sundex's Theories

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Sundex [IP REDACTED] Deleted post [REDACTED FOR SUNDEX'S PRIVACY] written by
» Sundex View topic | View logs 05 Nov 2017 12:16 
Sundex [IP REDACTED] Deleted post [REDACTED FOR SUNDEX'S PRIVACY] written by
» Sundex View topic | View logs 05 Nov 2017 12:16 
BTW, you hurt my feelings :´[
I only deleted the posts for post condensation. I'd rather have 1 post taking up space as opposed to 2. Sorry.

Either way @ENIHCAMBUS , what do you think?
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Re: Sundex's Theories


Nothing to say sorry, what you did was a right thing to do!

My response was to Apocrypha, who for a moment forgot that I am a Mod too! :<

EDIT: I am not too much into Theory discussions, but I definitely find your theory quite impressive, and with the effort you put on them, I actually would like to see something of yours in a future Subnet update! :)
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