Gemini523 wrote:
Last year and this year have felt good
- 523 Restored
- Moderator for second time
- Answer to what is behind the metal plate in Sub4
- Resin Mimic Theory (Last time I wrote a theory was False Reality Theory in 2012)
- 523 Expansion
Tying up loose ends for my ten years here
Almost done...
Can somebody fill me in what happened to Gemini?
He just asked me to remove his theories from 523.
Gemini523 wrote:
Last year and this year have felt good
- 523 Restored
- Moderator for second time
- Answer to what is behind the metal plate in Sub4
- Resin Mimic Theory (Last time I wrote a theory was False Reality Theory in 2012)
- 523 Expansion
Tying up loose ends for my ten years here
Almost done...
Can somebody fill me in what happened to Gemini?
He just asked me to remove his theories from 523.
Since his 10th anniversary was coming, Gem decided it was a good time to leave the community, he dismissed us with a farewell, but then he wanted to spent his last time looking at the memories he had in this community and when he reached the moments of the Pastel Wars he went cringed about it and started to criticize them as if they were made today...