Jatsko wrote:So your reason for voting for Clinton was "because she's better than Trump"?
With some sensibly better policies she brought up, yeah. Not as good as Bernie's, but definitely better than what Trump could or could not bring to the table.
Guess it wasn't enough for other people, they can't look past her previous history. Can't blame them for that.
Being born and bred in America, here's my two cents:
Fuck it, I'm already so tired and done with the constant discourse I'm hearing. I don't understand why people choose waging riots and extended arguments when it's just as easy and infinitely more beneficial to take this time to reach out to the people who need to be heard and learn to start respecting other people's fucking opinions and not shoot down on sight with ad hominems and all of this bullshit.
Come January, Trump is gonna be the captain of the S.S.U.S.A. Rather than trying to contribute to civil unrest, people have to show him how to steer the ship, and not waste their voice by jumping overboard.
And yes, I do understand that there is a difference between civil unrest and peaceful protesting. But I'm seeing a lot more of one than the other, and it concerns me.
It troubles me how willing people are to shout their opinions down other citizens' throats instead of learning how to write letters to people of congressmen on the state and local levels, where it's going to count the most.
This is a complete 180 from when Obama was elected in 2008 with nothing but mostly goodwill and optimistic. Until the Tea Party was formed and seeks to undermine a lot of his plans and a lot of Republicans followed suit. All they want are power and nothing else and are willing to burn the process to get it.
Simply put, greed overtakes compromise because they want it all rather than work together for common good.
Unless we the nation reverse this thinking, this country will be doomed in a couple of decades because we would be so badly split in two, we won't be able to agree on anything and stop everything just to get what they want and hold the entire country hostage.
And if the people hate what's going on with the government, my brother (who happened to be more invested in politic than me) said this : there will be a revolution.
- ak - wrote: people of my ilk, the disabled (I'm severely hard -of-hearing) and a lot of people that are at risk to his fear.
Amen Brother. The conversation of others still sound like an alien language if we don't wear our aids.
- ak - wrote:I agree and it scares me.
This is a complete 180 from when Obama was elected in 2008 with nothing but mostly goodwill and optimistic.
Well, lucky he's not president yet.
Not long from now he will go to court for charges of Fraud.
Sidenote: The Pipeline.
Unless everyone is stupid, crude oil is explosive. Its a prime target for terrorist.
Not surprising the world is not enough for the likes of Randal Flagg.
Well. Pence still scares me for entirely different reason (religious theology). And their Cabinet now looks like its full of crackpot waiting to burst.
I am not liking it so far.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
Isobel The Sorceress wrote:
They usually won't do what they "promised".
But that's how politics has always been.
Obama kept some of his promises, yes. But not several others. Some he simply didn't do as he promised, others he got blocked by the Republicans. Go figure.
Not enough history lesson on JFK and Lincoln, so I can't say anything about them.
Pence is a fucking nutjob, but a great insurance policy in the event someone tries to assassinate Trump. You got two big evils, and one of which is worse than the other, but they are still worse. So it makes anyone think twice before putting a bullet in Trumps head.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I do admire a few things about him. He addresses the issues nobody else bothers to address and yeah his solutions are... medieval but how are we going to take care of them anyways? And he makes a good point, even though he never directly stated it. You don't have to know politics or be a politician to be elected president in the United States. You just gotta be a natural born citizen and over the age of 35.
My main issue with him and Pence is LGBQT rights. I'm a gay male, so what is going to happen. Is he going to go the full homophobe route, and overturn gay marriage, reinstate sodomy laws throughout the united states and dismantle any progress us gays have made in the last couple decades? I'm not that into gay politics but it does bother me and Pence bothers me more. The guy is in full favor of gay conversion/aversion therapy. If nobody knows what that is is, they basically take you to a religious institution and "pray the gay away" if that doesn't work... well the hook your penis and testicles up to an electric machine and shock you every time you get turned on by gay porn...
There's only like four states that have banned it. Mine, Michigan is not one of those states. Parents can involuntarily send their children to these camps, adults can voluntarily submit themselves to these camps. Shocking someone's manhood, ain't a problem solver.
Pence is also in favor of stopping HIV/AIDS research (which should not be done) and spending the funds on ways to convert gays to straight. Now I know I sound like a bit of a hypocrite but lets say a few years from now they develop a drug, that changes things in the body and mind and allows a gay male to experience attraction towards women. I might be up for that. I've never been with a girl, never been attracted, never had sex. I'd be.. a bit curious. But shocking my balls? NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL!
Vortex wrote:Wow, that's fucked up :/ I had no idea such "therapies" were still legal.
There's a lot of stuff that is still legal that should be illegal. But then there are things illegal that should be legal...
But those therapies are nothing but torture. You don't "change" someone's sexual orientation by shocking them, any survivor would tell you that all it did was make them fearful of intimacy. It took them years to get over the psychological trauma that was induced on them. I have a friend he's in his late 50s, and his parents took him to a camp when he was a teenager. He never had the electrical therapy done, but he did have prayer and counseling sessions done. He remembers hearing children scream out in agony from the electrical therapy, he has PTSD from it. So here we are, using medieval treatment on people and in the process making them PTSD prone... great job America!
And I know people are pro-gay and anti-gay, but can we all agree that torturing someone who is gay isn't the way to go? I mean seriously... how would you feel if someone hooked your balls up to a electric machine and shocked you for getting turned on by straight porn. Sheesh.