I like that, weeds out those who might have an alternate account *coughvortexsadmin2accountcough* and use it to vote more than once. Which is a major no no.In other hand, poll (if it is made, of course) will not be anonymous. Everyone will say why he trusts this guy and want to see him admin. In this case, everyone can add his word.
We don't base an admin position solely on vet status, its also contributions to the forum, the overall behavior of the user (which makes me look a little shady, but whatever) and the overall opinion of the community towards specific user.
Maybe we should just write up resumes and submit them lol.

Btw if Bender is promoted to admin, you can kiss your account goodbye considering the things you've said about him in the past. I bet he's just waiting... to push that DELETE button.Vortex or Bender guys,