So, I know I made this a while ago, and I didn't do too much with it (because honestly, what was there to do? Submachine 10 hadn't come out yet) But now that it's out, AND now that Rulo has another way to expand the community, I figured I'd make this thread just so we can talk about what we want to present on Tumblr for our growing, glowing tree of a community over there

"what WE want" as in you guys posting as well in the Pastel Forum blog. I have the option to invite anyone who would want to post stuff we do on there. We can talk about it here, and then put it on Tumblr! (Especially if we decide to incorporate the fanzine...)
So, if you are interested in joining, PM me your email address and I'll set you up!
Also: I wrote an article about the Sub10 voting session. By no means do our posts have to be that long XD