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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

wow I like it

and hey, Eny, I know your huge fear.
:mrgreen: :twisted:
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Vortex »

no, not the bed... XD

I liked it too :D
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


What Happens When You Drink "Leche Encantada De Bender, Mostacho Edition"

Bender: Hey Vortex, do you want to taste my new milk?
Vortex: Okay! XD *Vortex drinks the milk*
Bender: So tell me, how is it Vortex?
Vortex: Vortex, a quien le dices "Vortex"? Yo soy el LEGENDARIO "EL VORTO" X{D
Bender: Wow, it was supposed to grow moustaches in people, but I didn't expected this...
Sublevel: Bender, you're lulz...
Bender: Oh shut up!
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Vortex »

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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »


whто проppenит? Я donе поderstю...
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by bender »

VorteXD and Uncle Bendy:

Bender: If this plan of yours doesn't work again Vortex, we will go with my plan.
Vortex: All right, all right!


levelbuS: I am opening the door now!
xetroV: buS Stop!
Vortex: Now what?
x: How do we know you are not some guy dressed as Vortex?
l: Yeah!
V: *sigh* We don't have time for this.


Enihcambus: *cough* How- How am I still alive?
Vortex: I saved you..
E: Vortex??
V: Ehnic? How are you still alive?
E: You said you saved me..
V: Oh.. I was talking to Sublevel. Don't explode again buddy.
Sublevel: OK!
V: We should leave now..
E: What about me??
V: I don't have time for this...

*meanwhile somewhere else*


lightnoob: Hello? Sir?
noobnoob: Yeah?
ln: I have called to imform you that the inter-dimensional portal is almost open.
nn: LEGENDARY! Soon the poop shall me mine! Keep up the LEGENDARY work.
ln: As you wish!


Error3113: Sir! I have caught these two lurking around the backyard!
ln: Vortex? Bender? How did you escape from the poopgeon?
Vortex: We didn't and we have no time to explain!
E: Sir! What should I do with them!
ln: It is okay. They are here under my permission.
E: Sir! Yes Sir!
ln: Okay-- guys. As you can perceive with your eyeballs, the inter-dimensional portal is almost open. I hope you have a plan to stop it.
Bender: Uh, do you think we can discuss this near him?
E: I don't care, pal! I just wanna go home!
B: OK.....
V: I have a plan. We can use bender's bending powers to bend the portal.
B: Not that again! It didn't work the last time!
ln: That won't be of use.
B: Told you! Idiot..
V: Well then.. Lets hear your plan Bendy?
B: Finally! First we go ba------
Vortex: I have a better plan!
B: No Vortex! We go by my plan!
V: That wasn't me!
Vortex: It was me!
B: Ugh! Now there is two of them!
Vortex 1: What is your plan Vortex?
Vortex 2: My plan is we ask someone else for a plan.
V1: Excellent plan Vortex!
V2: Thanks Vortex!
V1: You are welcome Vortex!
B: Ugh... Are you done complementing yourself?
V1: XD
V2: XD
V3: XD
B: Hey who the hell are you?
V3: I am Vortex!
B: Damn!
V3: Hey Vortex! Here is Sublevel as you asked!
V2: Thanks Vortex!
V3: You are welcome Vortex!
V1: Hey thanks Vor--
V1: XD
Sublevel: Hey Vortex I thought we were going to get some candy.. What is all those Vortexs?
V2: VortexES
V1: Not its VortexI
V2: VortexES!!
ln: It is Vortexes..
V2: Ha!
B: Are you guys done?
V1: XD
B: So what is the plan?
V2: To ask someone else for a plan.
B: And where is that someone else?
Serrus: Here I am!
B: Oh my god. Are you serious?
Sr: No I am Serrus!
B: :?
V2: What do we do Serrus?
Sr: We need to launch Sublevel into the portal!
Sub: Are you crazy!
Sr: No I am serious!
B: Seriously?
Sr: No, Serrusly... I mean seriously. Damn!
B: Heh...... Where is Sublevel?
Sr: Get me dat bunneh!!!
ln: Error would you please get Sublevel?
E: Whatever... I just want to get paid and go home anyways...
V2: What else do we need?
Sr: We also need to use levelbuS as a catapult. Did you get him?
V2: Well... I told Vortex to get him but---


xetroV: Hey Vortex I gotta ask you something..
Vortex: Yeah..
x: If redneB's father is Bender.. Are you my father?
V: Yeah... Sorry I couldn't be with you all the time..
x: It is okay dad.. I forgive you..
levelbuS: Is Sublevel my father?
V: No.
l: Oh,, Okay...
x: You convinced me dad. I am opening the door now..
???: xetroV stop!
x: Huh?
V: Just open the door son!
???: He is not Vortex!
x: What? How so?
???: Because I am Vortex!!
V: Don't listen to him I am Vortex!
???: No! I am Vortex!
V: No! I am Vortex!
x: *sigh*


V2: What do we do now?
Sr: Well.. My plan is not going to work so..
???: I knew your plan wouldn't work!
Sr: Huh?
B: Don't tell me you are Vortex...
???: Its me Vortex!
V1: XD
V2: XD
V3: XD
V4: XD
B: God dammit Vortex! Stop fucking with time travel! Damn... wish I had your space-time powers...
V4: I have a better plan!
V1: See Bender I always have a better plan!
B: What is the plan?
V4: There is only one person that can be stronger than Noobnoob. I say we make them fight!
V1: Wow! Nice plan Vortex!
V2: Yeah Vortex!
V4: Thanks Vortex!
V1: You are welcome Vortex1
V3: Nice Vortex!
V4: Thanks Vortex!
V3: You're welcome Vo----
V1: XD
V2: XD
V3: XD
V4: XD
B: Who is this person?
ln: I guess that would be...
B: Oh no! Not him!
Sublevel: He hates me for being a bunny!
B: Sublevel?
Error: Yeah I found him... I hope I can get a little raise? Right light?
ln: Uhh... see me later..
E: I will, pal! I just want to go home anyway....
Bender sucks
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


Wow, so much VorteXD...

I think I'm starting to grasp this a bit better, is there something to do with alternate timelines?
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by bender »

ENIHCAMBUS wrote:Wow, so much VorteXD...

I think I'm starting to grasp this a bit better, is there something to do with alternate timelines?
It is more about time-travel..

Can I have some more feedback? :S
Bender sucks
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Vortex »

V1: I liked it.
V2: Yeah!
V3: I want more!
V4: when is the next one?
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

The time has come.
Holy Submachine 10 is coming, and that means it's time for TRUTH, and FINAL SHOWDOWN.

When each guardian waits for final release
When dark servant of Evil secretly invades into Paste Land
When HIGH GUARDIANS can't handle their mission
When greatest secret of Submachine is going to be revealed
the true purpose of guardians of Submachine...

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