VorteXD and Uncle Bendy:
Bender: If this plan of yours doesn't work again Vortex, we will go with my plan.
Vortex: All right, all right!
levelbuS: I am opening the door now!
xetroV: buS Stop!
Vortex: Now what?
x: How do we know you are not some guy dressed as Vortex?
l: Yeah!
V: *sigh* We don't have time for this.
Enihcambus: *cough* How- How am I still alive?
Vortex: I saved you..
E: Vortex??
V: Ehnic? How are you still alive?
E: You said you saved me..
V: Oh.. I was talking to Sublevel. Don't explode again buddy.
Sublevel: OK!
V: We should leave now..
E: What about me??
V: I don't have time for this...
*meanwhile somewhere else*
lightnoob: Hello? Sir?
noobnoob: Yeah?
ln: I have called to imform you that the inter-dimensional portal is almost open.
nn: LEGENDARY! Soon the poop shall me mine! Keep up the LEGENDARY work.
ln: As you wish!
Error3113: Sir! I have caught these two lurking around the backyard!
ln: Vortex? Bender? How did you escape from the poopgeon?
Vortex: We didn't and we have no time to explain!
E: Sir! What should I do with them!
ln: It is okay. They are here under my permission.
E: Sir! Yes Sir!
ln: Okay-- guys. As you can perceive with your eyeballs, the inter-dimensional portal is almost open. I hope you have a plan to stop it.
Bender: Uh, do you think we can discuss this near him?
E: I don't care, pal! I just wanna go home!
B: OK.....
V: I have a plan. We can use bender's bending powers to bend the portal.
B: Not that again! It didn't work the last time!
ln: That won't be of use.
B: Told you! Idiot..
V: Well then.. Lets hear your plan Bendy?
B: Finally! First we go ba------
Vortex: I have a better plan!
B: No Vortex! We go by my plan!
V: That wasn't me!
Vortex: It was me!
B: Ugh! Now there is two of them!
Vortex 1: What is your plan Vortex?
Vortex 2: My plan is we ask someone else for a plan.
V1: Excellent plan Vortex!
V2: Thanks Vortex!
V1: You are welcome Vortex!
B: Ugh... Are you done complementing yourself?
V1: XD
V2: XD
V3: XD
B: Hey who the hell are you?
V3: I am Vortex!
B: Damn!
V3: Hey Vortex! Here is Sublevel as you asked!
V2: Thanks Vortex!
V3: You are welcome Vortex!
V1: Hey thanks Vor--
V1: XD
Sublevel: Hey Vortex I thought we were going to get some candy.. What is all those Vortexs?
V2: VortexES
V1: Not its VortexI
V2: VortexES!!
ln: It is Vortexes..
V2: Ha!
B: Are you guys done?
V1: XD
B: So what is the plan?
V2: To ask someone else for a plan.
B: And where is that someone else?
Serrus: Here I am!
B: Oh my god. Are you serious?
Sr: No I am Serrus!
V2: What do we do Serrus?
Sr: We need to launch Sublevel into the portal!
Sub: Are you crazy!
Sr: No I am serious!
B: Seriously?
Sr: No, Serrusly... I mean seriously. Damn!
B: Heh...... Where is Sublevel?
Sr: Get me dat bunneh!!!
ln: Error would you please get Sublevel?
E: Whatever... I just want to get paid and go home anyways...
V2: What else do we need?
Sr: We also need to use levelbuS as a catapult. Did you get him?
V2: Well... I told Vortex to get him but---
xetroV: Hey Vortex I gotta ask you something..
Vortex: Yeah..
x: If redneB's father is Bender.. Are you my father?
V: Yeah... Sorry I couldn't be with you all the time..
x: It is okay dad.. I forgive you..
levelbuS: Is Sublevel my father?
V: No.
l: Oh,, Okay...
x: You convinced me dad. I am opening the door now..
???: xetroV stop!
x: Huh?
V: Just open the door son!
???: He is not Vortex!
x: What? How so?
???: Because I am Vortex!!
V: Don't listen to him I am Vortex!
???: No! I am Vortex!
V: No! I am Vortex!
x: *sigh*
V2: What do we do now?
Sr: Well.. My plan is not going to work so..
???: I knew your plan wouldn't work!
Sr: Huh?
B: Don't tell me you are Vortex...
???: Its me Vortex!
V1: XD
V2: XD
V3: XD
V4: XD
B: God dammit Vortex! Stop fucking with time travel! Damn... wish I had your space-time powers...
V4: I have a better plan!
V1: See Bender I always have a better plan!
B: What is the plan?
V4: There is only one person that can be stronger than Noobnoob. I say we make them fight!
V1: Wow! Nice plan Vortex!
V2: Yeah Vortex!
V4: Thanks Vortex!
V1: You are welcome Vortex1
V3: Nice Vortex!
V4: Thanks Vortex!
V3: You're welcome Vo----
V1: XD
V2: XD
V3: XD
V4: XD
B: Who is this person?
ln: I guess that would be...
B: Oh no! Not him!
Sublevel: He hates me for being a bunny!
B: Sublevel?
Error: Yeah I found him... I hope I can get a little raise? Right light?
ln: Uhh... see me later..
E: I will, pal!
I just want to go home anyway....