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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Anonymous2 »

Is the dude with the fiery eyes from The Stand?
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: ID Project.

Post by Sublevel 114 »

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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


Had to move and edit post, no, I'm not angry at you Sublevel, as mod I can fix these quickly! :P

What could happen if AK sees it?
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

What could happen if AK sees it?
Enihc is gone
you're mod
you should know
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


C'mon, is not that different from what WIQ did with The Black Dossier, or Gem with his comics. :roll:
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Jatsko »

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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


A Random Day At WWT Arms

Alamos' Manor, Republic of Libre, Layer 6

Alamos: Taka, hurry up! I want to be there already!
Taka: Okay Lord...
Mono: Where are we going?
Alamos: I'm going to show you guys my favorite place for hanging up: WWT Arms! And I'm going to met my friend YamiX there also!

WWT Arms, Pastel Town, Layer 3

YamiX: Where's Alamos, he told me he was going to be here...
Weary With Toil: He must be coming, I doubt Alamos is a liar...
YamiX: Okay buddy! How about a Champagne?
Weary With Toil: Yeah, its 15 Pastel Bucks *Gives a champagne bottle to YamiX*
YamiX: Oh thanks! *YamiX opens the bottle*
Julia Tusz: Hee Budd *hic*, yourrree goone share tat *hic*
YamiX: hmmm...
Anteroinen: Hey WWT, how are you?
Weary With Toil: Oh hay Antty, I'm totally fine as fine I can be!
Anteroinen: So any plans for today?
Weary With Toil: Well, I prepared the bar's scenerio for Lucas Gelati!

At the Bar's Scenerio

Lucas Gelati: And the next theme is "Paranormal's Alternator"!
Detroit Tigers: I don't know why the still make fun of my car's alternator...
Rooster: Your car is crap compared with my DeLorean, CockleDiddleDoo!!!

At Table 3

Sundayfever (Drunk): Hey buddies! I really enjoy being with you...
Vortex: Wow, thanks! :)
Vurn: And... have you something else to say?
Sundayfever: Yeah, I in fact love one of you guys...
Vortex: hmmm... I wonder who that could be...
Vurn: Jeez Vortex...
Cone: Hi dudes, with did I miss here?
Sundafever: I love...
Vortex: :shock:
Vurn: :shock:
Cone: :?:
Sundayfever: CONE!
Vortex: WHAT?
Vurn: Seriously? I mean WTF...
Cone: uhmmm... I'm not conepletely sure if was a good idea to cone here with you... *Cone flees away*
Sundayfever: No, wait Cone! *Exits the table and chases Cone*
Vortex: So thats how it feels...
Vurn: I'm not going to fight with you anymore...
Vortex: Nevermore...
*Vortex and Vurn take a hug and slowly exit from the bar*

At Table 7

Selena: Welcome to the Wringing Contest Of The WWT Arms, where each contestant will prove their own strenght, who's gone win the Precious Unobtanium Price! Lets find it out!
Alex TC99: I have to take back my Unobtanium, at all costs!
DvanisAWESOME: Don't worry friend, with you being a Navi'i, your strength is more compared to other contestants!
Selena: Round 1, Babylon vs. RoentgenDevice.
Babylon: You basterd, you think you're better than me with all your muscles...
RoentgenDevice: Hahaha, you're just a old sack, nothing else!
Babylon: How you dare!
Selena: Ready! Wring!
*RoentgenDevice throws Babylon out of the Bar with a single swing*
Babylon (Flying 20m above ground): *Contacts Jomar via phone* Jomar...
Jomarcenter (Through phone): What sir?
Babylon: Prepare the cushion, nothing less...
Selena: Well, that one flew through the windom, lets go for Round 2, Alex TC99 vs. Zombieshooter!
Alex TC99: Hey dude!
Zombieshooter: Wow, I didn't expected this... :shock:

6 minutes later

Babylon (Still Flying): ...
Zombieshooter (Passes by Flying): Hi!
Babylon: Hi!

2 hours later, the contest was reduced to 2 man, Alex TC99 and Raxas

Selena: Okay, after lot of members flung away trough the windows...
Weary With Toil (Angry): You lady! Hope you have the money enough for all these windows...
Selena: Well, well, after many broken windows and gained debts, we reached the final round of this match! Lets get started, only one of these 2 will get the great price!
Raxas: Hey Alex, long time I didn't see you!
Alexkidd: Well, mister Raxas!
Raxas: No, not you...
Weary With Toil: What's doing a kid in my bar?
Vortex (Coming for his little cousin): Sorry, Sorry, Sorry *Takes away Alexkidd*
Selena: Ready! Wring!
*Suddenly, The Lone Watcher opens wide the doors of the bar tapping them to the walls, making a sudden entrance*
Selena: :o
Weary With Toil: Wow...
Anteroinen: OMG!
YamiX: :shock:
Julia Tusz: *hic*
Greennoob: *Burp*
The Lone Watcher: What are you guys looking at me like that? I just want some Sarsaparrilla...
Weary With Toil: Here's buddy, 6 Pastel Bucks!
The Lone Watcher: *Gives bucks, takes bottle* Wow, much thanks!
Raxas: Okay, can we now continue with... Where's Alex?
Alex Voytenko: Right here!
Raxas: *Facepalm* The Navi'i one...
Selena: The Unobtanium is gone too!

Meanwhile 3Km away

DvanisAWESOME: What a good adventage why had, hehehe!
Alex TC99: Finally, I got some of my Pieces of Unobtanium back! :D

Back to the Bar

Raxas: Well, fuck...
Selena: I think I have to go now...
Weary With Toil: Not so fast, I got some window replacements, and you're going to place them because of what your contest did!
Selena: Okay...
Raxas: I'm not going to be out of here withouth getting something. I want some Rum WWT!
Weary With Toil: After what happened, I'm going to give you it free this time!
Raxas: Wow, Much Thanks to You!

At Table 11

Green: Hey SoLost, is there something for me?
SoLost: I bought this beverage called "Absinthe", its green just like you!
Green: Okay, I'll try it! *Green takes some*
SoLost: So dude, how is it.
Green: Pie...
SoLost: ???
Green: Pie Pie Pinapple!
SoLost: What's up?
Green: Pie Pie Pinapple Pie Pie Pie Pinapple Pinapple Pie Pinapple Pie Pie PINAPPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SoLost: Uhmmm...

At Table 14

Starks Hayter: So what you do appart for working as a sauce provider?
Guacamole Man: I enter the world of Wrestling, I'm known as "Stryker", I'm one of the mightiest wrestlers of this lands.
Straks Hayter: Wow, I would like to see you fighting!
*Guacamole Man rippes his clothes to reveal he had the "Stryker" outfit all the time*
Guacamole Man ("Stryker"): I'm going to show me wrestling abilities, who wants to fight me!
Greennoob: *Burp*
Guacamole Man: YOU! *Stryker proceds to wrestle with Greennoob*
Straks Hayter: Wow, this is going to be great!

Back to YamiX

YamiX: So, when is Alamos coming?
Weary With Toil: Well dude, I have no idea, and I'm sorry but is time to close...
Anteroinen: So thats all, goodbye WWT!
Weary With Toil: Goodbay Everyone!
YamiX: But...

WWT Arms closes for today, everyone inside exits the area

YamiX (Asking himself): ALAMOS, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile in the Loop

Taka: Alamos, I think WWT Arms had closed, look at the time...
Alamos: I know Damnit! I didn't knew that this shortcut had another tunnel leading to a Loop...
Mono: Now YamiX must be angry...
Alamos: Surely...
Taka: Is there any way out of here?
Mono: There must be...
Alamos: We only have to continue searching...
SunshineBunnygirl_17: Hey guys, you seem to be lost here.
Taka: Oh noes, Bunnygirl...
Mono: hmmm... What does that mean?
Alamos: That we're really fucking lost...
Mono: Oh...


Babylon: ohh... Where are we?
RoentgenDevice: I had a dream were I was flying in the stratosphere...
Zombieshooter: I'm sure it wasn't a dream.
Buddylove: Oh hay buddies! I saw you all flying in Layer 3 stratosphere, so rescued you with my prove.
Boingo: Oh goody...
Babylon: Well, I think we all have to thanks you bud!
Buddylove: Oh thanks buddy!


Green: Pie Pinapple Pie Pie Pinapple Pie Pie Pie, Pie Pinapple Pinapple Pie Pinapple Pie Pie Pinapple, Pie Pie Pinapple Pie Pie Pie Pie Pinapple!
001010: 01001000 01101001 00100001
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Jatsko »

Hate to ask, but have I ever appeared in one of these?
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

I'm still too lazy to finish them
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