mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by Jatsko »

I hope you don't mind your thread becoming the new central hub of Subnet mapping activity.

I made a "dot graph" in LDD, one of four possible arrangements of the three axes is shown. It shows each location (blue if it has a kp) in standardized distances from each other. If anyone wants me to zoom in and screenshot a specific part, let me know.
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations


Error_3113 wrote:I hope you don't mind your thread becoming the new central hub of Subnet mapping activity.
Wait, I though it was your thread! Derp...
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by mentalEngineer »

Error_3113 wrote:I hope you don't mind your thread becoming the new central hub of Subnet mapping activity.
*Makes a thread specifically for mapping the Subnet*
*Sits unused :(*
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by Jatsko »


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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by mentalEngineer »

Maybe you should add in Root terminals, as they all have to be at least somewhat near each other and it would connect some of the odd locations together.
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by Jatsko »

I don't want to bother with Root terminals specifically for that reason :D Maybe after I complete the circular models, to see if there are any in close-ish proximity.
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by mentalEngineer »

On the topic of Layers

It should also be noted that Dimension and Layer are use interchangeably.

We all know there are seven layers of reality, there is the eighth layer which doesn't seem to fit in with the rest and one of the seven is a copy. To be exact, Layer 3 is the copied layer, although we do not know which layer it was copied from, this layer seems to be the place where humans are first thought to have originated from because Murtaugh is from there.
Dimensions wrote:-This dimension? You mean the third one? You know that's not even the original dimension, right? What do you think is more important - the origin or the flawed copy?
Fate of the Third wrote:Murtaugh was originally from the third layer, therefore there was nothing he could do to bring it back to the unbroken state.
But why would he not be able to fix it, if he was from there he should have been the most qualified to fix it?

The revelation that layers can be copied would lead us to believe there could be any amount of layers that are completely undiscovered or that there are multiple copies of single or multiple layers that we wouldn't know the difference if we were in a different one to the one we were just in, for example after teleporting through a karma portal. As well as posing the question; Is reality physical or imaginary? Which poses another question: What would be describe as reality, I'm sure if we asked Elizabeth that question she would have said that there layers are reality and the ability to phase between layers is reality.

These Layers seem to be mental projections that are induced by electrical impulses set at different frequencies (or at least that's how I think it would work), as you can't change layers until you have attached the electrodes to your head which are connected to a Makeshift device. It is also worth mentioning that these electrodes may change your perception of time inside the layer.
Layers wrote:-But there is another layer. The one often misinterpreted as the layer of time.
-If it's not time, what is it then?
-That's the layer of Light. You see, when you move through the field of atoms frozen in time, the friction causes them to emit visible light. It's everywhere you move. It's not a guiding light. You're the one who's guiding that light. Where you will go is entirely up to you.
Although, other beings from other dimensions can see you even though you may be in a completely different dimension yourself. Yet if anything physically in a dimension that you are currently not active in touches you it will seem to have no effect on your being, most likely acting as if there was nothing there in the first place, like a ghost.
Like Drawings on Paper wrote:-Why does this sociopath talk only to Elizabeth?
-She's the only person he can see. Remember, we're one-dimensional. We're like a drawing on a piece of paper to him. A drawing that was erased, redrawn and erased again. Seven times over.
Where All Intertwined wrote:Back then they didn't yet have seven-layer bullets.
This points towards there being no way to harm you unless it is in all layers at the same time, or where they collide, The knot. That is reason they waited for Murtaugh there in first place.
Layers and Focus wrote:To be back in only one layer, Murtaugh had to lose his focus. After he focused his mind back on the structure of the plan, his exploration teams didn't understand what happened. Some called it abandonment. Others - rapture. No wonder they panicked.
Murtaugh is referred to as 'Focused' multiple times throughout the players travels, in layer 2 there is a display that layers each layer onto of each other once all the switches have been activated it says "The Plan - Sector 9". I believe that this is what Murtaugh would have seen when he was "Focused".
Layers and Focus wrote:He was already looking at all layers at once. He was already removed from one-dimensionality.
Like Drawings on Paper wrote:We're like a drawing on a piece of paper to him. A drawing that was erased, redrawn and erased again. Seven times over.
But if it was only seven why could he not see layer eight? Is it not real? An imaginary place, because there are atoms here, those seem to be pretty real. But then again. What is reality?
The Miracle wrote:When Murtaugh put his arm into the waterfall, he noticed that he no longer had an arm, but seven of them. That was not something unexpectable.
Why was it possible Murtaugh could have expected to see seven arms?

There are a couple of questions said I will restate them hem here:
-Why was it possible Murtaugh could have expected to see seven arms?
-But if it was only seven why could he [Murtaugh] not see layer eight?
-But why would he not be able to fix it [Layer 3], if he was from there he should have been the most qualified to fix it?
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by mentalEngineer »

Jatsko wrote:I didn't include 815-875 because I only consider it a number connection if it's within 5 digits. And 5 might even be too many. I also didn't agree with the 875-923 Arch connection because even though they're probably used for similar purposes, they don't look similar.
712 - 837 Medium Connection
550 - 580 Number Connection
523 - 553 Number Connection
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

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523 - 553 Number Connection
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Re: mentalEngineer's Theories/Speculations

Post by mentalEngineer »

Plasma Theory


From what Sub 10 showed us this is what I think Karma is.

Karma is a large part of what keeps the world together, it holds each atom with one and another, effectively acting as a glue for everything. This force is not the same everywhere though, there can be small differences in the amounts holding each two atoms, there is some sort of randomness to it as it seems.
People used materials (Karmic Conductors) to harness and focus this karma into containers (Karmic Insulators) and put more than natural into other materials. For example Murtaugh's hand.

I also think that if a large amount of Karma is infused into objects or an area of material it will become Karmic Plasma, which can be manipulated into shapes. Like a wall or a "Light Bridge".


Mur's Hand and Portals

I don't know how Murtaugh controls and moves his hand, but the Karma it contains would never run out because he moves around and is not standing in one place long enough for any shattering to occur.
I suspect that the Karmic Plasma in his hand can be put onto other surfaces. He would draw a shape with it (I would assume he draws a circle for the ones we see) and the Karma would pull itself inward creating the portal, using the Karma in the circle of plasma he drew to keep open. When this deposit runs out it uses the Karma from the materials around it, becoming a sort of Karmic Black Hole (This is what Mur and Liz didn't know about them when he made them in the Core), this would of course let everything float freely unbound by a force or weakly bound together, causing a shattering effect around the portal. After some amount of time it would not have access to any Karma, and it would burn out and close leaving a small blue blob of the Karmic Plasma used to create the portal.

The amount of Karma holding some objects would not have been used up because the object had a larger amount of Karma or the objects had more Karma because it was infused by people with the use of Karmic Water and Symbols made of Karmic Plasma.

I have no explanation of how these portals would connect to other layers though.



The way these Stabilizers work is pretty simple, they just put more Karma into an area, this would reignite the portal, pull shattered materials together or both.


Portal Stabilizers

The Portal Stabilizers work because the ring constructed around the portal provides karma so it doesn't take any from it's surroundings.


Karma Vials/Fuses

It seems Karmic Plasma can have a charge pass through it or hold it, and the force itself can be used in some way to generate electricity.

Wisdom/Energy Crystals

These are objects with a high amount of Karma in them.

So that is what I thought, you may disagree and I hope you tell me why, I want to understand this more because you guys know a lot more about this world then I do.

I'm not the best at informative writing so I hope you can understand what I mean with some of this.

Feel free to ask questions.
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