RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

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Re: RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

Post by RoentgenDevice »

Weird, I'm trying to finish this theory since some days but every time I write 1,2 sentences, I feel like if my writing gears get jammed and I lose every idea of how to go on. Maybe I'm coming back to it later.
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Re: RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

Post by RoentgenDevice »

(Quote from Anonymous1 in the Sub9 thread)
There was a facebook post a few years back by Mateusz and he said that we are watching the player from the fourth wall, if anyone remembers that?
Wait whaat he actually SAID that? That's terrific!! It means that the 4th wall part of my very first theory is kinda... true and that he thought of that when making the games!! :D :D That feels almost like an achievemnt :mrgreen:
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Re: RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

Post by Anonymous2 »

Yeah he did, but I guess it was never written down. But it was in response to a comment someone made about the fourth wall, and he said that we are controlling the player's actions, but observing them from the fourth wall. I think so at least. The post was probably made between 2011 and 2012. I'll do some more searching on his facebook and report my findings.

Note to self and others: We really should write these things down somewhere...
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Re: RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

Post by Sublevel 114 »

Note to self and others: We really should write these things down somewhere...
but we do record Mateusz's quotes! SubWiki's forum posts
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Re: RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

Post by Vortex »

Yeah, but we didn't really record everything important, most of Facebook posts are lost.
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Re: RoentgenDevice's theories/ interpretations

Post by RoentgenDevice »

Some thought starting from the disussion in MentalEngineer's thread:

In Sub9, it says that Murtaugh tried to reorganise the chaos after his enlightenment. He knew a good example of how to sort little bits of mass in a giant void: the solar system. As he is "the explorer", it would be only logical that he placed the Lab in the middle of everything, basically as the sun.

I have the impression that Submachine is a mishmash of computer-generated and "real" locations. Maybe, Murtaugh or the exploration groups tried to link all the broken bits with the help of some advanced form of CGI, as it is a concept that the human mind can grasp.
As the Sub8 layer teleporter shows, some, if not all Submachine physics can be made controllable or at least usable via technical devices.

This means, gravity could also be a parameter that is controlled by a machine. Which would imply that the player is also "digitized", as this gravity doesn't affect all objects (movers).
It would be a bit like in Tron, only that Submachine is half-real.

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