He's not on the forum. I don't think he ever has been.
As for edits, I don't mind. If the presence of another admin drives him to make the Wiki better, then everyone wins in the end. He might have strict editing guidelines, but hey, at least he's cleaning up and making everything uniform. We're working on compiling an editing guideline page for everyone to see to help each user out.
Next Thursday I'm hosting a computer party at my house that'll go all night. I plan on waging war against every single jpg image on that website in that time. The only ones left will be real-life depictions and images included on theory pages. So I'll kinda catch up to him

But like I said, it doesn't matter to me that he's been more active. (Especially considering how I monopolized pretty much every edit for months on the Wiki at one point)
I'll make sure it's all in good intentions, which I think it is