Submachine 4: the Lab

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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Error_3113 wrote:Has this really never been touched on or noticed by users before? I guess I just assumed that Back to the Future was common knowledge around here (much like Cube series, etc).

Wonder where this will go, then :D
I know of the series. I have the trilogy on DVD. Back to the Future is common knowledge here.
It just so happens you notice the pattern.
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by Anonymous2 »

Mateusz did say in Sub7 secrets section that there are a few inspirations for Submachine, Tron being one of them (and probably the biggest) but I never though BTTF was one of them, never noticed that about the flux capacitor, nice eye for detail you have Error :)
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab


Strange, Rooster was BTTF fan and he didn't even realised that. :?
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by Sublevel 114 »

ENIHCAMBUS wrote:Strange, Rooster was BTTF fan and he didn't even realised that. :?
idk, maybe he did. loooong looong time ago.

You know, maybe even Mateusz didn't realize what he did. Maybe he watched BttF, but he forgot how exactly Flux capacitor looked. And when he after slipping and bumping his head while standing on his toilet to hang a clock made first sketch of portal, clearly picture of three small, flashing beams arranged as a "Y" came inside his mind.
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by Vortex »

who hangs a clock in his toilet? XD
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by Sublevel 114 »

OnyxIonVortex wrote:who hangs a clock in his toilet? XD


and what genius did place XYZ and root portals in toilet? (355)
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And hey, I think people who lives in Subnet do this. :)
because it's subnet.
(or maybe for some puzzle...)

<ok ok I went too far here...>
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Error_3113 wrote:This is true. The Layers do exhibit more evidence toward time travel. Though it is interesting to see all those portals in SubVerse...

I had a small thought a while back that somehow the Layers all showed the same location, but possibly at different times..but idk where to go with that
Edit: Lost the post, Let me try again.

I hear what you mean, I always thought that each Layer affected the other in a way that the event unfurled to which one layer, what ever history it contain on a regular basis before the event present in the Main Submachine Series.

I had this theory awhile back that each layer affects the other when in ways the people in each layer don't realize or simply couldn't conceive the effects.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:I said that all of the Layers Timeline Run Parallel to each other.
This is what I mean, I took the Wheel of Dharma And pasted 7 of them onto the Drawing.


The idea is like any clockwork or series of gears, you turn one of them, the other follow, but only in an opposite motion to the one next to it.


Unlike for say timeline of parallels universes of this earth, there are many more parallel universe than just 7 or 8.

The idea of the 7 main layers of Reality is that each have their own timeline/history. But the history in one layer is actually repeated in another. It does not matter if the event was small and unnoticed, or big and remembered.

But the Layers of Reality are not the same as the Mulitverse. The Layers of Reality are limited to 8 layers. The mulitverse is the idea of the multiple parallel universes that are created due to one thing in the history of of the universe went a different direction.

But The Timeline/history of each of the Seven Main Reality may take place during a different point in time compared to another layer. Like the same thing as I am typing on this post at 10:40 pm, there is someone on the forum at the other end of the World who clock says 5:00 am.
Remember the bible quote I had in my note in SNEE?
"What has happened before will happen again.
- Ecclesiastes 1:9-18

9. - What has happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new in the whole world.
10. - "Look," they say, "here is something new!" But no, it has all happened before, long before we were born.
11. - No one remembers what has happened in the past, and no one in days to come will remember what happens between now and then.
I had this idea that there was another person who was like Murtuagh, but he/she was originally from Layer One. And there was an event similar to Murtuagh situation. But it was not on a scale as grand or to be notice that either no one saw it, cause this person (Not Murtaugh) was somewhat less develop or smart enough to make himself/herself scarce.

That is a partial idea of what I thought back then.
I don't wish to spam this thread.
And I gonna take some time to remember what I had in mind back then.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 03 Jun 2015 15:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by Jatsko »


this requires further study

I feel as if there's gonna be some big realizations and really cool theories coming up in the next couple of days :D
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Error_3113 wrote::O

this requires further study

I feel as if there's gonna be some big realizations and really cool theories coming up in the next couple of days :D
Heres where I originally made the theory. If some parts are random, ignore it. It was made back when I was recovering from my Car Accident at the end of the month.
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Re: Submachine 4: the Lab

Post by Jatsko »

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