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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Here is a question, was the Exit always there?

Okay, I would simple quote myself from the other page, but without the horizontal scroll bar, I can't
So here is the link, scroll down to my 8th Post, the one with a snapshot from Sub 9 with the 8th layer in the background of the note. ... 2&start=20

What I am pointing out is the fact that in order to put down the note, we have to click the word "Exit". I know were are not that far into this thread yet, but do the other notes in the next series you guys are going to research have the same wording for the Notes in the HD as well?
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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by Jatsko »

I don't think exiting out of a note has any other deeper meanings than simply putting it away. I can view the picture when I get home to make sure I know what you're talking about.

Also, I don't think all the HDs have the word "Exit" for putting notes away, but I can't imagine how that would connect to anything.
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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by Anonymous2 »

Images from Sub4 HD and Sub8 HD depicting the exit for notes. I assume its the same way for Sub1 - Sub3 and Sub7 HD versions as well. Excluding Sub3, Sub5, Sub6 which really didn't have pickupable notes (is that even a word?)
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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by Sublevel 114 »


Loop and Root are contained in source codes...
and that means...


Sorry, I will join our great research tomorrow. :D
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Re: Research Team

Post by Jatsko »

Master List: Sub1 Version wrote:
1. What is “Submachine”?
2. Did I awake at beginning, or what?
3. Who am I? Do I know who I am?
4. Where am I? What is this place?
5. When am I? Do I know this?
6. Why am I here? Do I know this? What is our purpose of being there? What do I need to do?
8. Am I just a human? Or do I have some special powers, or something like that?
9. What did I feel, what did I think about, what did I want to do after I started?
10. How did I get here?
11. What purpose/function does this place serve?
12. Who decided to build this place? And who was constructing this place?
13. Where is this place located?
14. When was this place constructed?
16. Is somebody/something watching me?
17. Why does this place look like one big puzzle?

Submachine 1
1. What liquid flows in these pipes?
2. How can those cubes float? How are they connected to the bell sounds? How that storage is constructed and works?
3. What physics laws are present here?
4. Are these physics laws normal for world where we lived before?
6. What is an Ancient Crystal of Wisdom?

7. Who wrote the diary note?
8. How did this note get here?
9. Was this note left here for some purpose? Did the author want us to read this note?
10. Was the author sane when he was writing this note?
11. Did these events written in the diary happen for real?
12. Did the author of the note tell us the full truth? Or is he hiding something from us?
13. When did the events in the note happen?
14. Why did the author go camping? Did he have some particular target?
15. What is Kent? Where is it located?
16. What is Kent Waterfall? Where is it located?
17. Where exactly did the author of his arm?
18. How exactly did the author lose his arm?
19. What did the author mean when he said “third arm”? Is it a third limb, or something else?
20. Did the author already have this third arm before, or did he get it after the accident?
21. How exactly did the author get this arm? When? Where?
22. What is a karma arm? What structure and powers does it have?
23. What could the author do with the karma arm?
24. Who are the other people mentioned in the diary note?
25. The diary is not completed; where is the second part? Was it written? Does it exist right now? Where?

26. What happened when we inserted all of the tiles? Why did we end up in a red room? How did elevator appear? And what was that short darkness?
27. Did we enter the same way as we exited?
28. Where did we exit?
30. Why did we hear more footsteps after we escaped?

32. Who made soundtrack for this game?
Shall we start with Sub2? (Sublevel, you're better at coming up with questions XD)
Last edited by Jatsko on 09 May 2015 15:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by Sublevel 114 »

playing the game first

then facts (observations)

then questions


(sorry, I forgot to start our research yesterday.
I will return here in next hours! Hold on!)
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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by Jatsko »

Ok sweet

I will be around periodically
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Re: Research Team 28X2005

Post by Vortex »

Okay then, let's play Submachine 2!
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Re: Research Team

Post by Sublevel 114 »

Let's continue!


late 2005
Mateusz was amazed.

Original Submachine, and then its extended version, made BOOM in flashgamers' lands.

That was great success.

excerpt from Mateusz Skutnik's Archived News of the year 2005 (December)
December 12th 2005:

500 000 users on submachine: extended version. Thanks guys. This is still a surprize to me, that this particular game gained such success in the internet. Once again thanks to Graeme and lazyLaces; And I frankly can’t imagine how many people have played the first Submachine, since it spread over the internet on many gaming portals.
Everyone wanted sequel. Everyone knew it will be released. Mateusz knew he will make it.


Basis for second game was made in one of September days, even before Sub1ext came to life. It happened when great IDEA came to Mateusz's mind. (Mati himself said it!)

And he started to make it.

How much people did know what this game will be about?
How much people did wait this game?

How much people did know that there was moment in its development, when Mateusz decided to change things and remake the game from (well, almost) scratch?..

Months have passed...

excerpts from Mateusz Skutnik's Archived News of the year 2006
January 9th 2006:

New game launched: Tribal jump, so I’m going back to the roots of my game developing. A brand new game, licensed to, will surely be visible on other flashgame -related pages as well in time. Update on Submachine: 1/3 of the second game finished. I’ve got a title for this game ready: ‘Submachine2: the Lighthouse’. Meanwhile I’m working on three new squirrel family games, not speaking of new revolutions album, which I just started drawing. Oh my friggin’ head, it’s wasted…
March 21st 2006, tuesday:

It’s been a busy month. Third March game just released on serwers, Polar Jump, a sequel to popular Tribal Jump. As for now I’m done with the squirrels for sometime now, gotta finish Submachine2 imemdiately. So enjoy this frosty squirrel adventure and please wait patiently for the second installment from the submachine series.
June 2006

And it was ready!!!!

excerpts from Mateusz Skutnik's Archived News of the year 2006 (June)
June 13th 2006, wednesday:

long awaited release of Submachine2: The Lighthouse game, a sequel to the succesfull Submachine. This time the area to discover is about 5 times bigger and the puzzles are more dificult. That’s what most of you wanted in your emails that I received after the first game. So enjoy, and Submachine3 is already in production.
Game description by Pastel Stories (
A sequel to the world’s famous point and click Submachine game, that grabbed minds of millions of people. I received huge feedback from all around the world, most of the demands stated to make the second game bigger with harder puzzles. So here it is, while the first game had 20 rooms, this one has a total of 98 unique rooms, and the puzzles are a lot tougher, but that’s just my subjective opinion, since I can’t really tell if they are or not. Important notice: this game has NO dead ends, you cannot get to the point of no return, where the only option is to reset the game. No such thing in the Lighthouse. Hope you’ll enjoy this game as much as I enjoyed making it, and sure enough, submachine3 is under construction as we speek, so expect more. ... ne_2v1.swf

< strange, it has 2v1 and 2v2 ... ne_2v2.swf

:D >
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Re: Research Team

Post by Anonymous2 »

Submachine 2 v1 doesn't have the "comment" link which directed you to the old Revolutions forum (that later got changed to bbpress) but it did have contact the author next to the copyright that basically did the same thing. Basically both versions just have some minor link placement switched around.
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