1) When you enter the edge you pass through a giant (possibly infinite) wall of stone to the lobby, but when you go down onto the ledge there is void on at least 3 sides. How?
2)Where would you go if you were to put the right id into the machine?
3) Has anyone deciphered how this map has been drawn out?
Through every problem, raw persistence will prevail.
After you enter the stone wall you go to the right, away from the other side of the wall, a total of five rooms over from the wall. (original mover storage spot + trash room + scanner + Enter ID room + one more after you enter the wrong code)
After being dropped off at the cliffs you can progress left two screens back toward the wall, which would make three screens of void (assuming the wall is one room thick) left.
These three screens of void could be dense enough that you don't see the infinite wall through the darkness.
I can add a picture for a visualization if you want.
2) uh......
3) Just to make sure we're on the same page as far as abbreviations:
sds - tc = Secondary Defense System-Turret Chain
C = Core (?)
i = ?
Lone dot in center of green mass = Root? or Lab?
Last edited by Jatsko on 27 Feb 2015 00:18, edited 1 time in total.
Error_3113 wrote:These three screens of void could be dense enough that you don't see the infinite wall through the darkness.
So, really, it isn't void... Just black fog? It would work too because light can cut it and you can see through it with telescopes.
We may be onto something.
Through every problem, raw persistence will prevail.