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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

"I think, Therefor, I am."
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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Okay, its been awhile since we debated on the partial concepts of how we view life itself.
I just recently found a cache of Edgar Allan Poe Quotes that I wish I found earlier.
I'm not going to spam all of them again, but just recite one that strikes close to the heart.
Edgar Allan Poe wrote:Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil.
It alone does not strike close to my heart without the combination of his other quote:
Edgar Allan Poe wrote:I remained to much inside my head and ended up losing my mind.
This is where it strikes close to home.
If anyone remembers my Cassopolis Outpost thread, I got allot more far in my mind with the story than what I wrote down. But...there were characters I invented into the story where....I could not live without them. They were within a world where I treated them with the utmost respect, and they were estrange by that kindness that seemed to no longer exist in the world within that story.

More over, I craved for my breaks in my daily life, to where I could sit down, and close my eyes...and BAM! I'm there.

I've since long got through it a long time ago.
But....I can't help but miss it. It was a possibility, of a better world within what would be seen as a hellhole. With a reason to why the hellhole existed was so...pitiful and full of greed from the republican party in Washington D.C.
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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Who are we, if not the Deus Ex Machina?
Think about it, who else execute but us execute the "God from the Machine"?
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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

1984, by George Orwell.
Room 101, Doublethink, "Curing", you get the most of what I am referencing.
Figure out the phrase of logic that breaks their entire system of "Reeducation"

You Are

O'Brian and the rest of the Inner Party wants nothing but "Pure Power", and they seek not to snuff out all forms of resistance, but to have them willing submit at their own free will.

Me? In that situation? I would want both Big Brother destroyed and to escape that place. But the phrase "You Are Me." using both logic and Doublethink Logic breaks their entire process in Room 101. O'Brian wants Power, and I want out. To attempt to torture/"Curing" me any further to break that logic only proves it all the more. They act just as I would, they can torture me all they want, but in the end, no matter how much they wish to substance that "Pure Power", they only end up as me in the end.

Even if I "Submit" in the end, to which they ended the process, I still would win. Why?
You Are
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Re: Meditations

Post by The Kakama »

Nice to see this thread got revived for a while.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Okay, its been awhile since we debated on the partial concepts of how we view life itself.
I just recently found a cache of Edgar Allan Poe Quotes that I wish I found earlier.
I'm not going to spam all of them again, but just recite one that strikes close to the heart.
Edgar Allan Poe wrote:Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil.
It alone does not strike close to my heart without the combination of his other quote:
Edgar Allan Poe wrote:I remained to much inside my head and ended up losing my mind.
This is where it strikes close to home.
If anyone remembers my Cassopolis Outpost thread, I got allot more far in my mind with the story than what I wrote down. But...there were characters I invented into the story where....I could not live without them. They were within a world where I treated them with the utmost respect, and they were estrange by that kindness that seemed to no longer exist in the world within that story.

More over, I craved for my breaks in my daily life, to where I could sit down, and close my eyes...and BAM! I'm there.

I've since long got through it a long time ago.
But....I can't help but miss it. It was a possibility, of a better world within what would be seen as a hellhole. With a reason to why the hellhole existed was so...pitiful and full of greed from the republican party in Washington D.C.
The last part... that is me now...
Is this my final form?
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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Big Post warning.
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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Research Proposal: Free Will
Does Such a Concept Exist?

Introduction: For my research project, I wish to dive into the depths of one of the most ask question to exist on the face of the earth, “Is there such thing as ‘Free Will’?” Granted since this question has existed for so long, most people would avoid the subject so that they themselves are not subjected to their friends, or acquaintance harsh or obtuse objective in regards to their own point of view. But because such a controversial issue has been around for so long that most see that there is no answer, I find the topic all the more fascinating.

Another reason as to why this is such a controversial issue to discuss with other people is because our lack, or our ability to twist the concept of “Free Will” so that it only works to our advantage. Such examples being Hitler’s message to the distraught people of Germany, or Stalin false propaganda he fed his own citizens on the subject of Communism and how a captain does not own his own ship, the ship belongs to every citizen of Russia. We should also take care in viewing what has brought down these false messages of free will, the outside perspective on the propaganda being praise; such as Hitler’s message being view by the people of New England, or the Allies protest to his war rally, other examples being Stalin’s message to his country also fell apart as soon as it was view by the West side of Germany and the world. Once everyone saw Lenin’s original concept of Communism that spark the revolution in 1912, which everything belongs to everyone, the purpose is to dismantle the very objectivity that brings about both jealousy and deception in regards to steal what you want, but do not have.

My main concern when it comes to writing this Research Proposal as a whole is to remain both neutral and open minded to all side’s perspectives on the matter of “Free Will” while conducting my research on the topic; I find that I cannot help but at least feel one or more feelings that one side of the issue feels towards the other during the common argument that appears in our everyday lives. Cause with such a logical-less base subject as “Free Will”, it almost difficult, if not sort of improbable to view the subject with the facts alone. I find that I must from time to time cross the border of logic into the realm of emotional resentment or other such controversial human feelings in order to better understand the topic of “Free Will” in both its entirety from all points of perspective.

The purpose I have in mind is to ultimately convince the people reading this paper without striving to convince them the more obvious rout in the overall end goal. For I find that if I attempt to convince people that free will exist by either bombardment of convincing force, or convincing arguments, I will lose in the argument of free will before I even begin with the introduction statement. The position in the end must maintain the overall essences of neutrality in order for the topic to succeed, I must restrain from taking no sides, if not out of the argument perspective as a whole altogether in order to better convince the people in the end without showing nor hiding the possibility that I wish to achieve more than what I am presenting without an ulterior motive in which I gain or lose something in the end. I use the inspiring works of George Orwell’s “1984”, and other such works that address the issue without obviously divining head long into the subject. For I find that sometimes the best way to make an argument it to present it without presenting it. That to insure that the audience don’t shut themselves out of my proposal because of one or more facts I have touch brought about resentment towards me for even bringing up the subject.

I plan to start out my proposal on the topic of Free Will by directing the structure or inner workings that bring out both the momentum and strength that create Free Will in the first place. While striving to maintain both sides of the problem that people see with free will, such as the possibility someone higher is controlling them beyond their own reach; such as the concept of Government conspiracy, or God’s will takes priority over the little man own goal’s in life. The other perceptive sees that by being granted such a probability to be used Free Will to their own end will cause trouble all around. My focus is guided to view all sides of the argument, not just view it with a one-sided mindset on the matter.

Research Question: Free Will: Does It Exist?
Review of Literature: George Orwell’s “1984”, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich” Ralph Ellison’s “Invisible Man”. Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”, The Holy Bible, and Erwin Schrödinger quote “Schrödinger Cat” for the conclusion. All of these titles plus a couple more I have yet to locate a hard copy of I find that each address one fraction of the issue of Free Will despite whether or not the Author himself wrote the novel with the same intention. As well as musical works that contain even a single lyric that can relate to the subject of Free Will, anything despite the overall works as a whole which was written under a different goal other than addressing the issue of Free Will, will better project each aspects of how much a single person’s point of perspective greatly influences a fraction of the concept as a whole. For I find that with more indirect points give better influences than a majority of direct points given on the topic of Free Will better the chances that the convincing the reader that Free Will Exist without stepping or swaying their final conviction on the matter that was made by no one but themselves despite hearing my idea on the topic at hand.

Search Plan and Relevant Sources: I will source the works of simple for review purposes since I have already read each of these listed titles in my past. I would like to also note about my excellent memory to work with, so finding the quotes and other relevant data needed for the Research Proposal should be reverently simple. Any quote I have a hard time locating in the books I will source from the internet from quotes section. This should be helpful with saving me from long typing the quotes word for word.

Any hard copies I need to obtain for the research I will check out a copy at the Cass District Library, I already obtained a copy of 1984, the Holy Bible and the Invisible Man, and One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich in my possession. The only title I will use, but won’t require a hard copy is The Heart of Darkness, since I will only be using the title to make my point in the upcoming matter. And I will be using a single historic example, which I can look up the basic name information on Wikipedia to make sure I spell the foreign names correctly. The majority of the historical points I will build up from the original historic point I won’t be referencing from Wikipedia, I will state them from memory. My closing statement will consists of the famous quote made by Erwin Schrödinger, which I plan to use to create conflict at the end for the conclusion that I can achieved my goal to show Free Wills existences without spoon feeding it to the readers.

Project Timeline: Since I already have a finish copy of my Free Will existence that I wrote up in my spare time as a hobby, most of the work for me is already finish. I just have to type it out in MLA format. Then add in the reference sources in between the already existing paragraphs. And I will leave a dash next to some of the beginning of some of the paragraphs so I can let the readers know what my basic breakdown of the structure of free will resumes between examples. My final draft of my Research Proposal is due on the 19thh of February, 2015 at the end of Class at 11:50 am.

Key Challenges: My main concern under about this research proposal essay is my English writing skills. Since I have both a hearing disability, and the fact of how illogical some parts of the English language is, I will find that the paragraphs that I am adding into the Research Proposal essay will definitely contain several grammatical errors, and will need to be retype every now and again after being reviewed. Other than that, the rest of the work, typing, and researching will be a piece of cake.

I want to point out before we I start that I am not a pastor of the lord. But I am one of his flocks. But I have come to this belief by means of thinking both philosophically and logically. So you can choose to listen to what I have to say, or not.

• Before I present some example in the literal works that present Free Will, I should break down the concept and basic Foundation that make up Free Will as a whole. There has always been a debate about free will. Does it exist? Some argue free will is nothing more than a fabrication, that we are just puppets, that there is always someone, somewhere who just has to pull one string to make your choice for you. If there is such a person, we must remember, he too is human. He must exercise free will when he chooses whether to pull that string or leave it be.

Let’s take a look at the two pieces that make up Free Will: Good and Evil

• What is good? Well it’s not bad. So what then is Evil? It’s not good. How do we know every day when we go out into the world to live our lives what the actions we do are good, and what actions are evil? Well, when we help out someone who is less fortunate than us on the streets, this act results in not hurting another, thus it is not a bad thing. When you are driving home from work, and there is a fight going on, if you join the fight, that act will result in hurting both yourself and others, thus the ending result not being good. So good is the opposite of evil, and evil is the opposite of good.

• But why do we have good and evil? Because it’s there, or does it serve a purpose? When you wake up to your alarm clock in the morning, you have two choices. One example is where you get out of bed and arrive at work on time. The other is to sleep in and not go to work. These two choices result in either a good outcome or a bad outcome.

• This is Free Will. Free Will is simply having all your options laid out on the table in front of you, both good and bad, allowing you to choose one or the other. If there is only good, and no evil, the choice of doing evil is gone, thus free will is non-existing. If you only have the ability to choose evil deeds, again, free will is lost because you don’t have the ability to do good.

• The choices we make when exercising our Free Will, are not always black and white choices. The older we grow, the more we experience, and this Grey Area becomes larger and larger. The definition of Good and Evil is lost or changes with the flow of new times. But the true definition is always the same. Good is the opposite of Evil, Evil is the Opposite of Good. To exercise free will, you have to have good and evil; not just one of the two.

A good example that shows this is the works of Eric Arthur Blair, aka George Orwell novel 1984. The Novel main protagonist Winston story, and the novel title derive from when Winston wrote his first entry into his diary, which started out with the date “April 4th, 1984”, which stuck him in aw because he then realize,
“A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him. To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was 1984. It must be round about that date, since he was fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had been born in 1944 or 1945; but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two” (7).
This quote derives the current extent at the time of how much Big Brother power has reign the people of the country. That Evil has taken over the majority of the country of Oceania; which the Hate Minute perfectly shows later in the novel. But combined with the fact that the Thought Police still around shows in itself that Free Will still exists, otherwise the Though Police would not be necessary.
The whole point George Orwell was trying to make with his novel was to show how if society keeps going the way it does, it will end up like the world of 1984, and he was not that far off. Hate Minute was quoted as,
“The horrible thing about hate the Two Minute Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretense was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into grimacing, screaming lunatic.” (14 – 15)
One can compare the Two Minute Hate to the Casey Antony Trial in 2011. Since the whole trial itself is not the first, nor the last to exist. It was a prime example of Hate Minute. It can be noted that in 1984, Freedom is quoted as under the Double think method “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” (Orwell). Which the Double think as a whole derives on that fact which was conceived for the Inner Parties’ motive as,
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” (Orwell)
The famous 3 structure phrase being “War is Piece, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.”; but the Torture in Room 101 and the entire System of Big Brother and the Party can be destroyed with the simple phrase that extends in both the Double Think logic, and actual logic. The Logic being constructed into the phrase “You are Me.” O’Brian goes to the length of describing Pure Power as,
“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” (Orwell).
My Phrase “You are Me.” Breaks down the whole system because if you think about it, O’Brian and the Party wants “Pure Power”, and Winston at that time wants both freedom from the pain, and the destruction of the Party and Big Brother to come. Both are common human wants on both sides of the spectrum. Moreover, if O’Brian attempts to break this logic with his “Curing” or just torture in common sense of thought, his only strengths the point of the phrase “You are Me.” Cause at one point O’Brian shows the recording of Winston pledge to the fake resistance known as the Brotherhood pledging he will go as far as to “Torture, Rape, Kill, and Murder” if the Brotherhood needs him to. Now, O‘Brian is currently Torturing Winston, he simply proves my phrase “You are Me.”.

• To get back on track with the structure and foundation of Free Will; each individual’s Free Will and thinking is subject to motivation and influence. Think of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and so on - each decade brought their own expressions, in clothing, art, politics, etc. How society changed each decade influenced each individual’s exercise of Free Will in specific ways. Motivation and Influence is what creates the Grey area of life itself. Because of the changing forms of influence in life, that then creates multiple forms of motivation for each of us. This results in the creation of Meaning. Different forms of Influence and Motivation, creates just as many forms of Meaning.

A good example would be the novel One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Author tells his accounts of a single day he experiences in the Russian Labor Camps out of the many days of his sentences. One of his other inmates said to him as a means to show him the positive points of being at the labor camp was,
“Rejoice that you are in prison. Here you can think of your soul.” (Aleksandr)
I found that to be the whole point of the novel. He has many days to work, survive, and sleep, with only his mind to keep him company in between. It’s moreover that with that advice in mind, he can also find his reason to survive and to keep living; because, he should be happy to continue to live and shape his soul; because his only other option in the Soviet Union years was the death sentences. At which the time his heart would stop beating and his soul would cease to grow and shape itself.

Ivan squad, known as “Gang 104” that day is assigned to help with the construction of a Nuclear Power Plant, in which Gang 104 has to help with the bricking up the current section of the wall. One thing worth noting is how Ivan, when he arrives at the construction site, goes to find a trowel which he hidden the last time he was there. It’s in good condition despite how hard it is to get the proper tools just to brick up the wall.

He mention earlier about the recent letter he got from his wife back from his home town, and how she was working to make some carpets paintings, which were describes as,
“They didn’t go out carpentering, for which that part of the country was famous; they didn’t make osier baskets, for no one wanted them these days. But they did have a craft, a wonderful new craft- carpet painting.” (40)
These painted carpets were seen as the work of ease, to make the income of the higher class because of how popular they have become. Ivan’s wife felt the strong hope that when he returned, he too would become one of those painters. Ivan, wonder how he was never allowed to draw in his life would be able to paint, and to what the style presented on the painted carpets shown? These Carpets, since he would have to wait a long time until his sentences was finish, found them to be like a myth, a dream, to as far as Ivan quoted his thoughts,
“How Shukhov longed to see just one of those carpets!” (41)
But, Ivan also felt how these Carpets were easy money, too much easy money; that the easy money, not earned by hard working hands, would not last as long. Thus he would have to keep working and working day in and out for easy money in order to live his life outside of the camp. He feels a bit betrayed by his wife current condition, thus the Trowel which he hid is his only reason for surviving his sentences in the Labor camp. Cause Ivan once thought,
“They decided to go for the roll, but first Shukhov ran over to where a new wing of the repair shops was under construction. He had to get his trowel. For a mason a trowel is a serious matter-if it’s light and easy to handle. But there was a rule that wherever you worked you had to turn in every evening the tools you’d been issued that morning; and which tool you got the next day was a matter of chance. One evening, though, Shukhov had fooled the man in the tool store and pocketed the best trowel; and now he kept it hidden in a different place every evening, and every morning, if he was to put to laying blocks, he recovered it. If the 104th had been sent to the Socialist Way of Life settlement that morning, Shukhov would of course have been without a trowel again. But now he had only to push aside a brick, dig his fingers into the chink-and presto! there it was.” (53)
I was able to dissect his line of thinking about how he viewed both life and his mentioning of the Trowel as, “I must live through this day. For if I die, while my trowel is hidden or being used by someone else, it will be left in bad condition like the rest of the equipment the Camp assigns to us. This is the only thing I poses that which I know is mine, and mine alone to make sure it is in good condition." At the end of the day, he was able to reflect on the positive parts he had as he close his eyes to sleep.

• Each person, because of the ability to freely think, allows for the discoveries and teaching of different Meaning; this results in definition. Since each of us are different in our own way, create a definition of who we are, this comes from us as Free thinker creating our own mindset on how we view life.

A perfect example being Joseph Conrad novel Heart of Darkness, which tells the tale of the main protagonist Charles Marlow heads deep into the Congo for an assignment to see what is up with one of the Ivory Trading Company First Class Agent Mr. Kurtz. I came up with an idea about the title from later in the novel, how Kurtz outpost has several severed head stake on a pole just to the left of the main entrance to the Outpost. The Idea alone is disgusting, but the fact that Mr. Kurtz himself put those heads next to the front entrances is even more horrifying.

I find that the title “Heart of Darkness” can also be translated as “Heart of Truth”, as sometimes the truth is not always so pretty that we can sometimes only view it as darkness. I found that Mr. Kurtz figure out the same thing since he was expose to the past version of humanity while station at that outpost. He saw the primitive natives and learned their ways of life and tradition, which he them realize that not too long ago, the descendants from England were once considered the barbaric type when viewed by the invading Romans.

• Back into the Structure of Free Will, but because of the multiple forms of both influence and motivation, the definition of us is never set. The only set part of our definition is only from the repeating patterns that occur in our defining of who we are. Because of this, all choices we make in our free will create the unequal differences that define the different types of choices.

• Because our definition of ourselves is never set, create the measurement in the difference in the multiple choices we find in our lives, some choices that are simple, where others are more difficult in comparison. It’s because of the differences between the difficultly of the choices then creates or defines who we are as a person. As the novel the Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison demonstrates miraculously.
The Invisible Man who’s only known characteristics is that he is African American, and that we don’t what his birth name is. So in order to save space so I don’t have to keep referencing him as “The Invisible Man”, I will use his initials “I.M.”

I.M. apparently got a scholarship to for College, but the Scholarship itself was just a piece of paper that said: “To Whom It May Concern . . . Keep This Nigger-Boy Running”. I.M. is able to spend three years at the college, but he got in trouble for driving one of the founders of the college outside of the School grounds and for showing him the local area. The Founder, who name was Mr. Norton, revealed to him that I.M., and all the other college students where his Destiny, that his work for the College was his Destiny. I.M. got in trouble for showing Mr. Norton outside of the college grounds, which the Dr. Bledsoe wishes to hide from Mr. Norton.

I.M. ends up being sent to New York by Dr. Bledsoe, the President of the college, to apply for a job with several letters he was supposed to give when arriving at the job interview. He ends up there and after a week finds out that Bledsoe trick him and that the Letters had said “I have this pest I need to get rid of, please keep him in New York while expecting a job”.

In the end, I.M. was able to live somewhere else trap in New York. But was then later hired by this person who notices his talent for public speaking, and ask I.M. to help out with the African American movement in Harlem. This man name was Brother Jack, and with the help from I.M. was able to help many citizens in getting a well-paid job with this movement. He met up with one of the members from time to time from the Brotherhood. He name was Ted Clifton. He once said to I.M.,
“Be your own Father, young man.” (154)
I found that the line would not be recognizable if it weren’t for the fact it said “Be your own Father, young man.” Not “Be your own Man, son.” One of the Father Figure roll is to teach the son the ways of the world. It said “Be your own Father”, when in fact the actual translation of the quote is “Be your own Teacher, young man.” Meaning to learn what you want to learn and only you. I.M. does takes this to heart when he taste the Yam being sold in a stand outside in the cold streets of New York; which I.M. comes to enjoy, but his thought on the matter makes the yam appear as the forbidden fruit. But it’s at that moment he became his own Father.

Then I.M. was sent away for a while, only to return to find out that all his hard work was for nothing since the organization he work for had left many of the people they help get jobs on their own, and many where out living in the streets. This created much tension within the Harlem district of New York.

After speaking with Brother Jack about why they left all the people he work to support on their own, only to find out that this was their plan from the start, that they gave these entire jobs out so that they could take them away to create tension in the Harlem Districts. Their end goal was to achieve a Race Riot within the Streets of New York, to which they can profit from the Riot in the end. I.M. left the building shocked, unaware the clothes he was wearing on his back, was called out by someone who thought he was someone else. Fearing for his life, he took on the disguise as Rinehart as the shoes and coat he was wearing made him look like Rinehart; he was just missing a hat to complete the set.

Learning about this, he goes into a nearby shop and buys a hat just like the one that was describe to him, with which he was able to learn about how Rinehart has many different lives, which he would later use as a skill to work his Invisibility with later on. The Race Riot begins later on, and he gets trap in the middle of it. He was later chase down by a two police officers who were suspicious to know what he had in his Brief case.

While running from them, he end up falling down a manhole into the sewers, and ends up trap down there. He came to the conclusion that in order to gain his own choices, his own path in life that did not involve sharing this overall goal with someone else to be use for their own agenda. He decided from then on to live life as a homeless person in New York, to cut all ties from his past and to live his own life from there on. He was able to achieve his goal in the end when he spotted Mr. Norton, the same man who founded the College he uses to attend. He walks up to him, asking him “Do you remember me? I’m you Destiny.” Mr. Norton, not recognizing the person asks who he was. It was clear that Mr. Norton, spending his time waiting for his Destiny to be completed has made no more progress that the Invisible man had made on his own time.

• So, a man raised by a Rich, Greedy family can still choose between a life of charity, and the life of greed. But the influences resulting from free thinking that defines the spouse of this man still plays a large part in definition of who that man is. The definition of each of us results in the choices we make. That includes both the simple and hard ones that find us in our life.

• When bigger choices that come in our life which task us in making decisions, which our definition of ourselves is the main part in which the outcome of the decisions is decide upon. But, we must remember what came first, Free Will. It’s because of Free Will that started all this, is still the thing in which we are not limited to one option, wither it be good or bad. This is what separates the Human Kind, and the other form of life.

• If were to think of Greedy politician who care only for themselves and their power, we think of them as parasites. But we must consider that the thing that’s separates us from the animals on this earth is free will. Animals on this earth are life just like us. But what makes them different from us is that even though they too have the ability to choose, A majority of the choices will be the determine point in life or death for them.

• Back to the Politician and Parasite, because an animal’s choice will result in life or death for them, the choice of a parasite is limited to either surviving by feeding off others in order to live, or to not eat the way it needs to and die. A Greedy Politician is that of a human, he/she can survive by other means than greed. But the definition of who this politician is creates a difficulty in terms of changing his definition. It might take as much time from the point to where he dies of old ages until he changes his definition of himself, but it is not impossible in the first place.

Now I want to then focus on Fate, the definition that part of your life has already been planned by higher power. Some of you don’t believe in it because of the idea you don’t have a say in your path in life. Not entirely true as I found out; if we were to look at David and Goliath. David was told by God that he would defeat Goliath and save Israel. Think Dave had no choice in the matter? Not true, for you see, his brothers, and family, and all of his friends he knew kept saying to him “Don’t fight him, you’ll die. He is a giant; he will kill you with one step of his foot.

Now David, he did end up fighting Goliath, but the King wanted David to use his Armor. David decides not to. That act alone shows the presence of free will. Since David still had free will he could have also chosen not to fight Goliath; but to instead listen to his family and friends and step out of the fight before it even began. Thus fate is not being the loss of free will, but of the truth of what you can do, if you choose to do it; nothing more than a possible outcome of what could happen to yourself.

• So we can still have free will while having faith for each our own. Like how we can choose to drop out of college. You can still do it even when you have planned for four years for what you wish to do.

• All of these factors, all contribute on the base of Choice. Choice is a part of free will which can only be truly accomplished by having both good and evil available to us. But what is that for? If we were to look on the choice made by Gavrilo Princip; He decided to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, on 28 June 1914.

That choice sparked the start of WW1, which when it ended, the Allies drove Germany into the ground; this would then cause them the uproar and rebellion from the Nazi party which would then start WW2. Many things happened during WW2, such as the Holocaust, the invention of the Atomic Bomb as well as Atomic Energy. Then at the end of the war, Great Britain would have suffered from the war and end up losing a majority of its grip on other third world country such as Afghanistan. This would later be part of the cause that led to the 9/11 Terrorist Attack.

Then with the dispute between the leaders of the countries in the Allies over Germany recovery, sparks the Cold War between The United States and the USSR, the Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall, the Red Scare, the Cuban Missile Crises, and the War in Viet Nam.
All of these historical events all of this happen because Gavrilo Princip decide to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria; and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg.

If we are to look at the choices we make each day, do we know what the causes from this effect are? Despite the effect being little or big, all of our choices are part mechanize gears which turns the fabrication of history that is to come on this Earth.
• These effects are the results by the Choices we make.
• These Choices that we make are determine by our Definition of who we are.
• This Definition of who we are is the creation of Influence and Motivation.
• Influence and Motivation are the results of Free Thinking.
• Free Thinking is the results of Free Will.
• Free Will is the result due to the existence of both Good and Evil.
• And Good and Evil creates a special meaning inside each of ourselves that is only understood to us and no one else.

Now I have 3 questions for everyone here: You don’t have to raise your hand or anything. Only each and every one of you knows the answer to these 3 questions. You can do what you want with the answer. Talk about it, keep it a secret. But, I ask in return that you don’t ask me for the answer to these 3 questions.
1. How many of you were paying attention to my speech?
2. And how many of you were choosing to ignore what I just discuss because I said “I am not a pastor of the lord. But I am one of his flocks.”?
3. And how many of you have been wondering what I have in this shoe box?

An Austrian physicist named Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 once wrote down a Thought Experiment with the intention to create a paradox. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects,
“One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts.

It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.” (Erwin Schrödinger).
So does Free Will Exist?
You Tell me.
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Re: Meditations

Post by Sublevel 114 »


should I read all this?..
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Re: Meditations

Post by Vortex »

he posted it before :P
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Re: Meditations

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

This is the finish version.
Ever Read "One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Sublevel?
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