Submachine Universe

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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

mentalEngineer wrote:
Error_3113 wrote:I don't think I'm understanding this very clearly, could you clear it up for me?
After some debating above I (and others?) have concluded that the (0,0) transporter is the hub for all the other transporters in that system. This means when you put ciphers in (1,0) for example, it will have to go through (0,0) before going to its destination. I call it Contained System Transportation.
What about this?
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Re: Submachine Universe


The wire is broken, I don't know what it does have to do, the fact is that its imposible to the root to conect with that particular transporter.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by Lord of Flies »

I meant number of cables and number of locations. Of course locations are somehow connected. Maybe root was expanding, along with communication system, where entrance and six locations accessed by two plates where created first. Then Root expanded and communication system too. At first they just added more plates, but later they created better system, or maybe a few systems with locations containing few transporters to move between systems. That's why some of them have strange colours and are less rusty. And why they had to make the system work regardless of cable number.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by Jatsko »

Yeah, it doesn't seem like the Root transport system was made all at once. Especially since the Submachine was first being born, they probably didn't have it all thought out and perfected yet.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by mentalEngineer »

It seems that the root works like a tree branching off into different sections. This would mean that there would be a connector part that has not been observed yet.

So it would work like this: Root Machine (0,0) - Connector - Individual Transporter

Since the Root Machine has six cables there would have to be six connectors, these would branch into seven (42/6) cables that would connect to each transporter.
This would also leave room for further expansion (mentioned above) as you could put more connectors and cables to locations into the system.
Actually, that could be all the metal sheets laid out all over the place, they were used for the transporters.
This might be because the back plate of the transport fits that size.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by Jatsko »

Makes sense. I was going to say, the Root system had to have more than we can see in order to really work properly.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by Lord of Flies »

That rises new questions. How does it really work? Does it transport whole person and their clothes? Surely. But it doesn't transport everything in the room. How does it know what to transport and what not to? What if many people want to go to the same location? After all, plates are transported as well.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

The Answer is simple.
Clothes and people are difficult, to figure out.

But the inventory items you have in your Pocket/bag you carry them in transport with you.
Moreover, the plates do move with you, cause they are like keys in doors, when you unlock and open the door with the keys still in the lock, the keys go with wherever the swinging door goes.

Moreover, you don't need the Keys in order to operate the Root.
If you need to go back to 552, just push the button.

I think the only reason why the ones in SNEE don't work is because the Plug back at 552 is not put in all the way, and the Root System has no power.
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Re: Submachine Universe

Post by Lord of Flies »

But how does it know what's body and belongings and what's not? Obvious answer is that it transports everything in given area (along with air,) but how big is this area? And logically it should also transport things from destination back to the original room. Otherwise it would be possible for things to fuse together or even worse cause explosion or even worse cause paradox, deleting entire space-time submachine. What can be or not be our ultimate goal, after all. Also, if to people want travel, and one is transported along with plates, the other one can't follow them.
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Re: Submachine Universe


It teleports anything that touches and anything the toucher wears.
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