I'll also be making a TL;DR image of this chapter for possible future people who want to join the story but don't feel like reading it all.
So, what did you think of this chapter? you can criticize all you want here. I'll try to correct it in the next chapters.
And of course, you can post your theories about what happened and what will happen (i think i left too many questions in the end, so you can't say you have no material XD)
Here are a few additional pieces of info to help get you started:
-Possession shadows are, if you can say so, the only "proper" shadows. that is, they are the shadows of something else, and they can't exist independently of that something for a long time, that's why they must find a body to possess before they disappear. They're very low in the hierarchy because they are completely mindless, they'll try to possess anything you put in front of them. There's only one known shadow that is "proper" and not a possession shadow, you will unfortunately meet it in the following chapters.
-The darkness/fog that covers the city is called Perpetual Night, and yeah, it's in part, but not entirely, due to xetroV's smoke.
-You missed a few things in Ian's uncles' apartment. but don't worry, you will have the chance to explore it again, though not in the form you might think