- Submachine game series is copyrighted and owned by Mateusz Skutnik.
- This forum game is not supposed to infringe author's copyrights or to offend anything related to original Submachine games.
- SPECIFICATION: All pictures was redrawn from original Submachine pictures on Paint from the scratch, with little changes sometimes. Some of them are static, some of them are animated.
- Everyone can join the game.
- Do not spam.
- Do not cross the line when normal Profanity become flames and direct insults and abuses. Be polite man. :)
- Write commands to: move through rooms, take, examine and use items you find on your way, make close up views, check your inventory, and make other acceptable actions.
- Do not make silly or joke-like commands.
- Make only one-two commands in your post, please. Let others play too!
- Be careful! MAYBE there will be moments of danger, so, please, try to not meet with Game Over...