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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
The Abacus
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by The Abacus »

Great job Sublevel and ENIHCAMBUS :D
Lost chronicle (Chapter 3)
Wait, was there a second chapter? :? ...
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

Last edited by Sublevel 114 on 15 Jul 2014 10:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by The Kakama »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes



ENIHCAMBUS: I ran out of ideas!
Vortex: Then what you have to do is something random.
ENIHCAMBUS: I'm not good at that, I usually wait for something random to happen.
Vortex: But random only happens where there's random in the factor! ^^
ENIHCAMBUS: Was that randomness?
Vortex: No, Random.
ENIHCAMBUS: Hmmm... Random...
Boingo: To be random or not to be random...
Vortex: Hmmm...
ENIHCAMBUS: I tough narrator should said when a new member appears in the story.
Vortex: Not necesary, its randomness! :P
Bender: Wassup!
Sublevel: Hello Bender!
Bender: Sublevel Explodes!
Sublevel: *Explodes*
Kakama: Abacus Crashes
Abacus: *Crashes*
AK: Yeah, thats how things are supposed to be!
Paranormal: I got an entire house made of diamond in minicraft
Bloodhit: Share with me!
Bender: I'm going to vurn that house!
Vurn: Lol, whut?
Sublevel: Because he's troll
Boingo: Oh, har har, I get it.
Babylon: I'm got a new haircut!
Bender: But its imposible, you're bald!
Babylon: Its a quantic haircut, part of my new project
Borys: Interesting, I want to be part of it!
Redafro: What an interesting dream I had, it changed my mind, do you want to hear it?
Bender: No!
Submachine AL: I got the map of where YamiX hide the 3rd fragment of the map of the Pastel Lands, does domeone want to go with me.
Azareus: Sure!
Bender: Sorry, I'm to lazy
Sublevel: Sorry, I'm to Busy
ENIHCAMBUS: I'm Buzy too!
Bender: ENIHCAMBUS, why you always say buzy with "z"?
ENIHCAMBUS: Because when I'm busy, I'm buzzy!
Bender, Sublevel and Thunderdasher: What a bastard!
redneB: I'm back
xetroV: here I am!
Bender: It was time for the 2 gays to come.
Sublevel: Oh, Common you dudes aren't scary, alike SCP, or Sub2.
redneB: Okay!
ENIHCAMBUS: *Knock Knock*
Kakama: Who is there?
Kakama: Kanga Roo?
ENIHCAMBUS: No, Kangarooster!
Roosterman: How you dare to call me like that! *Sends ENIHCAMBUS to the past*
xetroV: I'm tired of all this lame jokes, I will kill you all, starting with anteroinen!
Anteroinen: How dare, you didn't capitalized my name, this means WAR!
xetroV: Okay lets have a battle outsaid!
Anteroinen: Okay!
redneB: Well, now that xetroV is gone now its me who is going to kill you all.
Bender: Sorry, but I have a blender. *Bender blends redneB* Noob juice anyone?
Sundayfever: No thanks, I ratter have orange juice.
Vurn: Why your unique threat in the fan-fics is all about juice?
Sublevel: Because she likes it a lot!
Sundayfever: :3
Prupp: X)
Boingo: Oh, har har!
Sublevel: :'D
Evil Otter: Excelent my evil plan is working!
Sublevel: What plan?
Evil Otter: ...
Sublevel: ...
Kakama: Don't ever tell
Vurn: I'm wasting my time here!
Bender: Then don't throw it to the trash bin.
Sublevel: Please, don't waste time, it makes it move faster... or slower.
Bender: Are you Ener?
Sublevel: No, but I think that creature was trained by ENIHCAMBUS.
Mordikai: Why some sentences lack of full stop dot?
Kakama: No one knows!
Bender: Who knows!
Vurn: Who's Who?
Bender: You!
Vurn: No, I'm not who, I'm vurn.
Bender: I like to call you who as I like to call Gil, Gilbert!
Gil: What did you say!
Bender: Nothing.
Abacus: Dudes, all those jokes are getting old, this is getting monotonous!
Sublevel: Yeah! We need new jokes!
Ancient Crystal: What did I miss?
Bender: cetDestPerm!
Ancient Crystal: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have fear of that word! *Floats away*
Sublevel: Seriously, we need new jokes!
Bender: To get new jokes you have to try new stuff. Why not starting with drinking some beer or smoking some weed?
Sublevel: NEVER!!! :evil:
Bender: You look so cute with that angry faic!
Sublevel: *Explodes on Bender*
Bender: That does nothing to me, I'm immune to everything, explosions, OIV+, Bending my self!
Sublevel: *Lies detected*
Bender: How you detect lies?
Sublevel: I learn it from ENIHCAMBUS!
Bender: Where is that grammar weakling?
Roosterman: I sent him to the past, where can no longer annoy us.
Sublevel: How far in the past did you send him?
Roosterman: I sent him to the Rusty Pit, before it gets a XYZ portal.
Sublevel: LOL
Boingo: Har Har! Goodbye! *Bounces off*
Bender: *Boing Boing Boing*
Lucas Gelati: I found a clue!
Mateusz Skutnik: Thats not a clue, its an error.
Bender: An horror should I say!
Lucas Gelati: Gahhh...! IMDUMB
Rulocore: Lol, funny dafuq.
Boingo: Har Har!
Kakama: Didn't you bounce out?
Boingo: Yeah! But I rebounded back!
Kakama: Oh, I see
Bender: Hey Mateusz! Frank!
Mateusz Skutnik: Frank!!! Where???
Bender: Right there, 1000 km away from here!
Mateusz Skutnik: I'm going to kill that imposter, have a good day! *Runs away*
Abacus: You must have balls to face Mateusz like that!
Post: I have 4 of them!
Bender: You have 4 balls!? :ö_ö:
Post: No, 4 faces, because I'm a tetrahedron. *Shrugs*
Bender: OK!
Sublevel: You talked a lot today.
Bender: I'm the perfect candidate for randomness!
Borys: Bender, president of Random!
Bender: And you champion of WTFs
Sublevel: And me, unofficial owner of room 947!
Bender: Lame!
Anteroinen: Hey dudes! I defeated xetroV!
Bender: Yeah, what an achievement!
Bubbles: Bender, can you place put my name back to normal.
Bender: As my first action as president of random, I will give back to this nut chucking squirrel his original name!
Marbles: Oh thank you!
Bender: Yeah! I'm a tank!
Vortex: A tank full of poopions!
Sublevel: Vortex, you didn't spoken in a lot of time! O_O
Vortex: Yeah, its becuase I'm depressed now, I broke with my girlfriend...
Raxas: Welcome to the club...
Zombieshooter: Yeah, welcome!
Vortex: Oh thanks dudes *goes with the club of broken hearts*
Bender: I should have taken a photo of that, If only I had a camera...
World Is Quiet: Don't worry, I'll make a drawing of that in my black Dossier!
Kakama: No if I make it first in my black paper!
World Is Quiet: You think?
Kakama: Yeah!
World Is Quiet: Well, lets have a race!
TheVoid: Jeez guys, I already finished an sketch of that!
TheVoid: Ninja! 8-)
Wraith of 4/22: Where's ENIHCAMBUS, she have's to face his fate with Lady Contrast in 10 hours!
Bender: Rusty the Ruster send him to the past. And who's Lady Contrast?
Sublevel: Julia Tusz?
Wraith of 4/22: No, not that kind of contrast!
Kakama: I just can get whats this guy is talking about.
Bender: Nevermind.
Sublevel: So any new joke?
Bender: Not that I know of.
World Is Quiet: I know everything I know of!
Abacus: That sounds paradoxal! I'm going to *crashes*
Bender: Sublevel, whats 0/0?
Sublevel: Thats nothing origanal, I have to go!
Vurn: Jeez you guys, I also go out!
Boingo: Goodbye!
Bender: No guys, President of Randomness tell you to stay here!
Sublevel: Why? There's nothing to do now. -_-
Bender: I will create new jokes, surely!
Sublevel: If they're dirty jokes then you will not please me, I don't like such jokes.
Kakama: You self said that for new jokes one should try new stuff.
Bender: I said that!? Oh yeah, right! But what can do I do? There's only my and this blender full of redneB juice.
Sublevel: I bet you can drink it!
Bender: ME! No, where's the guinea pig, that guy with what you can test anything you want!
Sublevel: Borys? He's out, come on, drink it!
All who's left in scene: DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!!!!!
Boingo: You can do it dear President of Randomness!
Bender: *Drinks redneB juice*, Hmmm... its spicy... very spicy..... VERY VERY SPICY!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sublevel: Whats happening!
Kakama: Bender will...
Bender: *haves super diarrea, hot as the fire of the hell!* My anus is burning!!! AAAAAHHH!!!
Sublevel: Please, someone call firemans!
Bender: Help! Help! Help! HePL! Kelp!
Isobel: *Cast a water magic to shut Benders anus* Problem solved!
Sublevel: Bender are you ok?
Bender: Not, my anus is vurned, and my rectum is... Fine!
Sublevel: Was necesary to say that?
Bender: Yeah!
Kakama: When this Randomness will end?
Sublevel: I don't know, Enihc and Vortex started it!
Kakama: Oh I see!
Sublevel: Ok dudes, I have to sleep, goodnight.
Kakama: Goodnight Sublevel.
Bender: Goodnight gays!

And as the lights shut in the Subnet, the remaining question is: have this Randomness ended? Will our heroes finally get out of so Random shit? I don't know. do you?

ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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The Kakama
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by The Kakama »

Very funny.
Is this my final form?
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Vortex »

awesome :D
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

random is eternal. :D
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


Lost notes

Code: Select all

Mateusz Skutnik: Give me 2 bucks!
Bender: Give me a Blender!
Frank: Give me LOVE!
redneB: ...

-You can call me a "Disco Dancer" from now on

-Dance everything you want, remember, I will not take care of Jesus

-How Murtaugh got his second enlightment?
-He meet Shiva in person, they talked and shared ideas, Murtaugh also had to make an exchange
-Exchange of what?
-Shiva promised to Murtaugh an infinite suply of watermelons if he where to gift him his popcorn machine

-Bender esta bebendo so leche, Bender encanta leche
Leche encantada de Bender, 10 euros el litro!

-Why does this sociopath only talk to Elizabeth?
-Can you please stop asking this question, you put me it 3 times! Please stop or you will be the sociopath!

Sunday: When I was young I was dumb, to dumb I loved Vurn
Vurn: What?
JackO: She's saying that only a retard can love you
Vortex: Partially Correct

I really hate Kelen, but Quo said that our behavior where haunting everyone in the Of Empathy, so he told us to talk, wish I ever have done that, the bitch just stood there insulting me, I upset and after a ranting we did what we did to forgive ourselves, and what happened in that room was better left unknown to everyone, including Quo, but one thing was sure, the Engineer was lurking there, he really was amazed of what happened, thats why Kelen hates to much the Engineer, because he knows what we done that day. Well back to work... -Daniel, Chief of security

Excelent! My evil plan is working! I reached to tie this dog's tongue to the most crappy place in the Universe. With this new weapon I'll be able to finally rule the world!
ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Vortex »

nice XD
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