Elizabeth was given the same power as Murtuagh.
She was orginally from Layer 2
The Same goes for Sir Henry O'Toole.
He was also given the same power as Murtuagh and Elizabeth.
But he was originally from Layer 1.
The only reason I assume Sir Henry O'Toole has this power, cause he is the only other character/ human in the series who we know his name. But I also think this because he was the first to come up with Anti-Structure Architecture. But he was only able to do this because he could see all of the other layers at once.
Plus because of this note from Submachine 7, which is the only other game after Submachine 2 to mention Sir Henry O'Toole again.
Once there was a man who said he knew what was happening after Murtaugh left.
Since then that man left us as well.