WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:I didn't pick the word Egg and Sperm as random Words.The Player of the Main series, he/she is technical not there. At least in physical Human Form. Its the work of the Submachine itself. Along with the help of "Shiva" who ever that is. Now...The player in the Submachine series, I could go as far as to say he/she is an Egg, or a Sperm for that matter.
Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions
- WorldisQuiet5256
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
- WorldisQuiet5256
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
I was trying to quote my first post on the last page and I accidentally hit the edit next to the quote button and deleted all those words on that one post.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 24 May 2014 23:02, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
WIQ if you could stop swearing it would be great
Bender sucks
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
For some inexplicable-for-now reasons, I still think that there are multiple instances, or reincarnations, of Murtaugh, and perhaps also Liz. The player is one of the reincarnations of Mur, perhaps the fifth one.
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Almost sounds like the old 7 Murtaughs theory that Mateusz famously debunked.Pulsaris wrote:For some inexplicable-for-now reasons, I still think that there are multiple instances, or reincarnations, of Murtaugh, and perhaps also Liz. The player is one of the reincarnations of Mur, perhaps the fifth one.
Except I never thought about reincarnation... could plays perfectly with spiritual elements of the series.
- Sublevel 114
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Does Submachine/Computer/Shiva/Subgod has such power to control human's souls and make people immortal?..
Does Submachine/Computer/Shiva/Subgod has such power to control human's souls and make people immortal?..
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Doesn't have to be them. It could just be natural in the Submachine world. The souls have to go somewhere (in the 8th layer?)
- WorldisQuiet5256
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
And I said that already.Pulsaris wrote:For some inexplicable-for-now reasons, I still think that there are multiple instances, or reincarnations, of Murtaugh, and perhaps also Liz. The player is one of the reincarnations of Mur, perhaps the fifth one.
Let me clarifies by using examples from the matrix.
A: The Architect said Neo was the one. Or rather when he was born in the matrix and in physical human form that he
And that what has happened happened 5 times before. Now...The One was to simple free 23 people from the matrix to build the next Zion.Inherited the anomaly of the main matrix code.
B: In the first matrix Film, after neo learns what it is, he wakes up back on the ship and Morpheus mention about the one before. Said that
We know that Murtuagh was originally from the 3rd Layer.It was he who freed the first of us
But what layer was Elizabeth originally from?
Or Sir Henry O'Toole?
Here me out, I said that the Submachine is the world before the Big bang. And I mean that. The difference between the 7 layers of Reality and the multiverse of today world is, there many more layers or "Alternate Universe". the actual count doesn't matter.
My point being is that the player is going to be the child of Murtuagh and Elizabeth. Simple cause Murtaugh and Elizabeth never gave birth to a child, but the other problem being is the next "One" to be born in the 4th layer is impossible. Cause everyone else die before this person could be conceived.
I mention the point of reincarnation before on another thread, and I mean that for a reason. I am of course not related to any of you who read this post. But you all are still technically my brothers and Sisters. It would simple take a many longs hour of tracing our family tree until we find the point where we share the same mother and Father.
Like one end of A Wisdom Gem
I use the example of Adam and Eve from the bible. Granted yes it in itself is a myth, but I wish to compare it to the older question: What came first? The Chicken? Or the Egg?
Its the Chicken of Course.
If we learn anything from Darwin theory of natural selection it dictates what came first was the chicken. The first chicken being a mammal and use to give birth to is children without an egg. But then at one point the actual first chicken was the first chicken because it laid an egg instead of its baby without an egg.
My point is that this "One" or the player for that matter is going to be born in the 4th Layer. After Submachine 10, the Exit.
Like I said, the difference between the layers of Reality and the multiverse is that there are more than 7 layers. Cause how murtaugh gain his powers was he put his arm in the Kent Waterfalls. Now it may not be called the Kent Waterfalls in Layer 2, or Layer 1 or the rest, but its the same Waterfall. Simple having to do not with just the Kent waterfall itself, but more onto the point its the same exact droplets of Water that the Murtuaghs from the Other layers touch at one point.
If you guys understand the simplicity of the Earth Water Cycle, then you know that at one point, you and i drank the same atom of H2O. It just happen either before or after one of us drank it first.
Cause there is no way any of us is going to inherited a Karma Arm cause our alternate being or "Selves" are not going be in the same space at the same time. Too many variables for it to work. Simple due to some of my version may have died before they put their hands in the exact same water.
Elizabeth was originally from the 2nd Layer. And she gain her powers long before Murtaugh was even Born.
Sir Henry O'toole was originally from the 1st Layer of Reality.
Hear me out, I said I loved Mateusz simple interpretation from this quote from the bible.
Which King Solomon said.Eclesiate 1:9 1-18 wrote:What Has happened before, Will Happen Again.
And...say If i knew every child born after Adam and Eve, I could simple trace each part of my genetic code to the point where they intercept.
But that would be rather difficult, cause:
A: I have to start with my mother and Father
B: I then have to follow my Mother's Father and Mother.
C: And then I have to trace My Father's Mother and Father.
That give me the 4 path that branch off many more paths.
But...that is where the wisdom gem comes in. Its half a pyramids, the top has to inception each of trace one of the four points.
And that alone is a single Wisdom Gem.
I already figure out what the knot looks like.Loops and knots wrote:
- Have you ever been to the place called the loop?
-Yes, of course.
-See, this knot is just like the loop. Well, maybe not exactly, but it serves the same purpose.
- In that case... What is so important in layer 5?...
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 25 May 2014 19:50, edited 1 time in total.
- WorldisQuiet5256
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
A single wisdom Gem.WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
W. isdom
G. em
3rd Dimension
3 Wisdom Gems.
There is no "Weak link" that can "Break the Chain" of a Mighty
Winter Palace of the fourth dinasty.
- WorldisQuiet5256
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Now...I posted this image before.

Saying it was the energy within a single Wisdom Gem.
First of all, the Submachine is the 3rd Dimension.
And a Wisdom Gem it two halves of a single Pyramid.
But its also spins, Why? So it is 3 Dimesional.
And, the Image in this post took some time to put together.
A: Cause I had to find the right chart from the Wikipedia on the contents of the Big Bang.
B: It had to be a Triangle
C: It also had to be Symmetrical
I was able to use it cause I could copy it and paste it twice to turn one upside down.
And I could also trace 4 lines to show a single Wisdom Gem in 2 Dimensions.
It also shows my point of Reincarnation. Say I die before I leave any children of my own. That have half of my DNA.
If I die, I am simple not "Destroy" only Transformed. Cause, My Brother is technically my Half Brother. We share the same biological mother, but not the same biological fathers.
So, if my biological fathers dies sometimes before or after I die, and he too didn't have any other biological children like me, he too shares a Genetic Code that come from both halves of his mother and Father. I could come back as "Reincarnated", it will simple take time for my Genetic Code to be piece back together.
Like I said, it would take time, but its not impossible. Cause a Fraction of my DNA is still out there. How? Simple, I have a niece who is the offspring of my Half brother, and My father has 2 Brothers and 1 Sister who are all Biologically Related. By that mean mean they all share the same biological Mother and Father.

Saying it was the energy within a single Wisdom Gem.
First of all, the Submachine is the 3rd Dimension.
And a Wisdom Gem it two halves of a single Pyramid.
But its also spins, Why? So it is 3 Dimesional.
And, the Image in this post took some time to put together.
A: Cause I had to find the right chart from the Wikipedia on the contents of the Big Bang.
B: It had to be a Triangle
C: It also had to be Symmetrical
I was able to use it cause I could copy it and paste it twice to turn one upside down.
And I could also trace 4 lines to show a single Wisdom Gem in 2 Dimensions.
It also shows my point of Reincarnation. Say I die before I leave any children of my own. That have half of my DNA.
If I die, I am simple not "Destroy" only Transformed. Cause, My Brother is technically my Half Brother. We share the same biological mother, but not the same biological fathers.
So, if my biological fathers dies sometimes before or after I die, and he too didn't have any other biological children like me, he too shares a Genetic Code that come from both halves of his mother and Father. I could come back as "Reincarnated", it will simple take time for my Genetic Code to be piece back together.
Like I said, it would take time, but its not impossible. Cause a Fraction of my DNA is still out there. How? Simple, I have a niece who is the offspring of my Half brother, and My father has 2 Brothers and 1 Sister who are all Biologically Related. By that mean mean they all share the same biological Mother and Father.