The Cassopolis Outpost
- WorldisQuiet5256
- karma portal traveller
- Posts: 5667
- Joined: 03 Dec 2012 17:56
- Location: 966 - Quiet Rooms - WiQ
The Cassopolis Outpost
Chapter 1
February 15 2015
Standing in a one of the watchtower located on the top of a 16 foot concrete wall, a figure looks out of the opening of the snow cover metal. This Man is wearing a gray scarf around his face with only his eyes visible. With a brown fedora hat warming his head and a brown leather jacket provides warmth. As he is about to sit down, his head swings in response to a sound hiding out in the blizzard snow; while scanning through snowfall through the opening he holds his rifle in response for the possibility there is someone out there. “Hear something?” someone ask from the inside the watchtower. Lost in his chain of thought, he dismisses what he thought he heard.
“You know why he takes these shifts; he the best one of us with that hearing of his. Committed to ever shift he takes. Besides, it’s around this time a day that survivors usually arrive.” “But in this kind of weather?” the first man ask while he warms his hands by the small fire set up in the center of the watchtower. Nothing but the sound of the heavy winter winds blowing from the outside that fills the silence of the lonely Watchtower.
“Well…” in attempt to break the awkward silence “…at least we now know for certain that this is what the Q.Z. Command was worried about. The weather I mean.” “Yeah…” the second man said with a shivering voice “…with this snow and the possibility that the outpost wall was not completed. We would have been completely defenseless.” “But I can’t figure out how they knew this kind of weather was coming?” “Ask Knowlegde,” he said as he looks towards the figure looking out of the opening. “He used to live here you know, just down the block.”
“Well then…” one of them asks with uncertainly. “Well then what?” the Knowlegde responded. “What was the weather like here during February of 2014?” “An Anomaly. Snow lasting much longer than it should have. I believed that my father said it had something to do with the ‘Polar Vortex’. That the pollution cause by global warming disrupted the winds of the north pole.” “What’s does the winds of the North Pole have anything to do with this?” the first man ask as he drank from a thermostat he had next to him.
“The winds of the arctic are one of the main contributing factors of the North Pole and to why it’s so cold. But it also created a kind of ‘border’ around the edge of the cold temperature. It contained all of the wind. But with the pollution leading to global warming, it disrupted it and allowed the cold winds to blow south.” “None of that matter to me, what I want to know is when did spring weather come?” the second man ask. “It should be warmer when March comes. Hopefully the snow should melt but the wind will still blow hard from time to time in 2014”
The conversation lead to silences. Agreeing with him as there was nothing that causes a sound he thought he heard through the winds. As he laid his rifle against the wall of the watchtower and sat down on the seat he reserved. After a few seconds the man named Knowlegde laid his head against the wall in order to concentrate on the sounds coming from outside the watchtower.
“But still the question remains…” the first man continued “…if there is still anyone left down south to pollute the earth anymore.” “We will find out soon enough,” the second man continued “Once this winter weather ends, we can safety send a scouting party down south to find out if the Q.Z. was completed or not.” A silent crack broke through the air; jumping up in respond to hearing this, Knowlegde peaks out the same window again.
“Shots fired?” the first man asks. Listening…another small crack came from the west. “The West Gate.” Knowlegde responded. Knowing the procedure, both men pick up their machine rifles and proceeded out of the watchtower.
Elsewhere in the blinding blizzard…”Hellllllpppp! Help Me! Somebody help me PLEASE!” a woman in her mid-twenties was shouting at the top of her lungs as she was running somewhere, anywhere from death. Several animalistic growls could be heard running behind her. As she runs down the road she follows in her escape, she fires a pistol behind her. Each shot resulting in nothing more than shot in the dark as the snow from the blizzard obstructs her vision. She could feel her salvation was at the end of this road, it had to be. It needs to be. The military documents she found on a small convoy said she would be safe could be safe there.
“Get Down!” a voice ahead of her shouted. Hearing the voice of her savor there, she drops down onto the snow covered road. Several quiet shots flew over her head; each impacting one of the creatures that were running behind her in the cover of the blizzard. One by one, the growls cease. “It’s okay now, you’re safe.” The voice ahead of her shouted. The women, getting back on her feet, looking aimlessly ahead of her, she was greeted by a man in a brown hat with a gray scarf covering his face; with two other men in military uniform flowing the man in the brown leather coat.
“Did I make it? Is this Cassopolis” she asks as if salvation has finally come. “Yes, you made it.” Hearing those words, the words she work so hard to hear, she walks towards the man in the brown leather coat as he extends out his hand to welcome this survivor. “I’m Cel…” he words were interrupted. “Miss! Marek, Brian! Cover Me!” the man in the brown leather coat shouts. Kneeling down next to her, the woman was still conscious despite being paralyses below the waist; her spirit falling farther than she ever felt possible.
“Shit.” She replied with a weak voice. “All that time…all that running towards someplace safe in this wasteland. And when I finally get to Cassopolis, fate decides to come knocking on my door. he hehe. At least I made it this far. Could you do me a favor mister?” “What would that be?” the man in the brown leather jacket responding with concern “Could you make sure I don’t turn into one of them? I saw it happen to my sister…and… I don’t want to be remembered that way!” she finishes with tears flowing down her cold cheek.
“Of Course.” The man replied, grabbing into his messenger bag and pulling out a little black book with a red covered spine and a black ball point pen. “What are you doing?” The women ask. “I have one request I would like to make, before I help out with your own.” “What would that be?” she responded as she gathers the last of her strength “Could you tell me what your name is?” this strange man asks. “Why?”
“For too long, too many people have been forgotten in this wasteland ever since all of this started. I…can’t help but take some of the responsibility to remember those were lost in all of this.” seeing the purpose behind the man request. “Sure.” She responded. “My name…is Celia Ash. Most people just call me ‘Ceil’.” Writing her name down alongside with a few other inside the little Black book. Then placing both the book and the pen back into the messenger bag; the man upholster and took out a silences 9mm pistol and loaded the chamber. Then, with his finger on the trigger, he points the gun at the women forehead.
"Wait…” The women interrupted with all the last of her strength gathered, “…before I die. I would like to know the name of my savoir.” “Sure.” The man answered. Leaning next to her, the man whispers his name into her ear. “What a beautiful name.” she said with the last tear falling off her cheeks. Nothing but strength fills her heart as she awaits a faith of her own choice.
A Gunshot hides among the howling wind.
Four Months Ago
My Name is Jacob Brown; my life is no more significant than any other person. But I, myself, am not a sociable guy. I have yet fully understood the purpose of small talk; my Downside of Autism. But still, I have a few friends. Each one of them is listed in my facebook status. 23 out of 23; not including family. But the upside of not talking so much has given me more time to think, long before all of this ever happened.
Ever since the beginning of mankind, we have always felt the need to go faster. Walk faster, drive faster, get the message out faster. With the coming of the 21st century, mankind has developed new technology at a rate we have yet to fully measure. Yet with Technology, it is both a gift and a curse. Like my Autism, it has both its upsides and its downside.
In November of 2014, the United States Troops were pulling out of Afghanistan to return home. The people in Washington D.C. decided it would be best for both the citizens of the U.S. and their potential voters to expand the Thanksgiving Holiday from one day, up to a week-long for this year. Each Congressman felt the need to repay the troops they represent by letting them return home with a grand and relaxing family time.
I would have originally gone along with my parent’s to my brother’s place over in Dayton Ohio for Thanksgiving holiday like we usually do. But unlike the majority of the U.S., I had no relatives coming home from the Middle East. To make matters worse, due to the extended holiday along with the condition of traffic that follows in order to reach Him; we all agree it was better to cancel. Since I had nothing else much to do, and my friends all had somewhere else to be, I stayed at my mother’s place to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday week.
I was already starting my third Semester at the Southwestern Michigan College, and since my mother house was in my small hometown of Cassopolis Michigan; close to the college Campus. That made it easier and cheaper to stay there instead of having to pay for a Student dorm at the Campus.
I work part time at the Cass District Library for a paycheck like any other person. Since all government institution were to be close for the Thanksgiving Holiday week, My Boss Jennifer Ray left me in charge of the building, while she and the other workers all went away to a relative or friends place to welcome back the Person returning from Afghanistan. Since I didn’t know anyone that was returning from the Afghanistan and had no plans for the holiday, it was simple logic that I was picked for the task of taking care of the empty library. There wasn’t much I had to do, just hold onto the spare keys to the building, and to check on it condition from time to time.
On the morning of the second day a majority of the population that lived in Cassopolis had left. By that time I was already up and started doing my homework for my college classes on my laptop. From time to time, I would log on to the internet to view small bits of the World News. One of the articles caught my eye; it was about a small outbreak of Rabies that was happening up north in Canada. After reading a vague report, I continued through my day with little thought about it.
The Next day, around lunch time, my Mother was already gone out for an hour to meet with some friends. I found myself eating in the kitchen when there was a loud knocking on my door. Upon answering it, I was greeted by two men in military uniform.
“Excuse me sir.” “Yes?” I responded “Are you Jacob R. F. Brown, employee of the Cass District Library?” “Yeah?” “We need you to come with us immediately.” “Hold on.” I protested “Before we go any furthered, who are you people?” “I am Private Marek, and my colleague is Private Brian. We are both soldiers of the United States Marine Corp, and we’ve been ask by the CDC to pick you up and bring you to the Library.”
“Why?” “All of your question will be answered when you get there.” Private Brian responded. “Can you give me a sec; I need to grab a couple of things.” “We don’t have time. We need you to come now.” “Waitwaitwait…wait. This is a break in my routine; I need a couple of things to bring with me. I need my toolkit…” “A toolkit?” Marek’s ask in confusion.
“It’s an Autism thing.” I responded. They both back off as I went to go grab my green military messenger bag, Brown leather coat and Brown Fedora. Alone with the spare keys I was given to the Library. Then follow them outside to an SUV waiting in the street. Remembering something important, I stop midway when I remember my mother; turning around to face Brian behind me “Wait, my Mother. If she comes back and I am not here, she will be wondering where I am.” “Don’t worry.” He said in a calming voice “We will have these two gentlemen waiting here to inform her about you current whereabouts.”
“Not enough.” I said while taking out a notebook and pencil “Don’t worry Mother, I am with these men who are at our house and I will return as soon as I can.” I left my signature on the bottom then tore out the note and ask them to give this to her when she comes back.
Autism I learn in a two way street, like relationships. You have to appease the person you are talking to. Given the fact I am not that much of a social guy, I still learn to be observant. When my usual explanation as to what I am doing does not work, I find using the four magic words explained it all. “It’s an Autism thing.”
When we reach the library, pulling into the parking lot I could be see that they already had people either working on their job or waiting to be assign one. Construction Workers selected by the Military; most of them seemed to be average Joes. Some of them were digging what appeared to be a trench around the outside the yard of the Library. There were also some Doctors that were gathering around a sixteen wheelers design to house a small command center in the library parking lot. The semi-trailer had the letters CDC on the side of it. The one thing I didn’t see was any News Reporter, or other forms of media. Not so much as a pedestrian with a iPhone in the distance.
The SUV stop in only vacant spot in this otherwise crowded parking lot; getting out with Marek and Brian escorting me. As we were approaching the employee entrance I was digging around inside my messenger bag to acquire the keys to the library; only to be interrupted with Marek opening the door. After entering the garage I walk over to the work area. Upon entering the room, my eyes were overwhelmed. The work desk, the shelves with office supplies, all gone; along with the middle of the room having several computer terminals with military personal station at each one.
Private Brian continued to escort me to Mrs. Ray director’s office. Private Brian and Marek waited outside the door to the office while I went in. Upon entering the director office, I found that her clutter and other items she had yet to organize were gone as well. The windows viewing outside were being work on by two construction worker. Where Mrs. Ray desk use to be was replaced by a more solid metal desk with a small military laptop connected to a radio. Sitting in the chair behind the desk appeared a man of great statue.
“Please sit down.” He said with a strong yet kind voice; taking a seat in one of the chairs position adjacent to the desk. “I know you have many questions. ‘Why are you here? What is all this for? What does it have to do with me?’ Well I will tell you. Have you’ve been watching the news recently?” “No, but I have been reading the news.” The man got up and proceeds to siting on the corner of his desk in front of me. “Well son, where are my manners. I am Colonel Shepard.” He said with his hand stretch out towards me. “Jacob Brown.” I replied as I shook his hand “But I guess you already know that.” with a grin appearing on his face.
“A smart one we have here.” He said with a hint of joy in his voice. “No, it was just simply logic.” I replied. “Hhahahahaha, and a humble one as well; So, let’s get down to business. Right now if you heard there is a small but serious rabies outbreak in Canada.” “I have.” “Well here is the deal; this new strand of rabies has a high infection rate, or so I am told. And the CDC has been asked by congress to set up local emergency station around the northern regions of the United States.”
“And the reason is why?” I ask; the Colonel looking at me, with his serious eye contact, his voice leaving his joy self and into a more pressing tone. “Because we feel that this virus might ruin the Thanksgiving holiday for the troops and their family. With all this movements, it might spread. And with some of the government institution shut down for the holiday, and the open ones that are short staff at the moment. If it spreads into the U.S. and people who are infected are not treated because of this…well, you know people; social media, the ability of rumor being able to spread so fast in so little time. If things get out of hand we need to be prepared. These stations we are setting up, like the one here at the Library, will allow us to respond quickly so mass panic can be avoid.”
CLANK! Back towards the window the two construction worker had accidentally drop a piece of solid sheet metal. “Sorry.” One of them said with a look of embarrassment on their face. “Now, here is what I need from you my boy.” Shepard Continued with his joy filled tone, “Right now, pretty much most of the Library staffs have all gone on their own holiday and we don’t have the time to go fetch them for their help. So all we have to work with is you.” He look at me expecting a response or two from me, I was spending the few silent seconds I had towards compiling data. I was paying attention to him, but even still… the logic does not fit. As I sat there with eye contact still maintained, I cause another awkward silence in the middle of this small talk with the Colonel.
“So…” Shepard continued in attempt to break this silence resulting from myself “Can we count on your help with setting up this operation?” Seeing that my next move on the chest board was needed, plus I required more data to work with in solving this equation. It was elementary that the next move was. “Sure, I see no reason why I shouldn’t” “Excellent my boy…” he responded with satisfaction with the results. “Now then…” he continued as he got up from the corner of his desk and proceeds back to his chair. “Private Marek can fill you in on what we need from you here. He will be in charge of making sure you’re taken care of while you help us out with this establishment.”
Pushing a button on the radio on his desk; after which I could hear the sound of a clicking noise from what I guess was a radio located outside the room “You can help Jacob along with his assignment.” He said into the mike attach to the radio. Upon leaving the director’s office Marek took me back outside where I was escorted out to the CDC trailer; place ahead of all of the workers who waiting in line.
Upon entering a door at the side of the trailer I was greeted by a female nurse wearing a surgeon mask and a white lab coat. “Welcome, and who might you be?” “Jacob Brown.” “Wonderful! Now Jacob, my name is Nurse Herwick. But you can call me Valery Herwick if you like.” “Are you related to Julie Herwick; an A.P. English Teacher at Ross Beatty High School?” “Yes I am actually, Julia spoke very highly of you.” “Then I take it you also know I am Autistic, Right?” “Yes…” She answers with a bit of confusion as to why I brought up this topic. “Well in that case, can I request that you don’t try to be extra nice to me?”
“I’m sorry, what do you mean by that?” Pausing for a second as I realize how mess up what I meant to say; taking the next few seconds to respond with my true intention. “Sorry,” I continued in order to break the silences. “I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant to say was you don’t have to worry about me freaking out or anything. Even though I am Autistic, you don’t have to speak with caution. I am not that kind of Person. I am more in the middle between a ‘normal’ kid and a person with a higher level of Autism. But I hope we can still have pleasant conversations each time we meet.”
With awkward silence still occupying the waiting room of the CDC Trailer, I proceeded to hold out my hand. Seeing what I was doing, Valery took it as we shook in attempted to properly introduces ourselves. “Hello, my name is Jacob Brown.” “Nice to meet you Jacob, I’m Valery Herwick.” Taking of my coat and hat and hanging both on a coat rack at one end of the trailer, she proceeded to lead me into the next room. Taking a seat on the patient bed, and placing my messengers bag besides me, Valery proceeded to pull out a file from a cabinet.
As she closed the cabinet drawer I caught a glimpse of a stamp on the outside; “Property of the Cassopolis Family Clinic”. Taking a look through my file, as she took a seat at a computer terminal on a small desk located to the left of the bed I sat on. Pulling up a page on the terminal, I could see my photo on corner of the screen. Feeling uncomfortable with the access they had to my patient file, I attempt to engage in small talk.
“So…what are you studying in? I mean, in what field do you want to be in?” “A CDC field nurse.” She said while her eyes were still fixated to the computer screen. “I use to babysit while I was in High School. But I love the science behind the human body; the structure, the cells, the organs.” “So, why not a Doctor; don’t they do more of the medical part?” “I thought about that as well, but I find that nurses are the middlemen. I mean they are less scary to the kids than a doctor. And I love to help people, so field work is what I hope to achieve.” “That sounds nice.” “It is.”
Examining me thoroughly through the usually procedures she took my blood pressure, measure my heart rate and my breathing. “Okay, that’s all good, now here come the hard part. I need to draw three samples of your blood.” “What….” I said with a small fright in my tone. “So that means needles, doesn’t it?” “Yes. We need to take one from your arm, one from your leg, and one from your…posterior.” She said with a calm and slight friendly voice. “Gulp. Okay, wait a moment. Can we take a breather here?” Reaching for my messenger bag, I proceed to pull out a small black book with a red cover spine.
“Record?” she ask hinting at the title of the old book. “Oh, that’s nothing. I call it my Black Dossier; It’s…in a manner of speaking, a partial mapping of my Mind.” Opening the Black Dossier, I flipped through the pages; looking at each page whiles my eye’s scanning each page for my strength’s. “Nice drawings.” Valery said as she looks over my shoulder as I continued to flip through the pages. “I had this book for a while; it uses to belong to my Grandma Lester. The book was pretty empty. When she died, her possession we split among my family. When I first viewed it, I found it to be the perfect book to sketch my thoughts and ideas.
Stopping at the page I was looking for, I took the few minutes to read silently. “Reality is a story the Mind tells itself.” Valery read out loud “An Artificial structure conjured into being by the calcium exchange of a million synaptic firings. A truth so strange it can only be lied into existence. And our minds can lie. Never doubt it.”
“Did you come up with that?” She asks as I put the Black Dossier back into my messenger bag, feeling calmer and ready to face the blood. “No. I was quoting a Scientist name Doug Rattmann.” “Doug Rattmann. Hmmm, I never heard of him before.” “I wouldn’t be surprise. He was a character in a comic you can find online.” “Really?” she asks with a bit of excitement on the subject. “What the name of the Comic?” “Lab Ratt.” Feeling a bit concern and uncomfortable on the subject; Valery walk over to another table to grab the needle and three vials.
Seeing what I have done, I continued the conversation in order to calm her thoughts about what I said. “The Comic was written as a prequel to the video game Portal 2.” “I have heard of that game. I love the puzzle you have to solve.” “Really, a promising young Nurse who studies all the time, knows about video games?” I said with a smile on my face. “When I was taking the required science class, Physics 101, I had trouble with understanding the concept of newton three laws.”
“Near the end of the semester, when I was studying hard for the finals; a friend of mine help me out when I was struggling the most. He showed me the game Portal, and when I played it; it help me all the more than the books in the college library could. In the end I was able to understand enough in order to pass the finals.”
“Cool.” I said at the end of our conversation. After ten minutes of taking my blood samples, Valery label and put the three vials in a tray containing other vial samples of blood she collected. Noticing one of the trays were full, she took it over to the back end of the room where she place it on a small refrigerator shelf “Okay that is all I needed from you. Now you can leave.” “So, what do you need my blood samples for? Are you testing to see if I was sick?”
“We just need to make sure you are fit for work.” “Wha…wait, work?” I ask as I put my coat and hat back on in the first room we were in earlier. “Yes, work. Colonel Shepard wanted to make sure you were in good health to work for him.” Uh...wha…”, loud knocking from the door interrupted my train of thoughts; barging through the door, a tall India looking man rush inside the semi-trailer. “Valery! I need those samples today.” He asks as he rushes towards the other room. “The next batch is in the fridge Dr. Marcus.” “Okay, Thanks!” he shouted as he opens the same refrigerator. After grabbing the sample trays, he rushes back outside the door. “Well, I’ll see you later Valery.” I said while we shook hands. “Thanks again Jacob for your cooperation.”
As I walk out of the door to the CDC trailer, Valery took in the next person who was waiting next in line outside the door; walking back inside the Library to be greeted by Private Marek and Brain who were waiting for me. “Sir.” Marek greeted. Knowing the routing by now, I follow them as they escorting me out towards the nonfiction section of the library. Stopping in front of a table, we all sat down.
Hanging my coat and hat on the chair I was sitting at, with Marek and Brian sitting parallel to me. “Okay Jacob, here what we need to know.” Brian said as Marek open a file containing a paper full of questions they needed to ask me. After a few hours of question me about the building, bored out of my mind, I decided to take lead. “Question number 54…” Marek started to ask “Where is the…” seeing the question on the paper, I stood up. With both of their attention on me, I lead them over to the relevant area of the library.
“Pipe 4A is right here.” I said as I pointed at the wall “You can connect you faucets and other water sinks you needs here for this section of the Library.” Brian staring at me while Marek pull out a marker. He drew an X where I pointed and wrote “Pipe 4A here.” “Where are the blueprints to the building?” I ask Brian. “If you need to know this stuff, just consult the Blueprints to the Library.” “We don’t have them. The company that contains them is close at this time.”
“That’s all? That didn’t stop you guys from getting into the library.” “It’s close and located in South Bend.” Marek intervene. “We don’t have the time at the moment to comb every inch of the record building for the one layout we need.” “But…” I continued with caution “I am also sure they would have a system of storing each copy so it can be easily found. Like the Library does with the books we have here.”
Marek and Brian looking at each other, then their eyes back at me as, Brian continued “The Company building that holds the copy of the Library Blueprint is close.” Seeing the sensitiveness of the topic projected in their eyes, as this line of questioning was consider “Classified”. Knowing I would only bring trouble to myself. “What the next Question?” I ask in attempt to break the tension in the air. The Questioning about the building continue until 8:35 pm, after which both Private Brian and Marek took me back home.
Exiting the SUV, walking towards the back door of my home, I found the two soldiers who were still here when I left earlier; each standing guard on either side of the door. “Gentlemen.” I said to them both as they were dismissed. Halfway into the doorframe, Brian stops me. “So, we need to see you again tomorrow at the Library. We will be waiting for you right here at 0900 hour.” “Greaaat.” I said with a stressful attempt at sarcasm.
Closing the door, I was greeted by two arms coming from behind me as they wrap around my neck tightly. Mother was waiting for me, standing only 2 feet from the back door when she heard the SUV coming down the block. “Where have you been? I leave for an hour, only to come home with these men here and you gone! I was worried sick. This note…” she continued as she held out a piece of paper “…of yours gave me some relief. But you are going to explain to me right this minute about what is going on.”
Taking a seat at the dining room table with a large glass of ice water I told mother everything that I saw today. Each sentence after sentence filling me with dread as I willingly lied to my mother. But what choice do I have? All I knew is what I saw, and what I was told was obviously bullshit. But it was all I could do in order to calm her down.
Mother taking all this in as I finish my last sentence with a drink of refusing cold ice water, followed with nothing but more silence in the room. “What are you going to do next?” she asks with slight worry in her voice. “Get up at eight o’clock tomorrow and go with those men back to the library.” “That’s all?” she asks with relief.
“I will do what they ask, and hope for the best.”
“I will get to the bottom of this.”
February 15 2015
Standing in a one of the watchtower located on the top of a 16 foot concrete wall, a figure looks out of the opening of the snow cover metal. This Man is wearing a gray scarf around his face with only his eyes visible. With a brown fedora hat warming his head and a brown leather jacket provides warmth. As he is about to sit down, his head swings in response to a sound hiding out in the blizzard snow; while scanning through snowfall through the opening he holds his rifle in response for the possibility there is someone out there. “Hear something?” someone ask from the inside the watchtower. Lost in his chain of thought, he dismisses what he thought he heard.
“You know why he takes these shifts; he the best one of us with that hearing of his. Committed to ever shift he takes. Besides, it’s around this time a day that survivors usually arrive.” “But in this kind of weather?” the first man ask while he warms his hands by the small fire set up in the center of the watchtower. Nothing but the sound of the heavy winter winds blowing from the outside that fills the silence of the lonely Watchtower.
“Well…” in attempt to break the awkward silence “…at least we now know for certain that this is what the Q.Z. Command was worried about. The weather I mean.” “Yeah…” the second man said with a shivering voice “…with this snow and the possibility that the outpost wall was not completed. We would have been completely defenseless.” “But I can’t figure out how they knew this kind of weather was coming?” “Ask Knowlegde,” he said as he looks towards the figure looking out of the opening. “He used to live here you know, just down the block.”
“Well then…” one of them asks with uncertainly. “Well then what?” the Knowlegde responded. “What was the weather like here during February of 2014?” “An Anomaly. Snow lasting much longer than it should have. I believed that my father said it had something to do with the ‘Polar Vortex’. That the pollution cause by global warming disrupted the winds of the north pole.” “What’s does the winds of the North Pole have anything to do with this?” the first man ask as he drank from a thermostat he had next to him.
“The winds of the arctic are one of the main contributing factors of the North Pole and to why it’s so cold. But it also created a kind of ‘border’ around the edge of the cold temperature. It contained all of the wind. But with the pollution leading to global warming, it disrupted it and allowed the cold winds to blow south.” “None of that matter to me, what I want to know is when did spring weather come?” the second man ask. “It should be warmer when March comes. Hopefully the snow should melt but the wind will still blow hard from time to time in 2014”
The conversation lead to silences. Agreeing with him as there was nothing that causes a sound he thought he heard through the winds. As he laid his rifle against the wall of the watchtower and sat down on the seat he reserved. After a few seconds the man named Knowlegde laid his head against the wall in order to concentrate on the sounds coming from outside the watchtower.
“But still the question remains…” the first man continued “…if there is still anyone left down south to pollute the earth anymore.” “We will find out soon enough,” the second man continued “Once this winter weather ends, we can safety send a scouting party down south to find out if the Q.Z. was completed or not.” A silent crack broke through the air; jumping up in respond to hearing this, Knowlegde peaks out the same window again.
“Shots fired?” the first man asks. Listening…another small crack came from the west. “The West Gate.” Knowlegde responded. Knowing the procedure, both men pick up their machine rifles and proceeded out of the watchtower.
Elsewhere in the blinding blizzard…”Hellllllpppp! Help Me! Somebody help me PLEASE!” a woman in her mid-twenties was shouting at the top of her lungs as she was running somewhere, anywhere from death. Several animalistic growls could be heard running behind her. As she runs down the road she follows in her escape, she fires a pistol behind her. Each shot resulting in nothing more than shot in the dark as the snow from the blizzard obstructs her vision. She could feel her salvation was at the end of this road, it had to be. It needs to be. The military documents she found on a small convoy said she would be safe could be safe there.
“Get Down!” a voice ahead of her shouted. Hearing the voice of her savor there, she drops down onto the snow covered road. Several quiet shots flew over her head; each impacting one of the creatures that were running behind her in the cover of the blizzard. One by one, the growls cease. “It’s okay now, you’re safe.” The voice ahead of her shouted. The women, getting back on her feet, looking aimlessly ahead of her, she was greeted by a man in a brown hat with a gray scarf covering his face; with two other men in military uniform flowing the man in the brown leather coat.
“Did I make it? Is this Cassopolis” she asks as if salvation has finally come. “Yes, you made it.” Hearing those words, the words she work so hard to hear, she walks towards the man in the brown leather coat as he extends out his hand to welcome this survivor. “I’m Cel…” he words were interrupted. “Miss! Marek, Brian! Cover Me!” the man in the brown leather coat shouts. Kneeling down next to her, the woman was still conscious despite being paralyses below the waist; her spirit falling farther than she ever felt possible.
“Shit.” She replied with a weak voice. “All that time…all that running towards someplace safe in this wasteland. And when I finally get to Cassopolis, fate decides to come knocking on my door. he hehe. At least I made it this far. Could you do me a favor mister?” “What would that be?” the man in the brown leather jacket responding with concern “Could you make sure I don’t turn into one of them? I saw it happen to my sister…and… I don’t want to be remembered that way!” she finishes with tears flowing down her cold cheek.
“Of Course.” The man replied, grabbing into his messenger bag and pulling out a little black book with a red covered spine and a black ball point pen. “What are you doing?” The women ask. “I have one request I would like to make, before I help out with your own.” “What would that be?” she responded as she gathers the last of her strength “Could you tell me what your name is?” this strange man asks. “Why?”
“For too long, too many people have been forgotten in this wasteland ever since all of this started. I…can’t help but take some of the responsibility to remember those were lost in all of this.” seeing the purpose behind the man request. “Sure.” She responded. “My name…is Celia Ash. Most people just call me ‘Ceil’.” Writing her name down alongside with a few other inside the little Black book. Then placing both the book and the pen back into the messenger bag; the man upholster and took out a silences 9mm pistol and loaded the chamber. Then, with his finger on the trigger, he points the gun at the women forehead.
"Wait…” The women interrupted with all the last of her strength gathered, “…before I die. I would like to know the name of my savoir.” “Sure.” The man answered. Leaning next to her, the man whispers his name into her ear. “What a beautiful name.” she said with the last tear falling off her cheeks. Nothing but strength fills her heart as she awaits a faith of her own choice.
A Gunshot hides among the howling wind.
Four Months Ago
My Name is Jacob Brown; my life is no more significant than any other person. But I, myself, am not a sociable guy. I have yet fully understood the purpose of small talk; my Downside of Autism. But still, I have a few friends. Each one of them is listed in my facebook status. 23 out of 23; not including family. But the upside of not talking so much has given me more time to think, long before all of this ever happened.
Ever since the beginning of mankind, we have always felt the need to go faster. Walk faster, drive faster, get the message out faster. With the coming of the 21st century, mankind has developed new technology at a rate we have yet to fully measure. Yet with Technology, it is both a gift and a curse. Like my Autism, it has both its upsides and its downside.
In November of 2014, the United States Troops were pulling out of Afghanistan to return home. The people in Washington D.C. decided it would be best for both the citizens of the U.S. and their potential voters to expand the Thanksgiving Holiday from one day, up to a week-long for this year. Each Congressman felt the need to repay the troops they represent by letting them return home with a grand and relaxing family time.
I would have originally gone along with my parent’s to my brother’s place over in Dayton Ohio for Thanksgiving holiday like we usually do. But unlike the majority of the U.S., I had no relatives coming home from the Middle East. To make matters worse, due to the extended holiday along with the condition of traffic that follows in order to reach Him; we all agree it was better to cancel. Since I had nothing else much to do, and my friends all had somewhere else to be, I stayed at my mother’s place to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday week.
I was already starting my third Semester at the Southwestern Michigan College, and since my mother house was in my small hometown of Cassopolis Michigan; close to the college Campus. That made it easier and cheaper to stay there instead of having to pay for a Student dorm at the Campus.
I work part time at the Cass District Library for a paycheck like any other person. Since all government institution were to be close for the Thanksgiving Holiday week, My Boss Jennifer Ray left me in charge of the building, while she and the other workers all went away to a relative or friends place to welcome back the Person returning from Afghanistan. Since I didn’t know anyone that was returning from the Afghanistan and had no plans for the holiday, it was simple logic that I was picked for the task of taking care of the empty library. There wasn’t much I had to do, just hold onto the spare keys to the building, and to check on it condition from time to time.
On the morning of the second day a majority of the population that lived in Cassopolis had left. By that time I was already up and started doing my homework for my college classes on my laptop. From time to time, I would log on to the internet to view small bits of the World News. One of the articles caught my eye; it was about a small outbreak of Rabies that was happening up north in Canada. After reading a vague report, I continued through my day with little thought about it.
The Next day, around lunch time, my Mother was already gone out for an hour to meet with some friends. I found myself eating in the kitchen when there was a loud knocking on my door. Upon answering it, I was greeted by two men in military uniform.
“Excuse me sir.” “Yes?” I responded “Are you Jacob R. F. Brown, employee of the Cass District Library?” “Yeah?” “We need you to come with us immediately.” “Hold on.” I protested “Before we go any furthered, who are you people?” “I am Private Marek, and my colleague is Private Brian. We are both soldiers of the United States Marine Corp, and we’ve been ask by the CDC to pick you up and bring you to the Library.”
“Why?” “All of your question will be answered when you get there.” Private Brian responded. “Can you give me a sec; I need to grab a couple of things.” “We don’t have time. We need you to come now.” “Waitwaitwait…wait. This is a break in my routine; I need a couple of things to bring with me. I need my toolkit…” “A toolkit?” Marek’s ask in confusion.
“It’s an Autism thing.” I responded. They both back off as I went to go grab my green military messenger bag, Brown leather coat and Brown Fedora. Alone with the spare keys I was given to the Library. Then follow them outside to an SUV waiting in the street. Remembering something important, I stop midway when I remember my mother; turning around to face Brian behind me “Wait, my Mother. If she comes back and I am not here, she will be wondering where I am.” “Don’t worry.” He said in a calming voice “We will have these two gentlemen waiting here to inform her about you current whereabouts.”
“Not enough.” I said while taking out a notebook and pencil “Don’t worry Mother, I am with these men who are at our house and I will return as soon as I can.” I left my signature on the bottom then tore out the note and ask them to give this to her when she comes back.
Autism I learn in a two way street, like relationships. You have to appease the person you are talking to. Given the fact I am not that much of a social guy, I still learn to be observant. When my usual explanation as to what I am doing does not work, I find using the four magic words explained it all. “It’s an Autism thing.”
When we reach the library, pulling into the parking lot I could be see that they already had people either working on their job or waiting to be assign one. Construction Workers selected by the Military; most of them seemed to be average Joes. Some of them were digging what appeared to be a trench around the outside the yard of the Library. There were also some Doctors that were gathering around a sixteen wheelers design to house a small command center in the library parking lot. The semi-trailer had the letters CDC on the side of it. The one thing I didn’t see was any News Reporter, or other forms of media. Not so much as a pedestrian with a iPhone in the distance.
The SUV stop in only vacant spot in this otherwise crowded parking lot; getting out with Marek and Brian escorting me. As we were approaching the employee entrance I was digging around inside my messenger bag to acquire the keys to the library; only to be interrupted with Marek opening the door. After entering the garage I walk over to the work area. Upon entering the room, my eyes were overwhelmed. The work desk, the shelves with office supplies, all gone; along with the middle of the room having several computer terminals with military personal station at each one.
Private Brian continued to escort me to Mrs. Ray director’s office. Private Brian and Marek waited outside the door to the office while I went in. Upon entering the director office, I found that her clutter and other items she had yet to organize were gone as well. The windows viewing outside were being work on by two construction worker. Where Mrs. Ray desk use to be was replaced by a more solid metal desk with a small military laptop connected to a radio. Sitting in the chair behind the desk appeared a man of great statue.
“Please sit down.” He said with a strong yet kind voice; taking a seat in one of the chairs position adjacent to the desk. “I know you have many questions. ‘Why are you here? What is all this for? What does it have to do with me?’ Well I will tell you. Have you’ve been watching the news recently?” “No, but I have been reading the news.” The man got up and proceeds to siting on the corner of his desk in front of me. “Well son, where are my manners. I am Colonel Shepard.” He said with his hand stretch out towards me. “Jacob Brown.” I replied as I shook his hand “But I guess you already know that.” with a grin appearing on his face.
“A smart one we have here.” He said with a hint of joy in his voice. “No, it was just simply logic.” I replied. “Hhahahahaha, and a humble one as well; So, let’s get down to business. Right now if you heard there is a small but serious rabies outbreak in Canada.” “I have.” “Well here is the deal; this new strand of rabies has a high infection rate, or so I am told. And the CDC has been asked by congress to set up local emergency station around the northern regions of the United States.”
“And the reason is why?” I ask; the Colonel looking at me, with his serious eye contact, his voice leaving his joy self and into a more pressing tone. “Because we feel that this virus might ruin the Thanksgiving holiday for the troops and their family. With all this movements, it might spread. And with some of the government institution shut down for the holiday, and the open ones that are short staff at the moment. If it spreads into the U.S. and people who are infected are not treated because of this…well, you know people; social media, the ability of rumor being able to spread so fast in so little time. If things get out of hand we need to be prepared. These stations we are setting up, like the one here at the Library, will allow us to respond quickly so mass panic can be avoid.”
CLANK! Back towards the window the two construction worker had accidentally drop a piece of solid sheet metal. “Sorry.” One of them said with a look of embarrassment on their face. “Now, here is what I need from you my boy.” Shepard Continued with his joy filled tone, “Right now, pretty much most of the Library staffs have all gone on their own holiday and we don’t have the time to go fetch them for their help. So all we have to work with is you.” He look at me expecting a response or two from me, I was spending the few silent seconds I had towards compiling data. I was paying attention to him, but even still… the logic does not fit. As I sat there with eye contact still maintained, I cause another awkward silence in the middle of this small talk with the Colonel.
“So…” Shepard continued in attempt to break this silence resulting from myself “Can we count on your help with setting up this operation?” Seeing that my next move on the chest board was needed, plus I required more data to work with in solving this equation. It was elementary that the next move was. “Sure, I see no reason why I shouldn’t” “Excellent my boy…” he responded with satisfaction with the results. “Now then…” he continued as he got up from the corner of his desk and proceeds back to his chair. “Private Marek can fill you in on what we need from you here. He will be in charge of making sure you’re taken care of while you help us out with this establishment.”
Pushing a button on the radio on his desk; after which I could hear the sound of a clicking noise from what I guess was a radio located outside the room “You can help Jacob along with his assignment.” He said into the mike attach to the radio. Upon leaving the director’s office Marek took me back outside where I was escorted out to the CDC trailer; place ahead of all of the workers who waiting in line.
Upon entering a door at the side of the trailer I was greeted by a female nurse wearing a surgeon mask and a white lab coat. “Welcome, and who might you be?” “Jacob Brown.” “Wonderful! Now Jacob, my name is Nurse Herwick. But you can call me Valery Herwick if you like.” “Are you related to Julie Herwick; an A.P. English Teacher at Ross Beatty High School?” “Yes I am actually, Julia spoke very highly of you.” “Then I take it you also know I am Autistic, Right?” “Yes…” She answers with a bit of confusion as to why I brought up this topic. “Well in that case, can I request that you don’t try to be extra nice to me?”
“I’m sorry, what do you mean by that?” Pausing for a second as I realize how mess up what I meant to say; taking the next few seconds to respond with my true intention. “Sorry,” I continued in order to break the silences. “I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant to say was you don’t have to worry about me freaking out or anything. Even though I am Autistic, you don’t have to speak with caution. I am not that kind of Person. I am more in the middle between a ‘normal’ kid and a person with a higher level of Autism. But I hope we can still have pleasant conversations each time we meet.”
With awkward silence still occupying the waiting room of the CDC Trailer, I proceeded to hold out my hand. Seeing what I was doing, Valery took it as we shook in attempted to properly introduces ourselves. “Hello, my name is Jacob Brown.” “Nice to meet you Jacob, I’m Valery Herwick.” Taking of my coat and hat and hanging both on a coat rack at one end of the trailer, she proceeded to lead me into the next room. Taking a seat on the patient bed, and placing my messengers bag besides me, Valery proceeded to pull out a file from a cabinet.
As she closed the cabinet drawer I caught a glimpse of a stamp on the outside; “Property of the Cassopolis Family Clinic”. Taking a look through my file, as she took a seat at a computer terminal on a small desk located to the left of the bed I sat on. Pulling up a page on the terminal, I could see my photo on corner of the screen. Feeling uncomfortable with the access they had to my patient file, I attempt to engage in small talk.
“So…what are you studying in? I mean, in what field do you want to be in?” “A CDC field nurse.” She said while her eyes were still fixated to the computer screen. “I use to babysit while I was in High School. But I love the science behind the human body; the structure, the cells, the organs.” “So, why not a Doctor; don’t they do more of the medical part?” “I thought about that as well, but I find that nurses are the middlemen. I mean they are less scary to the kids than a doctor. And I love to help people, so field work is what I hope to achieve.” “That sounds nice.” “It is.”
Examining me thoroughly through the usually procedures she took my blood pressure, measure my heart rate and my breathing. “Okay, that’s all good, now here come the hard part. I need to draw three samples of your blood.” “What….” I said with a small fright in my tone. “So that means needles, doesn’t it?” “Yes. We need to take one from your arm, one from your leg, and one from your…posterior.” She said with a calm and slight friendly voice. “Gulp. Okay, wait a moment. Can we take a breather here?” Reaching for my messenger bag, I proceed to pull out a small black book with a red cover spine.
“Record?” she ask hinting at the title of the old book. “Oh, that’s nothing. I call it my Black Dossier; It’s…in a manner of speaking, a partial mapping of my Mind.” Opening the Black Dossier, I flipped through the pages; looking at each page whiles my eye’s scanning each page for my strength’s. “Nice drawings.” Valery said as she looks over my shoulder as I continued to flip through the pages. “I had this book for a while; it uses to belong to my Grandma Lester. The book was pretty empty. When she died, her possession we split among my family. When I first viewed it, I found it to be the perfect book to sketch my thoughts and ideas.
Stopping at the page I was looking for, I took the few minutes to read silently. “Reality is a story the Mind tells itself.” Valery read out loud “An Artificial structure conjured into being by the calcium exchange of a million synaptic firings. A truth so strange it can only be lied into existence. And our minds can lie. Never doubt it.”
“Did you come up with that?” She asks as I put the Black Dossier back into my messenger bag, feeling calmer and ready to face the blood. “No. I was quoting a Scientist name Doug Rattmann.” “Doug Rattmann. Hmmm, I never heard of him before.” “I wouldn’t be surprise. He was a character in a comic you can find online.” “Really?” she asks with a bit of excitement on the subject. “What the name of the Comic?” “Lab Ratt.” Feeling a bit concern and uncomfortable on the subject; Valery walk over to another table to grab the needle and three vials.
Seeing what I have done, I continued the conversation in order to calm her thoughts about what I said. “The Comic was written as a prequel to the video game Portal 2.” “I have heard of that game. I love the puzzle you have to solve.” “Really, a promising young Nurse who studies all the time, knows about video games?” I said with a smile on my face. “When I was taking the required science class, Physics 101, I had trouble with understanding the concept of newton three laws.”
“Near the end of the semester, when I was studying hard for the finals; a friend of mine help me out when I was struggling the most. He showed me the game Portal, and when I played it; it help me all the more than the books in the college library could. In the end I was able to understand enough in order to pass the finals.”
“Cool.” I said at the end of our conversation. After ten minutes of taking my blood samples, Valery label and put the three vials in a tray containing other vial samples of blood she collected. Noticing one of the trays were full, she took it over to the back end of the room where she place it on a small refrigerator shelf “Okay that is all I needed from you. Now you can leave.” “So, what do you need my blood samples for? Are you testing to see if I was sick?”
“We just need to make sure you are fit for work.” “Wha…wait, work?” I ask as I put my coat and hat back on in the first room we were in earlier. “Yes, work. Colonel Shepard wanted to make sure you were in good health to work for him.” Uh...wha…”, loud knocking from the door interrupted my train of thoughts; barging through the door, a tall India looking man rush inside the semi-trailer. “Valery! I need those samples today.” He asks as he rushes towards the other room. “The next batch is in the fridge Dr. Marcus.” “Okay, Thanks!” he shouted as he opens the same refrigerator. After grabbing the sample trays, he rushes back outside the door. “Well, I’ll see you later Valery.” I said while we shook hands. “Thanks again Jacob for your cooperation.”
As I walk out of the door to the CDC trailer, Valery took in the next person who was waiting next in line outside the door; walking back inside the Library to be greeted by Private Marek and Brain who were waiting for me. “Sir.” Marek greeted. Knowing the routing by now, I follow them as they escorting me out towards the nonfiction section of the library. Stopping in front of a table, we all sat down.
Hanging my coat and hat on the chair I was sitting at, with Marek and Brian sitting parallel to me. “Okay Jacob, here what we need to know.” Brian said as Marek open a file containing a paper full of questions they needed to ask me. After a few hours of question me about the building, bored out of my mind, I decided to take lead. “Question number 54…” Marek started to ask “Where is the…” seeing the question on the paper, I stood up. With both of their attention on me, I lead them over to the relevant area of the library.
“Pipe 4A is right here.” I said as I pointed at the wall “You can connect you faucets and other water sinks you needs here for this section of the Library.” Brian staring at me while Marek pull out a marker. He drew an X where I pointed and wrote “Pipe 4A here.” “Where are the blueprints to the building?” I ask Brian. “If you need to know this stuff, just consult the Blueprints to the Library.” “We don’t have them. The company that contains them is close at this time.”
“That’s all? That didn’t stop you guys from getting into the library.” “It’s close and located in South Bend.” Marek intervene. “We don’t have the time at the moment to comb every inch of the record building for the one layout we need.” “But…” I continued with caution “I am also sure they would have a system of storing each copy so it can be easily found. Like the Library does with the books we have here.”
Marek and Brian looking at each other, then their eyes back at me as, Brian continued “The Company building that holds the copy of the Library Blueprint is close.” Seeing the sensitiveness of the topic projected in their eyes, as this line of questioning was consider “Classified”. Knowing I would only bring trouble to myself. “What the next Question?” I ask in attempt to break the tension in the air. The Questioning about the building continue until 8:35 pm, after which both Private Brian and Marek took me back home.
Exiting the SUV, walking towards the back door of my home, I found the two soldiers who were still here when I left earlier; each standing guard on either side of the door. “Gentlemen.” I said to them both as they were dismissed. Halfway into the doorframe, Brian stops me. “So, we need to see you again tomorrow at the Library. We will be waiting for you right here at 0900 hour.” “Greaaat.” I said with a stressful attempt at sarcasm.
Closing the door, I was greeted by two arms coming from behind me as they wrap around my neck tightly. Mother was waiting for me, standing only 2 feet from the back door when she heard the SUV coming down the block. “Where have you been? I leave for an hour, only to come home with these men here and you gone! I was worried sick. This note…” she continued as she held out a piece of paper “…of yours gave me some relief. But you are going to explain to me right this minute about what is going on.”
Taking a seat at the dining room table with a large glass of ice water I told mother everything that I saw today. Each sentence after sentence filling me with dread as I willingly lied to my mother. But what choice do I have? All I knew is what I saw, and what I was told was obviously bullshit. But it was all I could do in order to calm her down.
Mother taking all this in as I finish my last sentence with a drink of refusing cold ice water, followed with nothing but more silence in the room. “What are you going to do next?” she asks with slight worry in her voice. “Get up at eight o’clock tomorrow and go with those men back to the library.” “That’s all?” she asks with relief.
“I will do what they ask, and hope for the best.”
“I will get to the bottom of this.”
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 09 Mar 2014 17:30, edited 2 times in total.
- WorldisQuiet5256
- karma portal traveller
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- Location: 966 - Quiet Rooms - WiQ
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
Can't Delete this Post...I made a mistake.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 19 Apr 2014 04:02, edited 1 time in total.
- WorldisQuiet5256
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- Location: 966 - Quiet Rooms - WiQ
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
Standing outside of the Library after a Hard Days work in a project he yet to understand the value of, a man holds a pack of cigerestes in front of Jacob Brown.
"Smoke?" the Man ask.
"Gee Dr. Marcus. I thought it was unsafe to smoke."
"Only outside the CDC lab we have set up."
Jacob Brown Standing leaning against the brick wall of the Cass District Library, with the calm November winds clearing his mind, while Dr. Marcus smoking a cigaret.
"Damn Internet" he said after finish one cigaret.
"I'm sorry...what?"
"People keep making the same mistake over and over."
"I...afraid I don't follow?"
"The First Symptoms of the Virus has always been the two clear and present symptoms."
" need to speak clearly to me, I'm Autistic Remember. I can't understand your Rambling."
"They are paralyze below the Waste, while they are still conscious!!!!!"
"What....?" I said while my uneasiness was a bit hard to express.
"Dr. Marcus....I not understanding you? Lemmings? Clear Symptoms? What are you talking about?"
"'t go on the web allot?"
"No...why else do you think I choose this Library to begin with? It was my first job. Okay...the World is Clearly Quiet Here."
'"huh?" Dr. Marcus ask with confusion.
"Its a quote I put on the outside of my bedroom Door, 'The World is Quiet Here'"
"Where...did you heard that quote?" Dr. Marcus ask.
"I read. What do you think I do? I read. This Library; The Cass District Library has always been a place of true Knowledge, always changing, yet always making sure to keep the important Fact first before all of the modern "News" is the first to go."
"......forget I said anything." Dr. Marcus said as he throws his pack of cigarettes on the ground. Seeing this did no one any good, I pick them up and toss them into the nearest trash bin before going back inside to get back to work on whatever this Project was for.
"Smoke?" the Man ask.
"Gee Dr. Marcus. I thought it was unsafe to smoke."
"Only outside the CDC lab we have set up."
Jacob Brown Standing leaning against the brick wall of the Cass District Library, with the calm November winds clearing his mind, while Dr. Marcus smoking a cigaret.
"Damn Internet" he said after finish one cigaret.
"I'm sorry...what?"
"People keep making the same mistake over and over."
"I...afraid I don't follow?"
"The First Symptoms of the Virus has always been the two clear and present symptoms."
" need to speak clearly to me, I'm Autistic Remember. I can't understand your Rambling."
"They are paralyze below the Waste, while they are still conscious!!!!!"
"What....?" I said while my uneasiness was a bit hard to express.
"Dr. Marcus....I not understanding you? Lemmings? Clear Symptoms? What are you talking about?"
"'t go on the web allot?"
"No...why else do you think I choose this Library to begin with? It was my first job. Okay...the World is Clearly Quiet Here."
'"huh?" Dr. Marcus ask with confusion.
"Its a quote I put on the outside of my bedroom Door, 'The World is Quiet Here'"
"Where...did you heard that quote?" Dr. Marcus ask.
"I read. What do you think I do? I read. This Library; The Cass District Library has always been a place of true Knowledge, always changing, yet always making sure to keep the important Fact first before all of the modern "News" is the first to go."
"......forget I said anything." Dr. Marcus said as he throws his pack of cigarettes on the ground. Seeing this did no one any good, I pick them up and toss them into the nearest trash bin before going back inside to get back to work on whatever this Project was for.
- WorldisQuiet5256
- karma portal traveller
- Posts: 5667
- Joined: 03 Dec 2012 17:56
- Location: 966 - Quiet Rooms - WiQ
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
Code: Select all
Radio Log Transmission.
To: Q.Z. Operations Command Headquarters
Date: November 29th, 2014.Time: 14:05
Location: Cassopolis MI Site: A-3
Reported by: Sg. Johnson
Q.Z. Operation Command had received predicted weather reports that determine the workforce management. The first snowfall was predicted to come by December 10th, 2013. The Colonel had all workers whose current task that did not involve the construction of the Outpost Wall is directed towards completing it before the first Snow comes. This left some of the key systems in the Outpost half completed.

The current Water Wells installation inside the Outpost is completed. The plumbing system that allowed the water pump from the wells was connected to current completed sections of the Outpost. Ground Water can now be filtered and dispense to certain location within the outpost, but not the entire outpost. Current location with water well access included the Command Center, Cass District Library; Old Courthouse Building, Train Yard. But the rest of the town housing are left without the means of water supplies.
The Electricity grid setup for the outpost has been completed. But currently only the Cass District Library, the Command Center, The Ross Beatty Building, and the Train Yard have electricity capability. But the Rest of the Town is without lights or electricity. The main power grid station connecting the current power grid resides at the corner of Reed and Broadway.
The Outpost gates currently have they own gas-fuel generators to open them. But a Manual system has been installed to open the gates until the grid system has connected to the gate.
Another halted workload in the location to house the Main Machine Shop is being outfitted at the K & M Machine-Fabricating Inc. building. It was support to be outfitted to handle the workload required by the military that were going to run the Outpost. Currently, the shop is lock up, and a fence has been built around it.
A train yard near being constructed at a siding on the rail road near the JCS Woodworking & Manufacturing warehouse has also been halted. The sidings already at this location were to be expanded to store several Diesel Trains and Railroad repair equipment. Q.Z. Operation Command wanted this for a possible future investment. It was thought that after several months of the Outpost Operation has pass, that they could construct and secure remaining railroad line so that they had a more convenient means of transporting supplies to the Cassopolis Outpost.
Currently there are: 3 Diesel Engines, 2 Boxcar, 1Tank Car, 2 Railroad Crane, 3 Flatcars, 1 Coil car, 4 Passenger Cars, 1 Road-rail Vehicle and 1 Track Renewal Train resides at these sidings. The Area has been Fences off.
The Tunnel located at the end of Park Shore Dr. just south of the train yard was also under construction. One of the problems with the structure is the tunnel goes under the railed road line connected to the train yard. But the passage is only big enough for a single vehicle to pass one at a time. There were several complaints about this due to the truck drivers for the construction had trouble getting through. So it was decided to expand the tunnel so it could hold two-way traffic. But as part work diversion, the tunnel remains close. Anyone who attempted to go under it would find their path block from several construction and structural support blocking the path.
The construction at the small Airfield has halted as well, which resides south of Diamond Road. The landing strip was already built, but the rest of the field, including the hangers, light fixture. There is no control tower and the Ross Beatty High School has a temporally shack built on the roof to house a makeshift Control Tower. The Area around the outside of the airfield has been fence off.
The final Z-Herd Drive station has been installed outside of the Cassopolis Outpost. The Outer Wall and its defenses have been completed. Each outfitted with their own solar panel and wind Mill. The perimeter around the Z-Herd Drive has been secured with wired fences around them and their location remains hidden from plain sight. Each Station Radio activation receiver has been check out and all are reported to work as plan. The main control station for the Z-Herd Drive resides inside the Command Center at the radio building built on the corner of Ash and Walnut St.

- WorldisQuiet5256
- karma portal traveller
- Posts: 5667
- Joined: 03 Dec 2012 17:56
- Location: 966 - Quiet Rooms - WiQ
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
Okay, I will eventually post the next chapter, by which I mean most like not in a couple of years.
Too much stuff going on in my life right now.
But...Interesting Fact.
The start of the story in Chapter 1, is happening right now.
Go Figure.
Too much stuff going on in my life right now.
But...Interesting Fact.
The start of the story in Chapter 1, is happening right now.
Go Figure.
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
How many feet of snow do you have up there right now?
- WorldisQuiet5256
- karma portal traveller
- Posts: 5667
- Joined: 03 Dec 2012 17:56
- Location: 966 - Quiet Rooms - WiQ
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
Right now, there is now snow.
The photo I showed you was from this year, but the snow melts away real quick.
Only this morning did we have a fraction of it.
The photo I showed you was from this year, but the snow melts away real quick.
Only this morning did we have a fraction of it.
Re: The Cassopolis Outpost
Oh, I see