Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by Babylon »

In first games the story was so casual ("last summer I went in a camp", "take care of the cat", etc. etc.), it's been like a big "jump" from the quotidianeity of Sub4's Lab (for example) to all the karmic forces and godlike stuff in Sub7-8-9, and I can't seem to conciliate it all well.
Well, with a headress like that, he must be a religious leader of some denomination or another?
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by Sublevel 114 »

So it seems the Mur and Liz story has been wrapped up? I liked it, even if I didn't understand it. Mur got his redemption in the end it seems.

Does that mean in the final game it's just going to be us, and the machine?
There always were only WE and MACHINE, since first seconds of Sub1. But...
we found first Murtaugh's note in basement, right? We even found Murtaugh's note in Loop, when game itself said "it is just you and the machine".

I think Murtaugh will show us his last word in last tenth game. :)
And will we ever learn what Submachine really is?
If Murtaugh/Elizabeth/Shiva/Computer/Machine/Mateusz himself doesn't answer on this question in last game, I WOULD BE VERY MAD. >:[
We all thought it would be some sort of interesting magic and sci-fi hijink. Little did we know that it would actually be of importance to Submachine itself until this game.
I wonder did Mateusz PLAN ALL THIS, back in 2005, before releasing extended version of Submachine 1...
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by Vortex »

Sublevel 102 wrote:If Murtaugh/Elizabeth/Shiva/Computer/Machine/Mateusz himself doesn't answer on this question in last game, I WOULD BE VERY MAD. >:[
you're not the only one. But I don't think he'll leave it hanging just like that.
Sublevel 102 wrote:I wonder did Mateusz PLAN ALL THIS, back in 2005, before releasing extended version of Submachine 1...
We can't know, but this is turning up to be quite well planned :P
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by RuloCore »

Of course it follows a bit the Lost series structure. The first seasons had little explanation to all the questions compared to the final ones (and still there are thousands of questions without answer).
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by RuloCore »

I don't think we've had the last word of Murtaugh or Elizabeth yet. I refuse to believe #Submachine10 will be just like an escape game. There are still many questions to answer. But Mateusz, I would really like that in #Submachine10 you came back to the claustrophobic machines, I mean, I would like it to be a bit less spiritual and megalomaniac but more like #Submachine6, a bit more futuristic.

And please invent a new kind of teleportation device! :_(
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by Vortex »

Why are you talking with twitter tags?
And anyways, at this point the game must be pretty much planned and I don't think there's much room to change already.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by RuloCore »

OK but if the Exit is another ruin-like location I'll Image
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by Anteroinen »

Well, it makes sense, right? Submachine was originally this neat and complex thing, before the corruption started. That is where you'll find the answers: in the beginning not in the end.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by ShadowNiL »

I'd like to address the possibility that the voice we heard at the end of Sub 9 after clicking the white karmic...interactable... is the voice of Shiva Himself, greeting the Player upon entering whatever new location we will have entered. I'm just getting that sorta feeling from the echoey, distorted effect of the voice; as blatantly "Godlike Entity" as it gets.

Also, I think we'll have to use the hammer again upon reaching the (possibly) new location in Sub 10, to find a secret or two. Or use it on a main puzzle?
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by Anteroinen »

gemini wrote:
Babylon wrote:
In first games the story was so casual ("last summer I went in a camp", "take care of the cat", etc. etc.), it's been like a big "jump" from the quotidianeity of Sub4's Lab (for example) to all the karmic forces and godlike stuff in Sub7-8-9, and I can't seem to conciliate it all well.
Well, with a headress like that, he must be a religious leader of some denomination or another?
He was responsible for restoring the chaos he created during the second enlightenment, its very well possible those that came to know him during that period of time and the time after, worshiped him for the progress he made in restoring what he had originally destroyed.

I don't think he was a religious leader at all, I think he people just idolized him and produced a cult following over the decades that followed after he started to restore the balance and after he died.
I very much agree. He most likely was an important person and leader judging from the notes, but I would guess not the religious kind. The Shiva stuff must be attached as some relic from the future/past. Maybe this is some group that still holds up the religious origins of the technology or something?
I don't think we've had the last word of Murtaugh or Elizabeth yet.
I am not sure, as Gem said their story arc is pretty much done, but on the other hand there is not much you can say about the player is there. The layer is supposed to be this ethereal character, and he is. Clearly we've been looking at an aftermath all the time, we are pointless. What I mean is, we have no story arc to complete.
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