- COMMAND: Mad: Ask if Ener can withstand the pain in his right thigh. If not:
COMMAND: Mad/Ener: Look in your INVENTORY for anything that may stop Ener's leg from bleeding (The Sheets would've come in handy right about now...)COMMAND: MAddox: Help Ener with his wound.Somehow distract ener from his driply bloods, while thinking of a way to treat themCOMMAND: MADDOX: Use your skills in SHEETOLOGY to use the SHEETS as BANDAGES
Oy, Ener. You might not want to look at your...
I know my leg hurts, you ape!!! Oh... sorry...

None taken. And how come you're not freaking out?
It's my own bloods. Why would I be scared of it? Owww... gnarl-wrapping fec...
Man, that's really deep and clean cut. If only we have Kelen with us... Just look away, you don't want to see how bad that is. Let me patch it up with...

While keeping it nice and tight around Ener's waist and hips with...

There you go. That's the best I can do.
Still hurts, but I will do fine. I think you put it on too tight...
It the only way to restrict the bleeding. Can you move your legs much?
All right, I am not sure how much closer we are to Station B2, but let review our positions here. We still need to get the ORANGE BOX in Section B and return to Section D. I am not so sure about using Rail System again because some other freaks and monsters might pop up and maul us to death.
Hey, are you listening?