Command: Maddox: Soothe headache by sitting and rubbing temples, and grumble about the train's lack of chairs.
Command: Ener: Wish you had your blue squishy exercise ball to chew on.
(optional) Command: OE system: Give distorted, creepy scrambled message to heighten the tension.
As if we need to listen that blaring out into my ears! Gosh fucking darnit... I need to sit and relax those headaches of mine away and there's no fucking chairs around!!!
I wish I have my BLUE ORB back... I am such a feccy critter for giving it away...
I know that thought. I feel like wanting to chow down on it as well. Damn, I haven't had this kind of headaches since I met with Kelen back in Section F...
Here, take some BLUE MEDS. Those are the last two, I am afraid...
Thanks, but I don't need it. This Headache is bad, but not that bad... Ok, let calm down and review our predicaments here... Ener, do you remember the THEORIES that Elouf and Quall presented to you a while ago?
Yeah, I do. Here in pup words for you to understand:
- all of this could be a one big dream
- a shared consciousness
- memory experiment
- result of massive war
- we could come from a different realm, whatever that is
- bite me, we might have been living here all of time!
- related to the Awakening Event
- one giant stimulation
COMMAND: MADDOX: try to remember what happened that caused the SHIP to be all broken and separate on the LIGHT VOID...
Thinking in deep thought like a Sage with wielding staff?
Would you please be quiet? I am trying to think.
*is very silent like a well-mannered pup*
Ok… I remember Quo saying something about the Experiments. The
Of Empathy is testing out some sort of Technology that promised to be revolutionary... A shared consciousness sounds likely so this could promise the exchange of free information between everyone. As does memory experiment that distorts our thoughts and shapes the way we see and remember. It could be used as therapy to repair and reconstruct memories... but then the governments could use it to control its citizens for its twisted version of utopia civilizations.
What about coming from another realm, like our Universe of Vast Reach?
You would need a huge energy source for that and a complex understanding of quantum physics and fabric of our reality. It possible, but on a dingy little ship like this? I… just don't know. I don't see how it would applies since Quo said everyone are taking medications. It's probably individual testings for everyone on the ship. Maybe as part of one giant stimulation that use our mind as part of cyberspace and we need medications to keep our mind stables.
What are you yapping about?
Hooking our mind into machine, using close to 100% of our minds to our fullest potential. That could explain everything that been going on here. But... I am not going to speculate anymore until we get that ORANGE BOX and force Quo to bargain for everything he knows.
That sounds like a plan. But how would that helps with the SHIP here? How do we get out? Do you remember anything right before the Situation happened?
Kinda. Disasters everywhere.
Remember Quo's note about revolts and riots? That what happened. The
Of Empathy, this entire ship, was thrown into bloody chaos. Then... Gah, I don't remember exactly how it happened or why the
Of Empathy looks like it torn apart from the inside. But I remember that YOU was part of that revolts.
Ok, it's asking time. What am I, Maddox? Or you haven't remembered that yet?
I am afraid that you would be asking that very question… You're one of the Special Volunteers here. And you told me that you wasn't here for any reason, but actually none of reason. You were taken here against your wills.
Bingo. And you guys experimented on me.
And Elouf.
And Quall.
And Ulom.
And I bet many others.
I didn't exactly experiment on you, but...
YES YOU DID!!! By association.
Well… You got me there…
And what about Yeyni! She's a Scientist, not a Special Participant! Why does she have so much of a meat with you?
Let say that I hurted her. Yes, I did "locked her away" as she accused me of doing.
So she was telling the truth! You fuckhead! What about my mate! What did you do to Teyri!!!
Ok, calm down... Ener, I think there's something you should know about her and Yeyni.
Because of the COMPUTER back in Section C, I now remember all of the employees on the
Of Empathy. It my job to know as a Security Sergeant. You did have a wife, that I know from your profile.
But she wasn't suppose to be on the SHIP.
Neither did Yeyni.
But how can I see her? How can we see them?
I am not sure, but from what's happened and happening here… I think we're all going mad.
From the Experiments.