...It obviously comes from a factory where dead horses, 70's fashion magazines and alien fuel are combined and turned into Starbucks drinks and fast-food hamburgers.MateuszSkutnik wrote:it's like in real life.
You don't know where the food is coming from.
And if you say: "from the shop" - then you developed a tunnel vision.
Wait, that's how it happens in real life, right?
(Thinking of it, the thought of someone having a farm on the Subnet is really funny. "Oh, I'm planting fluorescent watermelons here. There's Wisdom Corn over that field too. Fun how they alwaysseem to taste great when popcorned, if you can ignore the fact that they'll keep glowing until you digest them. Now, let's go back inside, put 506 on the portal and we'll get ourselves some cold Red Resin juice. And maybe I can show you the looping cotton later." ~Farming on the Subnet)