- COMMAND: BOTH: Examine the room. Grab a walkie-talkie. (I foresee a change of ways.)
There is a shelf to the left with WALKIE-TALKIES and an EMPTY WASTEBASKET underneath. The EMPTY LOCKER sits nearby with its door torn off. Maddox can see the TABLE right in front of him with a ADJUSTABLE MIRROR and a NOTE sitting on it. There's another NOTE taped to the wall. And finally, there is some sort of CARD READER connected to the EAST DOOR. The WEST DOOR didn't seems to be locked or anything. Automatic, perhaps?
As Maddox kept himself busy with observations, Ener picked up the WALKIE-TALKIES

Ener and Maddox each acquired... EMERGENCY WALKIE-TALKIE! Now the Dandy Duo can communicate with each other if they get split up again like in the second chapter!