COMMAND: MADDOX: Ask the large diglett who is he and what is he doing here.
So what are you... a large Diglett?
Oh for the goodness... I am not the Pokemon. That series is so very extremely old... why are we discussing this?
I am a SLUG. Can't your well see?
Umm no... weren't you suppose to be all slimy and have two eyestalks and maybe a shell?
Snails have shells, Ener.
That would be a regular and simply wild slug. Of course, your see that I am intelligent and has rational consciousness. I am a complex being, such as youselves.
Must be another species from the Awakening Event.
Not sure about that... we may came from a different means. But that was a so long long time ago. We evolved since then. And about the slimy body... yes, I was suppose to have a slimy body, but look at me. My is but a rock solid and cannot move at all.
But why is that... speaking of which. Who are you and what you're doing here?
Oh oh oh oh. I see you two didn't quite remember me.
I am the MANAGER of the
Of Empathy. The name's Quo.
So you're THE Manager.
All right! Ask him! Ask him!
Actually... I am a hermaphrodite. You can just refer me as IT.
So what are you doing here? And why are you frozen solid as a rock or something?
I tried to help people, but many I met were too lost in their personal struggle about trying to recover their memories. Of course, I only know their names and professions, but that weren't enough... And so I sat here and waited for someone who would come here so we can formulate the plans to resolve the Situation.
Alas, I then became hard solid and immovable.
How ironic.
What about Daniel and Kelen? And you know about the Engineer?
Yes, I heard of the Engineer. Unfortunately, I never seen this being in person yet, so I don't know its actual name. I remember having at least... 20 different Engineers working under me. And yes, I met Daniel and Kelen. They were one of the few beings that actually engaged in taking control and assume stability over the areas assigned by the Engineer. I understand their intentions to help people, but all that does is prolong our survival and our inevitable fates that will soon bestowed upon us.
Fates? You speak as if it is something horrible.
So you know of the Situation?
Of course I know about the Situation… somewhat.
We caused all of this problems in the first place. I can't remember exactly how that happened, if we do live in this Light Void or not, or how long we been sleeping before awakening... but I am sure of this:
Unless we revert this Situation…
We're all doomed to fates worst than death.
and their plights intensify...