- Command: Ener: Give the other furry dude your blue ball to see if they like blue too. :3Maddox & Ener: Pinch Each other to see If this is Actually happening.
Ener isn't sure if he want to share his BLUE ORB or wants to use one. Ener stormed to the back of room in complete shock, hyperventilating like crazy. And he's not insane.
Maddox can also see the furry canine-like being as well as it mysteriously slipped through the heavy, bone-crushing currents of the waterfall without much of scratches or bruises. Its frame is slightly shorter and slender than Ener's and its ear-flaps and furs are shaped and flowed just slightly different comparing to Ener's.

What's wrong?
*pants pants pants pants pants pants*
Ener, calm down! Take a deep breath and...
Teyri? What are you doing here?!
What am I doing here? I am.. not sure. ..
Teyri? Ener, do you know this being?
Yeah I do.
She's my mate.
Your wife?!