- Maddox: Ask Danel what to do with Acid.
Ener: Act Tough
Kelen: Recover from Epic Pawnage.
Hey, Daniel. We created a BEAKER OF PROXI ACID. You have a feeling about how to use it?
Oh! You can use that on the VAULT DOOR'S SECURITY LOCKS! The DOOR HANDLE is manual so you can open it. Don't think about using it on the SOUTHERN DOOR'S CARD READER. The DOOR might lock itself if you tamper with it or damage it.

That's what I was thinking. Thanks. And hope you're all right, Kelen. Sorry about Ener's VIGOR ATTACK.
I will be fine. I suffered worst than that.
- Command: Maddox: Fry the lock in a manner not similar to a puzzle from Submachine 4 at all in any way ever.

Poured the contents of PROXI ACID all over it...

And melted the LOCKS! No weird explosion or creepy beeps or anything occurred, the metals simply melted with soft bubbly hisses as they flows downward along the DOOR before drying up instantly in just mere seconds.