Command: Ener: Question frumpled flesh lump's health and events leading to his decline in skeletal structure and proportions.
Grawr, you're more of hideous monster than before. Why is that?
I still take offense to that, critter!
Why are you so twisty and bendy and now so large?
It just does! I don't know why, but at least it gave me flexibility I needed to navigate through some tight cracks and holes and vents. Although, I am kinda stuck here now.
I think something's happening to you and many others we met. You're twisty and bendy, Doctor Dodd and Elouf all hollow and super strong, Ulom is endlessly hungry, and Kelen is now just a head with tentacles neck.
And I seen lot of other people being all weird too. How come you and Maddox are so normal?
We're not the only one normal. You seen Quall and Elouf before, right? They said they saw you all twisty and bendy at the WAITING ROOM.
Oh yeah... that's right. They were normal too. Or at least looks normal.