Maddox: tell pipe room computer to open all doors except waiting room north door
but but...
what about,
COMMAND: Ener: Use CROWBAR at the eastern door at PIPES ROOM1
COMMAND: ENER: Fill Maddox in on everything discussed with QUALL and ELOUF, as basic plot-hole prevention 101 practice dictates.
Chat about various plot expositions until the door opens.
Ok, that was quite enough of my ranting… you all right there?
Your rants scare me and intrigue me :3
Sad to say that I have a bad case of hot temper… you just have to deal with it from time to time. So, you have been exploring deep into this corridor areas. Did you find anything interesting?
Oh, about the LEAVES that we collected… they have healing quality!
Ah, that will be useful when we get into accidents or fights. Anything else?
Beside the LOGS we found, I met couple of animal friends :3
Oh you found others? Who?
Elouf the slender rodent male being and Quall the sleek amphibian hermaphrodite being. You know, now that I think about it… they sounds familiar...
For some reason, the names sound familiar to me as well… Were their bodies all twisty and bendy like Daniel? Are they being assholes to you like Kelen?
Nah. They're nice and perfectly normal. Elouf seems kinda bit impatient and Quall may be a bit weird, but they're cute and friendly :3
I am gonna ignore those last few words and ask you if they know anything about what the heck been going on here and what the weird light void from outside is.
No, they didn't either.
Well, that's just great. All of people we met since our awakenings haven't got a damn clue about anything…
Grawr! But they do have theories!
Well that's new. I bet they explored long enough to decipher by themselves as best they could… let hear them.
Ok, I will put this in a list:
- all of this could be a one big dream
- a shared consciousness
- memory experiment
- result of massive war
- we could come from a different realm, whatever that is
- bite me, we might have been living here all of time!
- related to the Awakening Event
- one giant stimulation
What a list… I haven't even thought of what could have happened here. Heck, I haven't got a faintest idea of the works they did. Speaking of work, did you offer to join force with them?
Actually, they offered that to us! After we all meet with Doctor Dodd and asking questions, we four could join force and work together to find the way out or at least find the answer to the situation that caused all of this problem.
That's what I like to hear. So you know the next step after this? What about those doors?
I wanted to explore them, but Elouf and Quall said not to. The west is locked down because of "unstable nature" or something. The north is also locked to keep Ulom the Cannibal at bay. And the east is Doctor Dodd's Lab where we have to wait for our number to be called.
And our number is 19. Gonna take a while.
So what's the deal about Doctor Dodd? Why are Elouf and Quall spending possibly hours waiting for him to call their number?
They said they heard from someone they met that Doctor Dodd is tirelessly researching on understanding the Situation, whatever that is. While he's very busy, he take his time off by letting two people in at a time to ask questions and share information. If Elouf and Quall are doing that with us next in line, then us four will have greater knowledge and use it as means and powers to solve all of this, if possible.
Nice foresight. Ok, this I can go along with. Did you see anyone else coming out of the Lab or waiting for the number to be called?
No, I wasn't there long. Elouf and Quall mentioned that they saw Daniel waiting for his number to be called until he was contacted by the Engineer about a job.
Oh, the Engineer.
Yeah. Elouf and Quall also mentioned that Kelen the Nurse accepted the job from the Engineer as well.
That bitch, too? What did that Engineer see in her?
Not sure. She did have an "encyclopedia mind" or so they said. Kelen was the one who mentioned about the Awakening Event that may or may not be related to all of this. Awakening Event is...
The Awakening Event is the spontaneous and rapid evolutionary event where all creatures of the realm gained the awareness of one-self. Or the awakening of consciousness. It said that we gained the ability to think rationally and irrationally and acquired wider range of emotions. Most of creatures went mad from the realization of one-self since they didn't know what to do with the newly developed traits. Some isolated themselves from others out of fear, some fought each other out of spite in small quarrels or bloody wars to assume dominance, and some made successful mass suicide attempts to free themselves from the harsh confine of reality.
Grawr! You do know about it!
Well, duh. She mentioned that to me as well. Before I met you.
But I should be asking you if you or Elouf or Quall know or or what is this Engineer and what is he/she/it doing with Daniel and Kelen?
We all don't know who this Engineer is, but they think the Engineer is trying to get the Situation under control by assigning tasks to different people.
Now how's that suppose to help?!
So nobody else can fall into doom?
Gah… I suppose. But still, why?
Because the Manager is stuck somewhere and Doctor Dodd is busy with his research. Seems like the Engineer is actively... trying to help?
Hmmmm… Manager. Engineer. Doctor Dodd. They were mentioned quite often in the notes we came across since our awakenings.
Grawr? So you think the Engineer…
Think about it, he must has responsibility over some sort of the Experiments here alongside with the Manager and Doctor Dodd. With the two seemly out of picture, the Engineer assumes his responsibility and try to find the answer to this situation. We just need to know what kind of Situation we are in.
Which Doctor Dodd might knows. Could the Situation relates to anything about the Experiments?
I am not sure…
Do you know what the Experiments are?
I don't know! I am not the person to ask.
I am just asking because as odd as it sounds… I faintly remember about the Experiments. And Doctor Dodd.
You know, I too have a vague recollections of the Experiments in my head. And Doctor Dodd. And the Manager as well.
And I am the Manager's employee. This I am definitely sure about.
I don't think I am a worker here... Am I one of the volunteers the logs mentioned about?
Will Doctor Dodd be able to answer those questions?
Can't hurt to ask.