COMMAND: MADDOX: Input "Open the DOOR on the WESTERN wall." to the COMPUTER.
Wouldn't works because the DOOR CONSOLE on the wall is broken and the COMPUTER doesn't have the functionality of opening it.
COMMAND: Ener: Ask Elouf and Quall for their theories, and take a leaf off the plant for its healing properties for later.
So what's your theories?
Let see, where to start...
I always theorized that we could be in dream.
As if that's plausible... we could be in a shared consciousness. Our ideas could have damaged everything.
Shared consciousness required a foundation of thought which is controlled by one and only one being.
Oh quiet... let see... oh yeah, it could all be the memory experiment, distorting our...
That still didn't explain the light void and the fractured environments we are in. There could have been a great battle from all sides that resulted in this.
Hello? The light void? Still didn't explains it. And if we did came from all of different sides, how can we understand each other? We may come from one big culture. Maybe we came from the other realm.
Have you considered the possibilities that we could been LIVING in this light void realm all of time?
I did, but we should be able to remember it... creature minds are tricky things... I remember Kelen said back then that all of this could have been related to the Awakening Event a long time ago where most of creatures gained self-awareness.
But how does our bodies go back a step in evolution? Another theory of mine is that all of this could have been one big stimulation.
Yes, that the one we agreed on... but I can't quite be sure yet... That's why we're going to ask Doctor Dodd about all of this.
Doctor Dodd?
He's in the LAB over to the EAST.
Let me check and get that PLANT.
Explore the other doors.
I don't think you should do that.
Why not?
Because beyond the WESTERN DOOR is quite unstable. And we are blocking the door behind us to keep anyone from possibly freeing that maniac inside. And the EASTERN DOOR is locked by Doctor Dodd. He's only letting in few people at a time by calling the number. We are here to meet with Doctor Dodd so we can ask him if he know anything about the situation.
If you don't have a NUMBER SLIP, you can't meet with him. He's very busy with his research on this Situation or so I heard.