- COMMAND: ENER: Check the above floor and the doors
A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Check the above floor and the doors

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
COMMAND: Ener: Go upstairs to see what clicked.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: Ener: Go upstairs to see what clicked
Ener is already upstair. And he's sure that the click is coming from this door.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- I posted like 10 seconds after you did, sorry.
oh xD heh.I posted like 10 seconds after you did, sorry.
well what next, guys?can't leave poor Ener staring at the door all day long
- ^COMMAND: Ener: Open the door with your crowbar.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
^COMMAND: Ener: Open the door with your crowbar.
FUCK YEAH! Ener's getting very impatient that he can only express through his physical brutality!COMMAND: ENER: BEASTLY CROWBAR VIGOR TIME!!!

OMG, I need to stay away from this picture... how tedious.
Ener getting to the working on the stupid door.

Soon the door mechanism begin to click and whirs to life!

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: Melt the door with your welder.
EDIT: Dammit.
COMMAND: ENER: Go to that room.
Nah, I like it.OMG, I need to stay away from this picture... how tedious.
That would've been fun...But probably wouldn't have worked (it might not have been able to melt).COMMAND: Melt the door with your welder.
COMMAND: Ener: Enter da hallway.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: Melt the door with your welder.That would've been fun...But probably wouldn't have worked (it might not have been able to melt).
- COMMAND: ENER: Go to that room.COMMAND: Ener: Enter da hallway.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- What the heck. More furries.
COMMAND: ENER: Speak to them.
- A Kangaroo O.o
And that number thing again... (
What Vurn said)
- WTF?? lol
COMMAND: Ener: Talk to the starnge misterious creatures and ask them if they know who they are and where they are.
MADDOX: Put ID CARD (Maddox's one)on WEIRD DEVICE next to the COUCH. I have a good feeling about that one....maybe.
(i wrote Ener,instead of Maddox, first time. sorry)
EDIT: Oh, the left creature is simillar to Mew2!
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- MADDOX: Put ID CARD (Maddox's one)on WEIRD DEVICE next to the COUCH. I have a good feeling about that one....maybe.

He didn't have a WELDER to navigate in the DARK CORRIDOR ROOM. And he still didn't have a SPARE CORD for the power in that dark room.
- A Kangaroo O.o
Or a lizard!
and the other one looks bit like a rodent :3
- COMMAND: ENER: Speak to them.

Hey, can you at least politely introduce yourself?
- COMMAND: Ener: Talk to the starnge misterious creatures and ask them if they know who they are and where they are.

Grawr, sorry about that. I am Ener! What are you guys? Or gal?
I am Elouf, a male rat. And this amphibian hermaphrodite next to me is Quall.
Croak! Are you a male canine?
I think so. At least, I look like one. You know where you are?
Unfortunately, not really. We don't even remember what the odd "light void" outside is. You seen it, I suppose?