- Ener should remember all those colorful wires on the right wall and go over to them
A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- Ener should remember all those colorful wires on the right wall and go over to them
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND ENER: twist the blue wire AROUND the red in order to create an inductive shunt, then atatch the green wire to the nearest metal object using your welder as a soldering iron. (this should ground the chamber and SAFLEY reroute the power without tripping any phase detectors)
- Ener got Gordon Freeman'd.
COMMAND: ENER: Pick up the pipe off the floor and weld it back into place (fixing the broken pipe with all the spewing blue magic fairy dust)
- Command: Ignore the pain.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- Command: Ignore the pain.
Ener quickly ignores the pain and wades toward the WIRES.
- COMMAND ENER: twist the blue wire AROUND the red in order to create an inductive shunt, then atatch the green wire to the nearest metal object using your welder as a soldering iron. (this should ground the chamber and SAFLEY reroute the power without tripping any phase detectors)
There's no way in heck that...
Wait a minute!
Aww forget it. He's smarter than I thought.
What's next?
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Look around.
- Ener got Gordon Freeman'd.
- I have no idea whut to do now ._.
- lolwut?
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Look around.
- He stubbed his toe on the crowbar (I think >_>).
Good thing Maddox didn't see him kick his toes and igniting the OUCH PARTY! That tail-less being would never let him live this down if he does ._.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Take the crowbar.
- Does ENER have the screwdriver?
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Take the crowbar.
Ener acquired... a CROWBAR! One can feels like an ultimate bad-ass of all bad-asses with this baby :3
- Does ENER have the screwdriver?
Maddox has the SCREWDRIVER as Ener took a look at the INVENTORY.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- Wait.. if ener hasn't got a screwdriver, what's that yellow thing with metal thing?
(second from the right, upper part of inventory)
That's a SCREWDRIVER. If you look carefully enough, it in MADDOX's possession, which is clearly labeled under the color-coded boxesWait.. if ener hasn't got a screwdriver, what's that yellow thing with metal thing?
(second from the right, upper part of inventory)
- COMMAND: ENER: Use CROWBAR to open the PANELS. In other words, WRECK HAVOC!
- @Ant: If I am not mistaken, your sig says: "Cats have lovely art of Release".
Command: Get the screwdriver from Madox, then do what Anteroinen said.
Google translator says(find language to Polish):"Cats have lovely art of Release".
"い の cute technika ucieczki kota"
which is.. "い の cute technique of escape of a cat"
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Use CROWBAR to open the PANELS. In other words, WRECK HAVOC!
Ener realized the fact that he couldn't handle TWO ITEMS at the same time very well...
- Command: Get the screwdriver from Madox, then do what Anteroinen said.
Maddox! Can I have a SCREWDRIVER?
Can I have my LIGHTER + WELDER back? I been standing on this LADDER for gosh darn too long. I can't see well in this darkness to do anything.