Doctor Who Discussion
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
So she was actually that annoying girl out of the dalek episode? I honestly thought they could only write one female character and they just kept re-using her.
I'm not a latin popstar.
- subnet traveller
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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Yeah...and she "died twice," so now the Doctor's on a mission for who knows what to make this girl his companion, I guess?
Okay, The Doctor's living in the 1890s for no reason whatsoever other than to be miserable - Sure, understandable. But now put in the plotline of how the same girl who thought she was human and turned out to be a Dalek....
Okay, The Doctor's living in the 1890s for no reason whatsoever other than to be miserable - Sure, understandable. But now put in the plotline of how the same girl who thought she was human and turned out to be a Dalek....
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
I only watched up to the 'takes one to snow one' joke, so I don't know how it ended.
I'm not sure I care either...
I'm not sure I care either...
I'm not a latin popstar.
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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
You don't need to care.
The funny part is I barely remember that joke being said XD But I was actually curious about the "memory snow"...It seemed very contrived, as with most Moffat plotlines.
The funny part is I barely remember that joke being said XD But I was actually curious about the "memory snow"...It seemed very contrived, as with most Moffat plotlines.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Is moffat the writer nowadays? What's Russell T Davis up to?
he's the only other one I can remember.
he's the only other one I can remember.
I'm not a latin popstar.
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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Davies left a few years back.
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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Heres my thoughts on the newest christmas episode:
Its crap.
Riddled with cliches, awful puns and cheap jokes.
For example:
The memory worm.
When it is first introduced the handler fails because when he touches he loses an hour of memory.
And hes too stupid to put on gloves.
Why even have that in the episode.
Why waste that amount of time just going through some awful joke routine that seems either a throwaway gag or obvoiusly something top be used later.
I dont want your damn throwaway gag, i want plot! Not just some cheesey extension for a joke that makes me cringe.
The whole thing is full of things like that.
Why have a magic invisible yet completely conspicuous staircase that leads through to the clouds when you have a box that PEOPLE DONT NOTICE.
Why have that bloody sherlock holmes thing?
The guy sees the ALIEN LIZARD who sherlock is "based on" and what suprises him most?
Oh, nothing really except for the fact that its a female alien space lizard.
Do the victorian people have a built in perception filter against the very very strange, but not the strange?
Also when the reincarnalady falls from a cloud, why not do the riversong thing?
You know, just park the TARDIS sideways and open up the pool for buisness?
How silly.
Its crap.
Riddled with cliches, awful puns and cheap jokes.
For example:
The memory worm.
When it is first introduced the handler fails because when he touches he loses an hour of memory.
And hes too stupid to put on gloves.
Why even have that in the episode.
Why waste that amount of time just going through some awful joke routine that seems either a throwaway gag or obvoiusly something top be used later.
I dont want your damn throwaway gag, i want plot! Not just some cheesey extension for a joke that makes me cringe.
The whole thing is full of things like that.
Why have a magic invisible yet completely conspicuous staircase that leads through to the clouds when you have a box that PEOPLE DONT NOTICE.
Why have that bloody sherlock holmes thing?
The guy sees the ALIEN LIZARD who sherlock is "based on" and what suprises him most?
Oh, nothing really except for the fact that its a female alien space lizard.
Do the victorian people have a built in perception filter against the very very strange, but not the strange?
Also when the reincarnalady falls from a cloud, why not do the riversong thing?
You know, just park the TARDIS sideways and open up the pool for buisness?
How silly.

- subnet traveller
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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
You're absolutely right, Al. I mean, for starters, they had a veil on the Silurian, but not all the time, and yet it was accepted as the norm - Except for when the Captain and the maid encounter the Doctor and all of them in the hall running from the previous Nanny's ice-form, then it's a big WTF moment for the maid. Before that, did Clara really think yelling to the sky, "DOCTOR?!" would do any good? It seems she's clever and smart, yet THAT was the best way Moffat thought Clara could meet the Silurian and her wife?
Bringing back Strax too, I don't really see why...
Edit: Except for the Memory Worm pun, that's really all Strax was good for, and he wasn't even good at that.
To have the Memory Worm incorporated at all was really nonsense.
Bringing back Strax too, I don't really see why...
Edit: Except for the Memory Worm pun, that's really all Strax was good for, and he wasn't even good at that.
To have the Memory Worm incorporated at all was really nonsense.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Well... I don't know why you guys are complaining about the silliness. I mean that's always been a part of DW, even in the classic series', and especially the Christmas episodes.
That scene where Strax wanders back saying "What memory worm?" was actually a highlight for me (Which says something about the episode), but that was because the Christmas specials have always been the time where all the family sit down and watch the Doctor (try to) have a nice break from the constant war against all evil. It's meant to be lighthearted and fun, with a threat but not an apocalyptic one, so that everyone of all ages can watch a silly threat being lazily and comically stopped by a silly man with a blue box while constantly moaning about how it's not actually snowing properly.
I don't want the Christmas episodes trying to continue the overarching plotline, the specials are for fun.
But that doesn't excuse them from having plot holes the size of Canada in them. Like I said earlier, Moffat is producing nonsensical crap. That's what I'm mostly pissed off at him for.
Take last year's special for example; Doctor and co. on a cruise ship, for some reason it's crashing into the planet. - Alright, I can over look that there isn't a reason why this ship is crashing, after all you have to have some creative leeway in coming up with a plot.
Everyone's going to die pretty damn soon. - Ah, and I presume the Doctor doesn't have the TARDIS to save them.
Nope, the Doctor has his TARDIS. - Sooooo... He can't use it because of the atmospheric interference resonating in the cloud crystals?
Nope, he can use it just fine to go where/when ever he wants. - Oh... But...
So he has to convince Scrooge by showing him the past, present and future to "unlock" the clouds. - But why can't he...
But then Scrooge can't do it anyway because the controls now won't let him (because for some reason they're set to brainwaves instead of DNA). - Well, a) That's an anticlimax and b) The Doctor can just...
So then Scrooge has to give up the love of his life in order to- WHOA, hold it right there Moffat. I've had enough of this crap. Even an idiot would ask the question why can't the Doctor use the TARDIS to either ferry the people off or, seeing as the TARDIS can pull a PLANET through time and space, pull the ship to safety.
"Oh... I didn't think of that." says Moffat, "Anyway for the next episode I was thinking about having the bad guys as the Angels, then for the next episode have the Angels as the baddies. And then after that we could have the Angels as the threat. And just when everyone thinks it's all fine they get attacked by the Angels... And then-" - Okay Moffat, here's a vat of acid... do everyone a favour and dip your head in it.
Anyway, I got a bit convoluted there. My point is I'm not angry at Moffat for the silliness, I'm angry about the things that don't make a damn bit of sense.*
I've recently started to imagine that back with RTD, Moffat was the compulsory politically correct bat-shit mental retard the BBC dumped on them. And in meetings and things he was chained to a chair, screaming out random stupid ideas and after a while they'd have to sedate him.
But one day he blurts out the idea for the Angels and RTD goes "You know, that's actually not a bad idea. Perhaps you're not completely hopeless..." And then Moffat follows the idea by screaming "AND THEN GIANT BADGERS WITH JAM FOR HANDS EAT PLUTO. WHICH UPSETS THE SENTIENT GOAT CHEESE OF THE PLANET OGOGOGOG..." And RTD proceeds to tranquilise him.
*And how he can't tell a story and how his plotlines are more tangled than a bramble patch, making it incredibly difficult to follow along with the story sometimes.
But on the other hand; lesbian lizard woman... Ayyyyy.
That scene where Strax wanders back saying "What memory worm?" was actually a highlight for me (Which says something about the episode), but that was because the Christmas specials have always been the time where all the family sit down and watch the Doctor (try to) have a nice break from the constant war against all evil. It's meant to be lighthearted and fun, with a threat but not an apocalyptic one, so that everyone of all ages can watch a silly threat being lazily and comically stopped by a silly man with a blue box while constantly moaning about how it's not actually snowing properly.
I don't want the Christmas episodes trying to continue the overarching plotline, the specials are for fun.
But that doesn't excuse them from having plot holes the size of Canada in them. Like I said earlier, Moffat is producing nonsensical crap. That's what I'm mostly pissed off at him for.
Take last year's special for example; Doctor and co. on a cruise ship, for some reason it's crashing into the planet. - Alright, I can over look that there isn't a reason why this ship is crashing, after all you have to have some creative leeway in coming up with a plot.
Everyone's going to die pretty damn soon. - Ah, and I presume the Doctor doesn't have the TARDIS to save them.
Nope, the Doctor has his TARDIS. - Sooooo... He can't use it because of the atmospheric interference resonating in the cloud crystals?
Nope, he can use it just fine to go where/when ever he wants. - Oh... But...
So he has to convince Scrooge by showing him the past, present and future to "unlock" the clouds. - But why can't he...
But then Scrooge can't do it anyway because the controls now won't let him (because for some reason they're set to brainwaves instead of DNA). - Well, a) That's an anticlimax and b) The Doctor can just...
So then Scrooge has to give up the love of his life in order to- WHOA, hold it right there Moffat. I've had enough of this crap. Even an idiot would ask the question why can't the Doctor use the TARDIS to either ferry the people off or, seeing as the TARDIS can pull a PLANET through time and space, pull the ship to safety.
"Oh... I didn't think of that." says Moffat, "Anyway for the next episode I was thinking about having the bad guys as the Angels, then for the next episode have the Angels as the baddies. And then after that we could have the Angels as the threat. And just when everyone thinks it's all fine they get attacked by the Angels... And then-" - Okay Moffat, here's a vat of acid... do everyone a favour and dip your head in it.
Anyway, I got a bit convoluted there. My point is I'm not angry at Moffat for the silliness, I'm angry about the things that don't make a damn bit of sense.*
I've recently started to imagine that back with RTD, Moffat was the compulsory politically correct bat-shit mental retard the BBC dumped on them. And in meetings and things he was chained to a chair, screaming out random stupid ideas and after a while they'd have to sedate him.
But one day he blurts out the idea for the Angels and RTD goes "You know, that's actually not a bad idea. Perhaps you're not completely hopeless..." And then Moffat follows the idea by screaming "AND THEN GIANT BADGERS WITH JAM FOR HANDS EAT PLUTO. WHICH UPSETS THE SENTIENT GOAT CHEESE OF THE PLANET OGOGOGOG..." And RTD proceeds to tranquilise him.
*And how he can't tell a story and how his plotlines are more tangled than a bramble patch, making it incredibly difficult to follow along with the story sometimes.
But on the other hand; lesbian lizard woman... Ayyyyy.
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"It's a really, really, really big universe and everything that can happen does happen." - Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw
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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Not sure if a furry joke would be appropriate here or not.But on the other hand; lesbian lizard woman... Ayyyyy.
Bugger it, i'll just put a "I see what you may/may not have done there" reaction face amd hope for the best.