My opinions:
Sub0: I didn't feel that fear, maybe because the title actualy make my feeling that I'm was in an adventure.
Sub1: I don't feel any fear here, I'm just feel that I'm playing a game.
Sub2: I agree that Sub2 is creepy and scary than other Submachines.
Sub3: The game isn't scary for me, at least because of the music of the intro, which I found fun. However, the expretion "It just YOU, and the MACHINE" still impacts me everytime I read it.
Sub4: For me this is the least scariest Submachine of all. The Lab is like a home place, even if its abandoned, you also find more sings of life, and the void makes the places more open. Also, you visit places that resambles places from previous Submachines and there is that lucky room with that happy music. I find this game funny, but nothing scary.
Sub32: Okay, we don't have any idea of what this place is, but I had the same feeling of Sub0.
SubFLF: This Submachine is weird, but not scary.
Sub5: Those rusty root places can be creepy for someone, but at least not for my, because the root actualy looks like my basement.
Sub6: This Submachine actualy surprised me with all the technology a submachine can have.
Sub7: What Gemini said.
Sub8: For me this Submachine is the second more creepy after Sub2.
SubVerse: I think that since it has loot of content it can be variable, however, I see this Submachine a bit empty due the lack of interactivity and puzzles, however, Mateusz hopefully plans to had those. 472 is for me the most scariest location of all.
Sub9: This Submachine will make me remember a game I played long time ago.
After all, I actually don't care if Submachine haunts me, because I don't think is supossed to be like that. Submachine is that epic adventure of strange machines and characters, whose porpuse and story is revealed with the pass of the time as you play the series.