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Re: rant board

Post by Vortex »

Really? I knew it's expensive, but I didn't know it's the most expensive :O
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Re: rant board

Post by Weary With Toil »

Not sure where to post this, but I'm watching a documentary called "9/11: Phonecalls from the Towers". Absolutely devastating. Friends and families talking about and sharing the recordings of the voicemails left by their loved ones who died. Of all the things I've seen and read about that day, this is definitely the most effective at humanising the impact of it.

Just devastating.
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Re: rant board

Post by - ak - »

I'll never forget that day. It was when I was just a week into my first year at High School when everyone in school got caught up with news on TV.

That left an imprint that I don't think will ever washed away. My world changed back then.
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Re: rant board

Post by crested »

:( sorry to hear that Gem...
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Re: rant board

Post by AristocratLolita »

gemini wrote:So my brother has found himself in jail, sleeping with big bubba. Him and his ex (she is now his ex) got into it, and he ended up wailing on her, and got himself an assault and battery/domestic violence charge. He's spent the last two days (I found out today, he's been in jail since 9/10) calling up family members and asking for bail money. What is even more disgusting is, he called up his ex, the one he got physical with and demanded she bail him out of jail.

I'm pissed about that because he rarely kept in contact with the family. After he got out of the army, he just disconnected from us, we rarely ever heard from him. The only times, were when he found himself in trouble and needed money, or a place to sleep. And how he's in jail and wants us to come and rescue him? Me and him have never really had the best relationship and he calls me up today, asking me to bail him out. Even if I had the $500 bail, I wouldn't do it. I don't believe in baling people out, I admit, I've been to jail myself, once. That happened nine years ago. I've never been back since and don't plan on it.

My parents didn't bail me out, actually I didn't even asked to be bailed out, I just did my time and paid my dues.

I just don't get it, he treats the family like they don't exist, but when shit hits the fan, he comes crawling back. And he gets upset, that he gets turned down. This is his fault, not ours. We've done the best we can, he just doesn't care.

I feel bad for him. He's unemployed, he doesn't have anywhere to go. He's shit on so many family members, nobody wants him around. He can't live with me, can't live with my parents. Once he gets out of jail, he's homeless. And he will probably end up back in jail, on the account of not being able to pay the court costs and other fines, especially the charges that were pressed against him.

I went over to his ex's apartment yesterday with my dad. We paid the rent (that is what this all was about, she just asked my brother for $50 to pay the rest of the rent that was due and he attacked her) for her, and also gave her enough for next month's rent. I took her out to dinner and we also got his stuff from the apartment.

I feel really bad for her. She is hurt physically and emotionally. I told her, that she deserves much better and I am sorry for the way my family member treated her, its not the way we were raised. We were not raised to attack people, especially women.

I'm thinking perhaps on Friday I'll go up to the jail and visit him. I'm not going to bail him out, nobody is. He can sit there for as long as the county can keep him.

I know exactly how you feel! I have two cousins that are a shame to my family. They treat their girlfriends like crap, they have kids and don't take care of them, they get drunk and high and get themselves arrested and expect other family members to bail them out. It's truly exhausting, especially for one of my uncles that one of my cousins was mooching off of even though my uncle has two babies and a teenage girl to raise.
You can love them to death, but you can't help people who don't want to be helped.

You are truly brave for sharing. Just know that you are not alone. :)
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Re: rant board

Post by The Kakama »

My final year exam starts tomorrow, makes me nervous.
Is this my final form?
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Re: rant board

Post by The Abacus »

Hope you do well :)
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Re: rant board

Post by Sublevel 114 »

goodluck, Kakama.
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Re: rant board

Post by Boingo »

Don't procrastinate :mrgreen:
Good luck :)
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Re: rant board

Post by The Kakama »

Thanks. :)
Is this my final form?
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