Mr. Stick starts to examine room.
Examine sink (?)
Mr. Stick examines STAND. it is made from some white material, and reminds sink... But there isn't water pipe, tap or sink hole. No writings or drawings on it. It is just stand with perfectly spherically-round concave.
It also reminds some museum exhibit...
Use the long metal stick to touch the square in the top.
It is too high! Mr. Stick can't reach it even with long metal stick!
Even if he will stand on STAND.
Try to put the cube on the stand if its not heavy enough.
Mr. Stick tries to pick up METAL CUBE...
WTF??? he can't raise it even on single centimeter!!! Or it is TOO HEAVY, or it is screwed to the floor...
Also, Mr. Stick notices that left side of metal cube has something.
It isn't hole, and it isn't bulge. It is part of cube's side.
I suspect that the rod is stuck to the floor or locked...
Yep. VERY LONG METAL STICK under TABLE is screwed to the floor with one bolt.
See whats in the square hole in the bottom-left corner of the room.
Simple small square FLOOR HOLE is plenty deep. The hole is lighted well, so mr. Stick can see what is on the bottom: some metal instrument. As mr. Stick can see, it is kind of heavy item, not like light keycard, so this time he can't just use rubber tube to get it...
Maybe he need to hook it with something?..
Grab the portable stairs.
Mr. Stick takes portable stairs, But, to use it, he need to open lock that keeps stairs in locked state.
Wait and then turn off the lights to see hidden messages on the walls.
Mr. Stick turns off the lights.