Submachine 1: the Basement

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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by borys610 »

It was on Pastel Stories I think. I mean link to it,because it was audio version.
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Rooster5man wrote:You're part right on the second: I'm pretty sure Mateusz said we're human (which is why my "Player is a Sub-bot" sort-of Theory is Debunked, Vortex said Mateusz said so at least.)

So you're saying fixing the tiles into their spot created a sort-of flashback for the Player, and, from there, we somehow wound up in the Lighthouse?
Close, I meant it had a similar transaction the Player went though as the Key Card did. The Elevator had the same function as the arm in the Film did, a way of moving out of the non-existing place. the Tiles had the same function as the light bulb and film had, to enable the transaction to happen. And the scene of us walking out of the basement at the end of Sub 1, had the same function as the Lens of the Camera had, A way of leaving where you were.
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by Rooster5man »

borys610 wrote:It was on Pastel Stories I think. I mean link to it,because it was audio version.
Oh, that - Ant made the "script" to that, see if he has it. (unless you want me to)
Close, I meant it had a similar transaction the Player went though as the Key Card did. The Elevator had the same function as the arm in the Film did, a way of moving out of the non-existing place. the Tiles had the same function as the light bulb and film had, to enable the transaction to happen. And the scene of us walking out of the basement at the end of Sub 1, had the same function as the Lens of the Camera had, A way of leaving where you were.
I suppose, but that would mean a sort-of virtual reality, or even something relating to The Ring - How she can come out of the TV.

Maybe it was an old way of teleportation, pre-dating Portals and Movers: Using your mind to get there, perhaps? (which would help my "Wisdom Energy" Theory, but perhaps I'm looking too much into it.)
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Maybe not the ring kind of program created thing. Because the Key Card was already existing in the real world of the Submachine. Because of the fact Mur would have to use it to open the Portal. But the technology is more of a Storing kind of Technology.

Like in Submachine FLF. We went through a projector to regain our memory. It was at the other end of the Projector that the Person we are playing said he had to go to the ROOT of all of this.

The Room with the Film! It was title "Storage"! Maybe it meant more than one kind of Storage. Like it not only held slides, but whole department in that place. It had to be, we inserted the slide into a slide reader, like the Movie Memory was. We entered a place that look only like a Picture from the other side! Just like the Movie Memory was from the lens!

Eureka! We discovered another form of Submachine Technology!
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by The Kakama »

Did we really ENTER the picture, or did we just entered via a duplicate of ourselves?
Plus, FLF isn't canon.
Same with the projector in sub2, maybe it was a duplicate of our hand.
But same basic idea.
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by Sublevel 114 »

You know, original Submachine hasn't menu, and it has unique opening, where word "SUBMACHINE" appears and disappears on screen... Mateusz even said: Maybe that’s what caught the imagination of so many… And I agree! :D

But today in dream I saw another Sub1 opening! Maybe I will make it, in gif format? As fan work.
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by Vortex »

Do it :D
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by bender »

Make an explosion on the background
Bender sucks
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by Sublevel 114 »

Will we visit the Basement in Submachine 10?..

And can original basement be part of the Core?..
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Re: Submachine 1: the Basement

Post by The Abacus »

Just because the sub8 and sub3 mirror each other does not mean we will visit the basement in sub10. We didn't visit the loop in sub8, now did we?
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