I had dream I was on a flight to Berlin (For some reason I remember that specific detail) Then the plane gets lost and we end up in some kind of museum, where the ground floor has been flooded. I end up swimming around in the water looking for a particular exhibit, but I didn't find it.
From there the dream twists around, and I am with a group of thieves who are on the run from the mayor. For some reason they are hiding out is tower block and the mayor decides to send a Mi-24 helicopter gunship after them (Best bit of the dream, it was like an action movie). The tower block is blown into rubble, so I flee to the railway tracks next door, where I go to sleep on a random bed in the middle of the tracks. The next morning I wake up and see the mayor's house is right in front of the railway tracks.
The dream fell apart after that, but it was nice while it lasted.
Too many Bond movies. Surely you can't have too many Bond movies?
Well, I suppose watching goldeneye twice in a week may have been a bit excessive...
Also, I had a really freaky dream last night, I'll tell you about it some day.
Well, my phone has just been a dick and wiped it's memory, so my dream record which I wrote down on it has been wiped.
I have to tell you the most recent one, while I can still remember it.
it starts with me driving down south somewhere to visit an old family friend. When I get there, it's very snowy, which is odd because the snow has all melted in real life now. (And the snow disappears halfway through the dream)
We engage in small talk for a while, then we decide to walk down the canal near his house. The family friend (I can't remember his name, so I will call him Bob) and his wife are going to take us to their allotment, which is down the canal.
The canal is iced over, and full of boats. The path is also very slippy, and iced up. Someone remarks about not wanting to fall in the water so close to Chernobyl. This throws me off a bit, because I thought we where in the UK, not Russia, and also how could we get so close to the radioactive zone? We carry on walking, and see lots of factories polluting the water and air, lots of chemicals coming from pipes. When we get to the allotment, we cross a little bridge over a sluice run from one of the factories. Bob remarks about how I am standing directly above the source of the radiation. It's apparently something to do with two t-shirts from a dyeing company. We talk about the allotment for a while, and I try not to fall off the very slippy bank of the river.
We then head into town, and the snow disappears. We loose Bob and his wife, and go to the restaurant chain Nandos for lunch. The meal goes very quickly, and we are soon back on the streets.
My grandmother appears, and says she has just got off the bus (Despite this being the first time she appears in the dream, I thought she had been with us the whole time and am not surprised by her appearance). She complains about the street names around here (Whatever that means), and we set off to find my Grandfather. My Father sees a colleague from work, and we duck inside Nandos to avoid him (A bit impolite, I know). Inside Nandos, there's a riot going on. Three men are smashing up the counter with baseball bats. We sit and watch for a minute, until they leave, and service somehow resumes as normal. I suggest we get coffee so they don't throw us out.
After our coffee, We head outside, and rejoin with Bob and his wife, and my Grandfather. We now decide to go on a walk round the castle. When passing round the bottom, we see a very bizarre sight.
A man on a mobility scooter, wearing a metal eagles head on his head. I look up at the castle, and see a statue of an eagle with a missing head. He then drives his mobility scooter straight off the cliff into the nearby lake next to the road. We assume it was suicide, and don't even call the police or anything. We get to a group of houses, inhabited by rich people with private helicopters. Little children run around in a big communal field next to the houses. While passing through, I end up separated from my group, and agree to help a french teenager get a date with a girl. We cross a stile, and he walks along the road with a girl his age, chatting. I walk a few meters behind, like a bodyguard. Suddenly, they get into a land rover defender and drive off, leaving me in a muddy lay by alone. I try to pick my way through the mud, but I see in the mud a human arm (without body). I step over it, and ignore it, and carry on walking. Then my alarm goes off, and I wake up.
so what do you think eh? Pretty messed up right? I'll tell you what I think it means later, I have to go out right now.
Well, it has similarity to the Chernobyl Diary movie, which had two women going with their friends in the area, second that Arm in the Mud, I think its Murtaugh arm, the one he lost in Kent Falls. But the Castle and guy on a mobile scooter, and the fact it is in the UK, it somehow gives me the feeling that this takes place in Chernarus. Its a Russian location that doesn't exist in this realistic Survival zombie Apocalypse, and it does have a power plant, and some castle. Plus the guy on the scooter, in the game, its hard to get a working vehicle and you take what you can find that is working.
Plus the party with the Celebes, in another zombie story called World War Z, its like a documentary of a Zombie outbreak and how different people were able to tell their part of the story during that time. One of the story was a ex military guy who did private security for some rich people. When the Outbreak happen, they built a big mansion made to survive the Zombie outbreak, but what they did was have news crew, Celebes coming over like it was the Oscars. It got over run by people who weren't rich and wanted a safe place to stay.