That is like finding a bank with the worst credit score and saying "you're our guy!" Why does this continue, why haven't nations called us out on the debt?
I think you partly answered your own question. While that was a joke, it isn't insubstantial either. Then there are financial and general political aspects. One does not simply call others bad in politics. In Europe it seems we're just trying to not sink into another depression so American debt isn't exactly a priority. Trying to save Greece has been a hot potato for a while, so to speak.WE also have the largest and most well equipped army in the world. ... I hate this country sometimes...
I also read that articles that Rooster posted and this caught my eye:
I get that in America it is customary to tip, because culture, but that you have to tip? You are told to tip a certain percentage in the bill? Why don't you just add that to the price of the food in the first place, if it is too expensive for you to keep up? I'm perplexed.It began Jan. 25 when a customer who described herself on the receipt as a pastor shared appetizers with eight or nine friends at an Applebee's in south St. Louis. Applebee's spokesman Dan Smith said Friday that the group was large enough that an automatic 18 percent tip was added to the bill.