I kept on forgetting to get back to this.
So you admit your being Redundant when making these Theories.
That's not redundancy. A theory would only be redundant if it was already written before. If that is the case, then yes, it would be redundant a theory that has already been written.
I would take another glance at the Wiki just to be sure that hasn't been taken - Pretty sure that Cone wrote a Theory similar in nature to that subject. (Life Energy Theory)
I checked a while ago, it was pretty similar to what I had in mind. I only had an expansion of that theory.
I made the discussion about the "architects" being a metaphor into a theory:
“The Architects” is a Metaphor (Conspiracy) Theory
One could infer that whatever/whoever created or is the subnet is the "architects." I never looked at that last part literally, simply because the idea that such a major part of the subnet was created solely by people is not very appealing to me (nor did that thought ever enter my mind). We must be very careful not to confuse something metaphorical as literal, vice versa. In the sub9 theories and suggestions on the old forum there quite a few pages on the note with the mention of Alexander and a knot. If I recall correctly it turned out to be a reference to the about Alexander the Great and the Gordian Knot. This: "who needs god when you have architects like that?" is, after all, a rhetorical question, so we must be more careful in deciding whether the mention of architects is only a metaphor or not.
Not too long ago, I had an idea about karma energy being the utilisation of quantum mechanics. Unfortunately I don't know enough on the subject to write a theory about it. And after all, no one has really understood quantum mechanics in the first place, so it will take a while to write the theory.

Balance is imperative; without it, total collapse and destruction is imminent.